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Most Cited Articles of Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine in 2003

Endothelial dysfunction and raised plasma concentrations of asymmetric dimethylarginine in pregnant women who subsequently develop pre-eclampsiaLancet, The2003402
Screening for chromosomal abnormalities in the first trimester using ultrasound and maternal serum biochemistry in a one-stop clinic: a review of three years prospective experienceBJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology2003202
Comparison of transvaginal digital examination with intrapartum sonography to determine fetal head position before instrumental deliveryUltrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology2003180
Symptoms and quadriceps fatigability after walking and cycling in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine2003157
Nasal bone hypoplasia in trisomy 21 at 15-22 weeks' gestationUltrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology2003132
EndoPDI, a novel protein-disulfide isomerase-like protein that is preferentially expressed in endothelial cells acts as a stress survival factorJournal of Biological Chemistry2003132
A systematic review of single-session psychological interventions ('debriefing') following traumaPsychotherapy and Psychosomatics2003127
Integrated ultrasound and biochemical screening for trisomy 21 using fetal nuchal translucency, absent fetal nasal bone, free beta-hCG and PAPP-A at 11 to 14 weeksPrenatal Diagnosis2003110
Screening for trisomy 21 in twins using first trimester ultrasound and maternal serum biochemistry in a one-stop clinic: a review of three years experienceBJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology2003109
Protein kinase Calpha negatively regulates systolic and diastolic function in pathological hypertrophyCirculation Research2003107
Increased expression of erythropoiesis inhibiting cytokines (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-10, and IL-13) by T cells in patients exhibiting a poor response to erythropoietin therapyJournal of the American Society of Nephrology: JASN2003106
Cough gastric pressure and maximum expiratory mouth pressure in humansAmerican Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine200398
Ultrasound assessment of cervical length in threatened preterm laborUltrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology200396
Delta-NT or NT MoM: which is the most appropriate method for calculating accurate patient-specific risks for trisomy 21 in the first trimester?Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology200393
Tricuspid regurgitation in the diagnosis of chromosomal anomalies in the fetus at 11-14 weeks of gestationBritish Heart Journal200393
The natural history of central motor abnormalities in amyotrophic lateral sclerosisBrain200386
Non-volitional assessment of skeletal muscle strength in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseThorax200383
Mimicry between the hepatitis C virus polyprotein and antigenic targets of nuclear and smooth muscle antibodies in chronic hepatitis C virus infectionClinical and Experimental Immunology200379
Life threatening haemorrhage after anterior needle aspiration of pneumothoraces. A role for lateral needle aspiration in emergency decompression of spontaneous pneumothoraxEmergency Medicine Journal200378
Molecular cytogenetic characterization of Sézary syndromeGenes Chromosomes and Cancer200377
Clinical evaluation and MR imaging features of popliteal artery entrapment and cystic adventitial diseaseAmerican Journal of Roentgenology200373
Cough augmentation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosisNeurology200372
Long-term outcome after gastrectomy for intractable diabetic gastroparesisDiabetic Medicine200368
Variations in lower limb venous anatomy: implications for US diagnosis of deep vein thrombosisRadiology200367
Comorbidity and psychosocial profile of adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderPersonality and Individual Differences200365