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Most Cited Articles of Journal of Investigative Dermatology

Measurement of cutaneous inflammation: estimation of neutrophil content with an enzyme marker19822.6K
The optics of human skin19811.7K
Global epidemiology of psoriasis: a systematic review of incidence and prevalence20131.4K
Inflammation in wound repair: molecular and cellular mechanisms20071.3K
Formation and function of the myofibroblast during tissue repair20071.1K
HMEC-1: establishment of an immortalized human microvascular endothelial cell line19921K
Calcium-regulated differentiation of normal human epidermal keratinocytes in chemically defined clonal culture and serum-free serial culture1983904
A comprehensive guide for the accurate classification of murine hair follicles in distinct hair cycle stages2001882
Epidermal lipids, barrier function, and desquamation1983863
In vivo confocal scanning laser microscopy of human skin: melanin provides strong contrast1995790
Percutaneous absorption on the relevance of in vitro data1975790
Decreased level of ceramides in stratum corneum of atopic dermatitis: an etiologic factor in atopic dry skin?1991779
Keratinocyte-fibroblast interactions in wound healing2007777
The IL-23/Th17 axis in the immunopathogenesis of psoriasis2009763
Psoriasis vulgaris lesions contain discrete populations of Th1 and Th17 T cells2008757
Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of skin disease2006753
Barrier function of the skin: "la raison d'être" of the epidermis2003749
Molecular mechanisms regulating hair follicle development2002674
The identification of contact allergens by animal assay. The guinea pig maximization test1969661
In vivo confocal scanning laser microscopy of human skin II: advances in instrumentation and comparison with histology1999636
SCORTEN: a severity-of-illness score for toxic epidermal necrolysis2000634
The global burden of skin disease in 2010: an analysis of the prevalence and impact of skin conditions2014630
Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: assessment of medication risks with emphasis on recently marketed drugs. The EuroSCAR-study2008625
In vivo confocal Raman microspectroscopy of the skin: noninvasive determination of molecular concentration profiles2001604
Stimulation of fibroblast cell growth, matrix production, and granulation tissue formation by connective tissue growth factor1996579