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Most Cited Articles of Department of Molecular Biology and Functional Genomics in 2007

The histone methyltransferase SET8 is required for S-phase progressionJournal of Cell Biology2007179
Editing modifies the GABA(A) receptor subunit alpha3Rna2007162
Sequential pulses of apical epithelial secretion and endocytosis drive airway maturation in DrosophilaDevelopmental Cell2007145
Crystal cell rupture after injury in Drosophila requires the JNK pathway, small GTPases and the TNF homolog EigerJournal of Cell Science2007137
Evolution after gene duplication: models, mechanisms, sequences, systems, and organismsJournal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution2007122
LEM-Domain proteins: new insights into lamin-interacting proteinsInternational Review of Cytology2007116
Evaluating hypotheses for the origin of eukaryotesBioEssays2007112
A multilayered defense against infection: combinatorial control of insect immune genesTrends in Genetics2007104
Out-of-Africa origin and dispersal-mediated diversification of the butterfly genus Junonia (Nymphalidae: Nymphalinae)Journal of Evolutionary Biology200782
A role for Hemolectin in coagulation and immunity in Drosophila melanogasterDevelopmental and Comparative Immunology200773
NrdR controls differential expression of the Escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase genesJournal of Bacteriology200765
Eukaryote evolution: engulfed by speculationNature200753
A-to-I editing challenger or ally to the microRNA processBiochimie200751
Antisense PNA accumulates in Escherichia coli and mediates a long post-antibiotic effectMolecular Therapy200750
Phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Operophterini (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): a case study of the evolution of female flightlessnessBiological Journal of the Linnean Society200749
Distinct functions of the Drosophila Nup153 and Nup214 FG domains in nuclear protein transportJournal of Cell Biology200747
The C-terminal domain of RNA Pol II helps ensure that editing precedes splicing of the GluR-B transcriptRna200740
Phylogeny and classification of the Phengaris–Maculinea clade (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): total evidence and phylogenetic species conceptsSystematic Entomology200737
Immunophilin AtFKBP13 sustains all peptidyl-prolyl isomerase activity in the thylakoid lumen from Arabidopsis thaliana deficient in AtCYP20-2Biochemistry200734
Quantitative proteomic comparison of mouse peroxisomes from liver and kidneyProteomics200734
Mass regulation in response to predation risk can indicate population declinesEcology Letters200733
Truncated hemoglobins in actinorhizal nodules of Datisca glomerataPlant Biology200731
Drosophila brakeless interacts with atrophin and is required for tailless-mediated transcriptional repression in early embryosPLoS Biology200730
Insertion of a homing endonuclease creates a genes-in-pieces ribonucleotide reductase that retains functionProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America200729
Self-splicing of the bacteriophage T4 group I introns requires efficient translation of the pre-mRNA in vivo and correlates with the growth state of the infected bacteriumJournal of Bacteriology200720