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Most Cited Articles of Cornell University in 1988

Term-weighting approaches in automatic text retrievalInformation Processing and Management19884.3K
Resolution of quantitative traits into Mendelian factors by using a complete linkage map of restriction fragment length polymorphismsNature19881.3K
Intrinsic localized modes in anharmonic crystalsPhysical Review Letters19881K
Phase equilibria of associating fluidsMolecular Physics19881K
Phase equilibria by simulation in the Gibbs ensembleMolecular Physics1988976
The dynamics of coherent structures in the wall region of a turbulent boundary layerJournal of Fluid Mechanics1988882
Molecular mapping of rice chromosomesTheoretical and Applied Genetics1988874
Uplift of the Central Andean Plateau and bending of the Bolivian OroclineJournal of Geophysical Research1988811
Identification of genes required for cytoplasmic localization in early C. elegans embryosCell1988717
A chemical and theoretical way to look at bonding on surfacesReviews of Modern Physics1988680
Exploratory Behavior in the Development of Perceiving, Acting, and the Acquiring of KnowledgeAnnual Review of Psychology1988672
Statistical Analysis of a Yield TrialAgronomy Journal1988626
Nutrient Limitation of Net Primary Production in Marine EcosystemsAnnual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics1988624
Informal Networks and Organizational Crises: An Experimental SimulationSocial Psychology Quarterly1988620
Race, Reform, and Retrenchment: Transformation and Legitimation in Antidiscrimination LawHarvard Law Review1988597
Discerning Threats and OpportunitiesAdministrative Science Quarterly1988588
The RNA polymerase II molecule at the 5' end of the uninduced hsp70 gene of D. melanogaster is transcriptionally engagedCell1988584
RFLP Maps Based on a Common Set of Clones Reveal Modes of Chromosomal Evolution in Potato and TomatoGenetics1988578
Ovarian follicular dynamics during the estrous cycle in heifers monitored by real-time ultrasonographyBiology of Reproduction1988547
Optimized trial wave functions for quantum Monte Carlo calculationsPhysical Review Letters1988534
Phase equilibria of associating fluidsMolecular Physics1988518
Accommodation, refractive error and eye growth in chickensVision Research1988499
The determination of protein, oligonucleotide and peptide molecular weights by ion-spray mass spectrometryRapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry1988497
A large family of bacterial activator proteinsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America1988462