160(top 1%)
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39(top 2%)
72(top 2%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Energy Policy321,502347
2Applied Energy10732286444
3Energy Economics764284110
4Sustainable Cities and Society14961.4K47
5European Journal of Operational Research24282.0K464
6Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment340318660
7Energy Procedia14293132128
8SSRN Electronic Journal122883931
10Energy and Buildings3198985924
11Ecological Economics3172342744
12Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice1125805286
13Energy Conversion and Management41069973.5K
14Renewable Energy2962.4K3.5K
15Solar Energy1933.2K1.9K
16Energy Systems3881231
18Annual Review of Environment and Resources15573551
19Applied Economics Letters154843182
20Biomass and Bioenergy2515512.1K
21Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies1491.2K1.6K
22International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy144345
23Journal of Cleaner Production2426.0K18.7K
24IET Renewable Power Generation138980861
25Energy Journal33532197
26Energy Research and Social Science1296461.4K
26Zeitschrift Für Energiewirtschaft729310
28Journal of Energy Storage1281.7K2.7K
29Geothermal Energy1276891
30Scottish Journal of Political Economy12397151
31Empirical Economics221130585
31Technology Analysis and Strategic Management121323597
33Climatic Change1201.7K4.9K
33Advances in Applied Energy12041215
35Environmental Research Letters1194.6K8.5K
35Energy and Environment119162309
37Annals of Operations Research1181.5K2.7K
37International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control1181.3K2.4K
39Papers in Regional Science117239484
39Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change117255910
41Journal of Energy Markets1151017
42International Journal of Environment and Pollution114160193
43International Journal of Technology Management111107316
43Energy Systems111718
43Journal of Environmental Management1116.9K20.5K
46Utilities Policy110187649
46International Journal of Energy Sector Management11067220
48Decision Analysis1959142
49International Journal of Hydrogen Energy1512.5K27.0K
49Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology156121.0K
51Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews123.8K14.8K
51Journal of Economic Asymmetries1251218
53Uwf UmweltWirtschaftsForum112768
53Operations Research Proceedings: Papers of the Annual Meeting = Vorträge Der Jahrestagung / DGOR1171183
53Schweizerische Zeitschrift Fur Forstwesen1159166
53Ökologisches Wirtschaften111025
53Lecture notes in operations research112842
53PLOS Climate1152447
60Journal of Air Transport Management103451.5K
60Lecture Notes in Energy1096337