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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Psychological Bulletin32,2845990
2Journal of Abnormal Psychology101,7455765
3Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology181,45568
4Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology147591773
5Cognitive Therapy and Research57379631
6Frontiers in Psychology165911.0K104
7Child Development2658657291
8Clinical Psychology Review2639200190
9Development and Psychopathology7577101109
10Psychiatry Research44171.1K307
11Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology9402624
12Clinical Psychological Science8384537
13Epilepsy and Behavior12872.5K189
14Developmental Psychology3246437591
14Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin2246419376
16Journal of Personality and Social Psychology32244651.1K
17Annals of Medicine1221649120
18Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review219069116
20Journal of Adolescent Health11801.8K606
21Biological Psychiatry21582.7K3.6K
23Journal of Clinical Psychology1117748314
25Journal of Affective Disorders Reports11061132
26Current Opinion in Psychology1102264234
27Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology21006061.4K
28Depression and Anxiety2975071.1K
29Substance Use and Misuse1931.1K218
30Journal of Anxiety Disorders184728672
31Journal of Research on Adolescence183368273
32Journal of Research in Personality381155488
33Journal of Experimental Psychology: General180690797
34Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy2724055
35Journal of Affective Disorders2603.5K5.7K
36Journal of Youth and Adolescence3532851.2K
37International Journal of Cognitive Therapy3491962
38Anxiety, Stress and Coping24787281
39Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment140414467
40Journal of Child and Family Studies1381.0K947
41Eating Behaviors132508652
42Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines2287863.3K
43Journal of Psychiatric Research2271.4K4.7K
43Frontiers in Psychiatry1274.3K5.8K
45Child Psychiatry and Human Development125516812
47ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders12269175
48Journal of Attention Disorders121499995
49Attachment and Human Development120197418
50Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry1191.8K3.3K
51Advances in Child Development and Behavior11740178
52Behaviour Research and Therapy2156422.7K
53Psychological Medicine1122.6K6.2K
53Women's Health Issues1124381.1K
55Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology31112228
56Professional Psychology: Research and Practice110208571
57PLoS ONE1952.2K64.6K
57International Journal of Psychophysiology191.0K2.8K
57Brain Sciences193.6K6.6K
60Psychological Assessment188042.6K
61Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community1777202
61JMIR Research Protocols172.6K9.8K
63Brain Structure and Function161.2K4.8K
63Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice16231601
65Current Directions in Psychological Science152781.6K
65Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience154492.0K
67Advances in School Mental Health Promotion1230131