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Filter by:Articles (Lifetime) (30) | Articles (per year) (30) | Citations (Lifetime) (61) | Citations (per year) (180) | Most Cited Article (Lifetime) (101) | Most Cited Article (per year) (348) | Low Rankings (Lifetime) (96) | Low Rankings (per year) (694) |
1st most cited paper in Health Education at Yale University (2012) [with 21 citations of an article]
1st most cited paper in Psychiatry at Newcastle University (2017) [with 208 citations of an article]
1st most published author in Psychiatry at Beyond Blue (2002) [with 6 articles having 265 citations]
1st most cited paper in Community Psychiatry at Beyond Blue (2003) [with 43 citations of an article]
2nd most cited author in Neuroscience at Deakin University (2013) [with 214 citations of 1 articles]
2nd most cited paper in Mental Health at Deakin University (2013) [with 214 citations of an article]
2nd most cited paper in Psychiatry at Brain and Mind Centre (2004) [with 45 citations of an article]
3rd most cited paper in Psychology at University of Sydney (2012) [with 476 citations of an article]
3rd most cited paper in Psychiatry at Newcastle University (2013) [with 287 citations of an article]
4th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Sydney (2007) [with 501 citations of an article]
6th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Sydney (2004) [with 155 citations of an article]
6th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Sydney (2019) [with 219 citations of an article]
8th most cited paper in Mental Health at ZI Mannheim (lifetime) [with 4,603 citations of an article]
8th most cited paper in Mental Health at Deakin University (2014) [with 268 citations of an article]
9th most cited paper in Psychiatry at Newcastle University (2021) [with 170 citations of an article]
10th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Sydney (2021) [with 68 citations of an article]
14th most cited paper in Psychiatry at Newcastle University (2020) [with 34 citations of an article]
15th most cited paper in Psychiatry at Newcastle University (2016) [with 69 citations of an article]
19th most cited paper in Mental Health at Deakin University (2022) [with 28 citations of an article]
20th most cited paper in Psychiatry at Newcastle University (2019) [with 26 citations of an article]
25th most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Sydney (2011) [with 54 citations of an article]
37th most cited paper in Psychology at Stanford University (2020) [with 382 citations of an article]
39th most cited author in Psychiatry at Warneford Hospital (2021) [with 108 citations of 2 articles]
43rd most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Sydney (2014) [with 93 citations of an article]
51st most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Oxford (2022) [with 96 citations of an article]
52nd most cited paper in Psychiatry at University of Sydney (2016) [with 28 citations of an article]
52nd most cited author in Psychiatry at ZI Mannheim (lifetime) [with 3,880 citations of 10 articles]