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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of Cleaner Production262,4515245
2International Journal of Project Management191,72955
3Automation in Construction191,6631413
4Habitat International121,48692
5Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE181,48052
6Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE147422823
7Energy and Buildings3706985143
8Building and Environment5636511170
9Resources, Conservation and Recycling4434287195
10Journal of Environmental Psychology3344109117
11Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management123111316
13Energy Policy3238721799
14Construction Management and Economics52345555
15International Journal of Construction Management13221711
16Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews21941.7K3.3K
16Advanced Engineering Informatics3194110112
18Journal of Civil Engineering and Management31885732
19Building Research and Information31646575
20Land Use Policy3147331619
21Environmental Science and Policy3138150496
22Sustainable Cities and Society3130241606
25Journal of Facilities Management21002211
26Management Decision49820199
27City, Culture and Society1963424
29Environmental Science & Technology18414.0K14.3K
30Urban Forestry and Urban Greening281293524
31Smart and Sustainable Built Environment579617
32International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health4786.7K8.6K
33Production Planning and Control272228339
34Applied Energy1626.5K9.2K
36Sustainable Production and Consumption158278428
37Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science15516743
38Ecological Indicators1473.5K4.2K
38Construction Innovation4471674
40Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE24450116
40Frontiers of Engineering Management244952
42Natural Hazards1431.8K2.1K
43Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments241232460
45Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering236153448
46Built Environment Project and Asset Management2354969
47Waste Management1342.2K5.1K
48Engineering Structures1333.5K3.8K
48Structural Health Monitoring133553682
50Knowledge-Based Systems1322.4K3.1K
51Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering231163273
52Safety Science1289821.9K
53Journal of Green Building1265342
54Procedia Engineering1233.6K3.2K
54Computer Applications in Engineering Education223132377
54Ecological Informatics123356890
57KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering1181.2K1.4K
58Journal of Building Engineering1162.9K2.9K
58International Journal of Green Energy116268737
60Project Management Journal11573179
60Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction1153057
62Lecture Notes in Computer Science31423.9K32.8K
62International Journal of Production Economics1141.4K3.2K
62Journal of Safety Research114390983
62Journal of Property Research1144466
66Architectural Engineering and Design Management21332169
67Journal of Business Economics and Management111204546
67Journal of Environmental Management1116.9K20.5K
69Ageing and Society1104891.3K
70Journal of Environmental Planning and Management183661.6K
71Tsinghua Science and Technology2754490
71Journal of Architectural Engineering17116299
73Asia Pacific Education Review1696518
74Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice1473293
75Energy and Environment13162809
75Logistics Information Management13534
75Journal of Convergence Information Technology13417
78Expert Systems With Applications126.0K18.1K
79Environmental Science and Engineering11468713