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Most Cited Articles of Global Ecology and Conservation

Land cover distribution in the peatlands of Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo in 2015 with changes since 19902016234
Biodiversity hotspots: A shortcut for a more complicated concept2015221
Past, present, and future perspectives of environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding: A systematic review in methods, monitoring, and applications of global eDNA2019208
Maxent modeling for predicting impacts of climate change on the potential distribution of Thuja sutchuenensis Franch., an extremely endangered conifer from southwestern China2017136
Global patterns of the effects of land-use changes on soil carbon stocks2016136
Invasive rats on tropical islands: Their population biology and impacts on native species2015126
Synergistic patterns of threat and the challenges facing global anguillid eel conservation2015117
Total concentrations and sources of heavy metal pollution in global river and lake water bodies from 1972 to 20172020116
Changing trends and persisting biases in three decades of conservation science2017115
Conservation inequality and the charismatic cat: Felis felicis2015112
Towards informed and multi-faceted wildlife trade interventions2015111
How Essential Biodiversity Variables and remote sensing can help national biodiversity monitoring2017110
Agricultural waste: Review of the evolution, approaches and perspectives on alternative uses2020105
Mixed-species versus monocultures in plantation forestry: Development, benefits, ecosystem services and perspectives for the future2018100
Spectranomics: Emerging science and conservation opportunities at the interface of biodiversity and remote sensing201699
Frugivory and seed dispersal by vertebrates in tropical and subtropical Asia: An update201790
Where did all the pangolins go? International CITES trade in pangolin species201689
Integrating technologies for scalable ecology and conservation201688
How are garbage dumps impacting vertebrate demography, health, and conservation?201788
A global assessment of current and future biodiversity vulnerability to habitat loss–climate change interactions201687
Remote sensing of forest degradation in Southeast Asia—Aiming for a regional view through 5–30 m satellite data201484
Defaunation of large mammals leads to an increase in seed predation in the Atlantic forests201579
Burning biodiversity: Fuelwood harvesting causes forest degradation in human-dominated tropical landscapes201579
Making dispersal syndromes and networks useful in tropical conservation and restoration201677
Managing woody bamboos for carbon farming and carbon trading201573