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Most Cited Articles of Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Recent advances in the cross-coupling reactions of organoboron derivatives with organic electrophiles, 1995–199819992.5K
Development of Pd–Cu catalyzed cross-coupling of terminal acetylenes with sp2-carbon halides20021.2K
Carbonhydrogen-transition metal bonds19831.1K
Electronic structure and spectra of ruthenium diimine complexes by density functional theory and INDO/S. Comparison of the two methods2001844
Palladium-catalyzed amination of aryl halides and sulfonates1999712
1,3-Dimethyl-4-imidazolinyliden-(2)-pentacarbonylchrom ein neuer übergangsmetall-carben-komplex1968697
The polysilane high polymers1986634
Chemistry of dibenzylideneacetone-palladium(0) complexes1974632
Palladium catalyzed synthesis of aryl, heterocyclic and vinylic acetylene derivatives1975597
Colored indicators for simple direct titration of magnesium and lithium reagents1967574
Perfluorophenyl derivatives of the elements1964569
Application of palladacycles in Heck type reactions1999498
Homogeneous group 4 metallocene ziegler-natta catalysts: The influence of cyclopentadienyl-ring substituents1994495
Chelating N-heterocyclic carbene ligands in palladium-catalyzed heck-type reactions1998477
13C and 119Sn NMR spectra of Di-n-butyltin(IV) compounds1986470
A new approach to the formal classification of covalent compounds of the elements1995468
Reactions of (π-1,5-cyclooctadiene) organoplatinum(II) compounds and the synthesis of perfluoroalkylplatinum complexes1973468
Synthesis of aryl- and vinyl-substituted acetylene derivatives by the use of nickel and palladium complexes1975458
Metal–dihydrogen and σ-bond coordination: the consummate extension of the Dewar–Chatt–Duncanson model for metal–olefin π bonding2001454
Palladacycles in catalysis – a critical survey2004449
Organotin(IV) N,N-disubstituted dithiocarbamates1967441
Organometallic alkane CH activation2004429
Catalytic cross-coupling reactions mediated by palladium/nucleophilic carbene systems2002429
Efficient palladium catalysts for the copolymerization of carbon monoxide with olefins to produce perfectly alternating polyketones1991425
Mechanistic and kinetic studies of palladium catalytic systems1999421