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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Strategic Management Journal630,028761
2Research Policy48,6611243
3Long Range Planning26,790521
4Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization54,7001021
5California Management Review84,60521
6Industrial and Corporate Change133,16521
7The Bell Journal of Economics21,31811
8Journal of International Business Studies21,15114337
9Academy of Management Perspectives21,132302
10Journal of Management Studies11,02925238
11Organization Science164742384
12Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science14188113
13European Economic Review139047263
14Journal of Economic Perspectives136992120
15Management Science2285652493
16Journal of Management and Organization12682389
18Management International Review22465618
19Organization Studies1202244147
20Review of Economics and Statistics1181174237
21Cambridge Journal of Economics116510923
22Journal of Organization Design1163282
23Journal of Industrial Economics11518048
25Energy Strategy Reviews21499883
26Strategic Management Review214611
27New Zealand Economic Papers1145442
28European Management Review11437828
29Handbook of the Economics of Innovation1134313
30Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice1114235279
31Management and Organization Review21043834
32Advances in Strategic Management198173
33Global Strategy Journal2782669
34Strategy Science2701625
35International Business Review162316440
36Industrial Marketing Management159526820
37Review of Industrial Organization147128110
38Economics of Innovation and New Technology146168169
39Antitrust Bulletin14274
40Journal of Management Development139103144
41Strategic Organization13767143
42Journal of Technology Transfer134232434
43Energy Journal127126229
44Managerial and Decision Economics124374330
45Journal of Management1223711.0K
46Baltic Journal of Management1354383
47Contemporary Economic Policy1193634
48SSRN Electronic Journal201.1K6.1K