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1Treatment of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder: a systematic reviewIjedo05
2Development of the CBT-E Components Checklist: A tool for measuring therapist self-rated adherence to CBT-EIjedo04
3Enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents with eating disorders: A systematic review of current status and future perspectivesIjedo03
4Weight phobia or overvaluation of shape and weight? A cognitive analysis of the core psychopathology of anorexia nervosaIjedo02
5Regular eating, not intermittent fasting, is the best strategy for a healthy eating controlIjedo02
6Evaluating renal function and defining protein requirements in patients affected by anorexia nervosa: a case reportIjedo01
7Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: It is time to change the approach in diagnosis and managementIjedo00
8Comorbilità vera e comorbilità spuria nei disturbi dell’alimentazioneIjedo00
9Proprietà psicometriche del questionario in lingua italiana Eating Problem Checklist somministrato ad un campione di soggetti con disturbo dell’alimentazioneIjedo00
10Versione italiana dello Starvation Symptom Inventory: un questionario per valutare i sintomi da malnutrizione nei disturbi dell’alimentazioneIjedo00
11Position Paper – AIDAP: Trattamenti psicologici basati sulle prove e non trattamenti eclettici multidisciplinari come primo approccio ai disturbi dell’alimentazioneIjedo00
12Food addiction: un concetto di scarsa validità e utilità clinicaIjedo00
13Una foto che racconta un pezzo di storia presente, passata e futura dello studio dei disturbi dell’alimentazione e dell’obesitàIjedo00
14The Anorexia-Bulimia Spectrum: an Integrated Approach to Eating and Feeding DisordersIjedo00
15Meta-analisi dei trattamenti psicologici: fonte di informazioni o di confusione?Ijedo00
16LA CBT-E a distanza nei programmi di riabilitazione residenziale intensiva per i disturbi dell’alimentazione durante l’epidemia COVID-19Ijedo00
17Is comorbid depression related to weight gain during treatment of anorexia nervosa?Ijedo00
18Il ruolo dello psicologo nella gestione dell’obesità: Position Paper di AIDAPIjedo00
19L’approccio del counseling nutrizionale al paziente affetto da obesitàIjedo00
20Disturbo da binge-eating - Un updateIjedo00
21Cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents with eating disorders: An effective alternative to the disease-based treatmentsIjedo00
22The dangerous coexistence of type 1 diabetes and eating disorders: a call for actionIjedo00
23Il progetto “Autoscatto”: un intervento educativo nei disturbi del comportamento alimentare mediante l’utilizzo del Modello Transteorico del Cambiamento di Prochaska e DiclementeIjedo00
24The comorbidity between Feeding and Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders: A systematic review of current statusIjedo00
25Number and characteristics of patients seeking treatment for eating disorders at a CBT-E clinical service before and during the COVID-19 pandemicIjedo00
26The network analysis in patients with anorexia nervosa treated with intensive enhanced cognitive behavior therapy: reflections on the research dataIjedo00
27American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Obesity: What we can learn versus what we can apply in clinical practiceIjedo00
28Putative mediators of enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescents with anorexia nervosaIjedo00
29Obesity and eating disorders: an interactive and complex coexistenceIjedo00