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11th most cited author in Earth System Research Laboratory (2020) [with 299 citations of 9 articles]
21st most cited author in Earth System Research Laboratory (2012) [with 649 citations of 9 articles]
22nd most cited author in Earth System Research Laboratory (2009) [with 657 citations of 5 articles]
24th most cited author in Earth System Research Laboratory (2008) [with 399 citations of 1 articles]
24th most cited author in Earth System Research Laboratory (2011) [with 673 citations of 6 articles]
27th most cited author in Earth System Research Laboratory (2019) [with 237 citations of 5 articles]
28th most cited author in Earth System Research Laboratory (2013) [with 467 citations of 4 articles]
30th most cited author in Earth System Research Laboratory (2010) [with 369 citations of 5 articles]
32nd most cited author in Earth System Research Laboratory (2014) [with 338 citations of 4 articles]