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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1British Journal of Social Psychology161,119918
2European Journal of Social Psychology19818835
3Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin875349102
4International Journal of Intercultural Relations1858338
5Group Processes and Intergroup Relations14516512
6Social Indicators Research65004742
7Journal of Personality and Social Psychology14611.2K666
8Social Psychology Quarterly5422614
9Ethnic and Racial Studies74061215
10Journal of Social Psychology9339711
11Child Development8321107556
12Journal of Applied Social Psychology10307969
13European Review of Social Psychology32491052
14Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology623925168
15Social Justice Research42312019
16International Journal of Psychology7187342
17International Journal of Behavioral Development31767995
18European Psychologist31712041
19British Journal of Educational Psychology2169137128
20American Behavioral Scientist31622681
20British Journal of Developmental Psychology31626785
22Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology10154652
23Journal of Experimental Social Psychology3152232440
23Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology41523585
25International Migration Review31472955
26Journal of Genetic Psychology31423513
27Journal of Language and Social Psychology7121839
28Social Development311979166
29Journal of Research in Personality411793346
29Current Opinion in Psychology211780175
31Journal of Youth and Adolescence4116178586
32Political Psychology411241178
33Culture and Psychology21023517
34Journal of Experimental Child Psychology1101924487
35Psychological Science11001.3K2.0K
36Social Psychology499940
37Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology39553166
38Journal of School Psychology39267211
38Perspectives on Psychological Science292116694
40Self and Identity4871988
41Journal of Educational Psychology184523701
42Basic and Applied Social Psychology27648118
43Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology1731.4K1.2K
44Social Psychology of Education172186117
45Social and Personality Psychology Compass27165288
46Journal of Early Adolescence26961119
48Infant and Child Development165209127
49Asian Journal of Social Psychology3592786
50Personality and Social Psychology Review15079356
51Journal of Social and Political Psychology449246
52Sociology of Education14466146
53Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies54315469
53Conflict Management and Peace Science1438177
55Social Science Research142372461
56Journal of Environmental Psychology141452831
57Youth and Society23531182
57Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour23529104
59Peace and Conflict13413067
59National Identities134188
61European Journal of Personality131296533
62Personality and Individual Differences1282.3K3.6K
62Petroleum Science128247278
64Politics and Religion1264737
65Current Directions in Psychological Science1242781.3K
65Social Psychological and Personality Science224199959
67International Journal of Public Opinion Research12375112
69International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, The12090134
69Journal of Comparative Family Studies1204586
71Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied118160397
71Developmental Psychology1181.4K2.8K
73British Journal of Sociology of Education117192443
73Discourse Studies11749146
75Gender, Place, and Culture116151364
76Psychological Review1113401.0K
77World Psychiatry1104741.6K
77Journal of Consumer Culture11038182
77Child Development Perspectives110132693
77Social Influence21014122
82PLoS ONE1952.2K64.6K
83Journal of Black Psychology, The1779259
83European Journal of Developmental Psychology17249707
85Psychological Reports166581.9K
85British Journal of Psychology163211.2K
85International Journal of Adolescence and Youth16121421
85Review of General Psychology3615456
89Journal of Community Psychology154911.9K
90International Journal of Sociology1422103
90Mens En Maatschappij143624
92Current Psychology131.6K5.1K
92Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied13220865
95Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity11133613
96American Psychologist104992.1K
96Psychology, Crime and Law10248819
96Identity in A Changing World10112
96Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies1017