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3rd most cited author in German Center for Lung Research (2013) [with 1,508 citations of 8 articles]
12th most cited author in German Center for Lung Research (2016) [with 510 citations of 16 articles]
19th most cited paper in German Center for Lung Research (2018) [with 1,199 citations of an article]
19th most cited author in German Center for Lung Research (2022) [with 310 citations of 24 articles]
28th most cited paper in German Center for Lung Research (2019) [with 1,627 citations of an article]
37th most cited paper in German Center for Lung Research (2017) [with 1,979 citations of an article]
43rd most cited author in German Center for Lung Research (2021) [with 393 citations of 27 articles]
57th most published author in University of Giessen (2019) [with 41 articles having 2,480 citations]
63rd most cited paper in University of Illinois at Chicago (2006) [with 165 citations of an article]