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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1International Journal of Legal Medicine6,694100,32111
2Law and Human Behavior1,95683,40511
3Law and Society Review2,08072,83011
4Harvard Law Review17,84969,96511
5Stanford Law Review3,06649,93911
6Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization80548,05311
7Columbia Law Review12,95542,21911
8Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics2,79935,70111
9Psychology, Public Policy, and Law1,26329,17011
10Science and Justice - Journal of the Forensic Science Society1,62223,26711
11Health, Risk and Society74418,38711
12Howard Journal of Criminal Justice1,71912,73811
13Journal - Forensic Science Society2,33611,71411
14German Law Journal2,04310,33011
15Ratio Juris9359,44511
16Health Economics, Policy and Law5969,42011
17American Journal of Law and Medicine1,0208,05411
18Law and Philosophy6577,16611
19Medical Law Review9096,25311
20Legal Theory4146,02611
21Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law8835,58311
22Journal of Psychiatry and Law7194,95511
23Journal of Law and the Biosciences4354,68711
24Theoretical Inquiries in Law5544,38811
25Journal of Legal Medicine9204,33411
26Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence6644,14511
27International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine8103,99411
28Forensic Sciences Research3203,34911
29Journal of Legal Analysis1473,02711
31Biotechnology Law Report3,5512,08911
32Transnational Legal Theory3371,72011
33Asian Journal of International Law3771,27211
34Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertisa8361,23811
35The Virginia Law Register8,7951,08011
37Theory and Practice of Legislation13769611
38Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology11667211
39Indiana Health Law Review32832811
40Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies31431311
41Journal of Nursing Law10430311
42Arbitration Law Reports and Review52927211
44The Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law9720611
45Casopis Pro Pravni Vedu A Praxi29413211
46Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics29511711
47European Journal of Health Law1169511
49Rechtstheorie: Zeitschrift Fuer Logik, Methodenlehre, Kybernetik Und Soziologie Des Rechts956211
50Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Iurisprudentia2011811
51Seton Hall Law Review35311
52Minerva Medicolegale; Archivio Di Antropologia Criminale, Psichiatria, E Medicina Legale23211