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Top Journals (by citations)
# | Journals | Citations |
1 | Sustainability | 60,304 |
2 | Tourism Management | 57,067 |
3 | Current Issues in Tourism | 41,676 |
4 | Journal of Travel Research | 40,324 |
5 | Annals of Tourism Research | 38,297 |
6 | Journal of Sustainable Tourism | 31,438 |
7 | Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing | 24,809 |
8 | International Journal of Tourism Research | 23,093 |
9 | Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research | 22,181 |
10 | Tourism Economics | 21,884 |
11 | Tourism Management Perspectives | 21,701 |
12 | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management | 19,924 |
13 | International Journal of Hospitality Management | 18,319 |
14 | Journal of Destination Marketing & Management | 18,062 |
15 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management | 16,682 |
16 | Tourism Recreation Research | 15,806 |
17 | Advances in Hospitality, Tourism and the Services Industry | 13,692 |
18 | Tourism Review | 12,379 |
19 | Journal of Vacation Marketing | 12,329 |
20 | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research | 11,356 |
21 | Tourism Analysis | 11,045 |