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Top Institutions (by citations)
# | Institutions | Citations |
1 | University of Hertfordshire | 19,883 |
2 | European Southern Observatory | 7,924 |
3 | Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | 7,694 |
4 | California Institute of Technology | 7,496 |
5 | Leiden University | 7,238 |
6 | University of Cambridge | 6,853 |
7 | Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy | 6,723 |
8 | University College London | 6,697 |
9 | University of Oxford | 6,622 |
10 | Laboratoire d'économie et de sociologie du travail | 6,368 |
11 | Max Planck Society | 5,699 |
12 | Chinese Academy of Sciences | 5,639 |
13 | University of Edinburgh | 5,478 |
14 | Royal Observatory in Greenwich | 5,257 |
15 | University of Manchester | 4,872 |
16 | Bernardo O'Higgins University | 4,824 |
17 | Harvard University | 4,500 |
18 | University of La Laguna | 4,430 |
19 | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy | 4,402 |
20 | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | 4,315 |
21 | Cardiff University | 4,313 |