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32(top 5%)
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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Climate Policy2166237
2Energy Policy7468176353
3Climatic Change5221183763
4ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces120738.5K11.2K
5International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics7165320
6Climate and Development31231771
7Global Environmental Change3991761.3K
9World Development194820930
9Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change8944199
11Environmental Policy and Governance283511
12Global Ecology and Biogeography1822.0K2.4K
13Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change28064462
14Ecological Economics2715891.6K
15Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia168315117
16Solar Energy1543.2K3.3K
17Review of International Organizations1538288
18Frontiers in Climate1475362
19Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews1413.8K9.8K
20Public Choice137357407
21SSRN Electronic Journal732154579
22Environment and Development Economics131132230
23World Politics12644238
24Maritime Economics and Logistics122310
25Quarterly Journal of Mathematics1215746
26Energy Efficiency119203477
27Carbon Balance and Management11896320
28Energy Reports1171.3K2.6K
29Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics1163981.0K
30Annual Review of Environment and Resources11573695
31Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management114520
31Politics and Governance114110215
33Pediatric Pulmonology1132.1K4.1K
33International Journal of Global Environmental Issues1133965
35Information Systems Frontiers1102841.2K
35International Journal of Sustainable Development1103074
37Environmental Management198373.8K
38PLOS Climate1852155
39Environmental Politics17174695
39Springer Climate177361
41Global Policy15171591
42Inquiry (United Kingdom)1462204
43Urban Book Series12115246
44Carbon Management2127760
44ZEW Economic Studies1128
44Revue Internationale De Politique De Développement111023
47Aging Cell101.3K7.5K
47Studies in Environmental Science101777
47Natural Resources Forum1079572
47Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning10124788
47Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health103931.5K