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1st most cited author in Biology at University of Florence (2003) [with 129 citations of 1 articles]
5th most cited paper in Chemistry at University of Florence (1992) [with 68 citations of an article]
7th most cited paper in Oncology at University of Florence (2012) [with 182 citations of an article]
9th most cited paper in Chemistry at University of Florence (1993) [with 91 citations of an article]
17th most cited paper in Chemistry at University of Potsdam (2009) [with 42 citations of an article]
29th most cited paper in Chemistry at University of Bologna (2005) [with 91 citations of an article]
52nd most cited paper in Biochemistry at Max Planck Society (2009) [with 42 citations of an article]
64th most cited paper in Chemistry at University of Bologna (2006) [with 49 citations of an article]
72nd most cited paper in Chemistry at University of Bologna (2010) [with 32 citations of an article]