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1st most cited paper in Stanford University Medical Center (1988) [with 444 citations of an article]
12th most cited paper in Stanford University Medical Center (1989) [with 72 citations of an article]
15th most cited author in Penn Presbyterian Medical Center (2012) [with 591 citations of 2 articles]
16th most cited author in University of Texas at Austin (2000) [with 1,414 citations of 27 articles]
16th most cited paper in Stanford University Medical Center (1993) [with 87 citations of an article]
22nd most cited author in University of Texas at Austin (2001) [with 1,446 citations of 24 articles]
37th most cited author in University of Texas at Austin (2002) [with 1,179 citations of 23 articles]
54th most published author in Weill Cornell Medicine (2013) [with 8 articles having 1,014 citations]
66th most cited author in Penn Presbyterian Medical Center (2014) [with 327 citations of 5 articles]
68th most cited paper in Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (2015) [with 77 citations of an article]
70th most cited author in Massachusetts General Hospital (2022) [with 1,398 citations of 1 articles]