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Most Cited Articles of Trends in Cell Biology

Aggresomes, inclusion bodies and protein aggregation20001.6K
Mitochondria as the central control point of apoptosis20001.6K
Long noncoding RNAs and human disease20111.5K
Shedding microvesicles: artefacts no more20091.3K
Signal transduction by tumor necrosis factor and its relatives20011.3K
From 3D cell culture to organs-on-chips20111.2K
Proteasome inhibitors: valuable new tools for cell biologists19981.2K
A trip to the ER: coping with stress20041.1K
Calmodulin: a prototypical calcium sensor20001.1K
The let-7 family of microRNAs2008962
Ferroptosis: Death by Lipid Peroxidation2016961
Inflammatory cells during wound repair: the good, the bad and the ugly2005960
Repression of protein synthesis by miRNAs: how many mechanisms?2007922
Protein Phase Separation: A New Phase in Cell Biology2018869
Rho GTPases and actin dynamics in membrane protrusions and vesicle trafficking2006867
Coiled coils: a highly versatile protein folding motif2001836
EMT Transition States during Tumor Progression and Metastasis2019825
Repair Pathway Choices and Consequences at the Double-Strand Break2016788
Molecular architecture of the mammalian circadian clock2014788
The cell biology of beta-amyloid precursor protein and presenilin in Alzheimer's disease1998766
Ectosomes and exosomes: shedding the confusion between extracellular vesicles2015759
How do BCL-2 proteins induce mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization?2008755
ROS, mitochondria and the regulation of autophagy2007741
The lamellipodium: where motility begins2002736
Crosstalk between cAMP and MAP kinase signaling in the regulation of cell proliferation2002729