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Filter by:Articles (Lifetime) (11) | Articles (per year) (47) | Citations (Lifetime) (24) | Citations (per year) (222) | Most Cited Article (Lifetime) (29) | Most Cited Article (per year) (308) | Low Rankings (Lifetime) (23) | Low Rankings (per year) (370) |
6th most cited paper in Federal University of Minas Gerais (2014) [with 764 citations of an article]
10th most published author in King's College London (2010) [with 20 articles having 3,049 citations]
13th most published author in King's College London (2014) [with 30 articles having 2,886 citations]
14th most published author in King's College London (2012) [with 22 articles having 2,439 citations]
16th most published author in Maudsley Hospital (lifetime) [with 18 articles having 2,299 citations]
19th most cited paper in University of Illinois at Chicago (2013) [with 338 citations of an article]
20th most published author in King's College London (2022) [with 29 articles having 3,159 citations]
21st most published author in King's College London (2016) [with 32 articles having 3,624 citations]
22nd most published author in King's College London (2021) [with 51 articles having 1,687 citations]
24th most cited paper in St. Vincent's University Hospital (2017) [with 260 citations of an article]
26th most published author in King's College London (2013) [with 21 articles having 2,888 citations]
41st most published author in King's College London (2015) [with 31 articles having 1,821 citations]
71st most cited author in Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (2013) [with 676 citations of 2 articles]