8.9K(top 2%)
26.5K(top 5%)
55(top 5%)
86(top 5%)
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Top Institutions (by citations)
# | Institutions | Citations |
1 | University of Perugia | 374 |
2 | University of Granada | 368 |
3 | Université de Montréal | 357 |
4 | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | 357 |
5 | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | 351 |
6 | Bernardo O'Higgins University | 337 |
7 | University of Geneva | 332 |
8 | Ghent University | 300 |
9 | Guangdong University of Foreign Studies | 272 |
10 | University of Vienna | 264 |
11 | University of Bologna | 257 |
12 | University of Leeds | 239 |
13 | City University of Hong Kong | 229 |
14 | University of Helsinki | 213 |
15 | Hong Kong Baptist University | 210 |
16 | University of Oviedo | 202 |
17 | Rutgers University | 197 |
18 | University College London | 192 |
19 | University of Turku | 191 |
20 | Macquarie University | 191 |
21 | University of Ottawa | 186 |