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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Israel Journal of Mathematics1553,46011
2Annals of Pure and Applied Logic861,63911
3Journal of Symbolic Logic1541,61412
4Annals of Mathematical Logic1267511
5Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan166638432
6Annals of Mathematics5603411
7Archive for Mathematical Logic6260211
8Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic3141611
9Pacific Journal of Mathematics738132
10Fundamenta Mathematicae5232411
11Journal of Algebra101798670
12Information and Control215345
13Lecture Notes in Mathematics13142714
14Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics413523
15Advances in Mathematics121221144
15Journal of Mathematical Logic1112212
17SIAM Journal on Computing1109315159
18Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series A51055148
19Algebra Universalis1410067
20Topology and Its Applications17921034
21Journal of Applied Analysis117911
22Canadian Journal of Mathematics775131
23Mathematische Zeitschrift47226130
24Advances in Applied Mathematics2677155
25Colloquium Mathematicum965414
26Lecture Notes in Computer Science56215.0K11.0K
27Discrete Mathematics456395316
28Communications in Algebra555153128
28Acta Mathematica Hungarica1655319
30Mathematical Logic Quarterly2653318
31Acta Mathematica14017116
31Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications24013
33Transactions of the American Mathematical Society438112
34Random Structures and Algorithms43359146
35Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra43285257
36Illinois Journal of Mathematics2261357
37Forum Mathematicum725195
38Mathematics of Operations Research124390429
39Archiv Der Mathematik122409181
39Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society32234219
41Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society821115
41Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B221171256
41CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures12118474
45European Journal of Combinatorics119507383
45Bulletin of Symbolic Logic2192754
47Canadian Mathematical Bulletin31822107
48Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America11557.8K64.8K
48Discrete and Computational Geometry115368389
48Annals of Combinatorics31523102
48Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu2151069
48Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics1154031
53Theoretical Computer Science1131.6K1.8K
54International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences112331282
54Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan31212125
56Journal of Logic and Computation111134238
56Journal of Group Theory2117676
58Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik110216492
58Journal of the European Mathematical Society3106496
60Journal of Graph Theory29271540
61Indagationes Mathematicae18133205
62Results in Mathematics17460496
62Lecture Notes in Logic1713
65Glasgow Mathematical Journal16117270
66Advanced Electronic Materials151.9K7.4K
66Communications in Contemporary Mathematics15162530
68Comptes Rendus Mathematique24182973
68Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo14158323
68Periodica Mathematica Hungarica647275
68Tbilisi Mathematical Journal34365
68CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes14637
74American Journal of Mathematics1340330
74Open Mathematics13225579
74Combinatorics Probability and Computing13148364
74Journal of Combinatorial Theory1324
74European Journal of Mathematics2322171
74Resultate Der Mathematik1329124
81Quarterly Journal of Mathematics1257331
81Algebra and Logic122881
81Theoria (Stockholm)1237121
81Mathematica Slovaca12220527
81Bolletino Dell Unione Matematica Italiana1237143
81Algorithms and Combinatorics12419
87Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics2138589
87International Journal of Algebra and Computation11127405
87Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica1121112
87Real Analysis Exchange21970
87Mathematical Research Letters11102555
92Forum of Mathematics, Sigma1071537
92Reports on Mathematical Logic1015
92Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics10231