
Most Cited Articles of Mineralogy in 1992

Amphibole composition in tonalite as a function of pressure: an experimental calibration of the Al-in-hornblende barometerContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992951
Derivation of some A-type magmas by fractionation of basaltic magma: An example from the Padthaway Ridge, South AustraliaLithos1992604
Vein-plus-wall-rock melting mechanisms in the lithosphere and the origin of potassic alkaline magmasLithos1992504
Chemistry of chromian spinel in volcanic rocks as a potential guide to magma chemistryMineralogical Magazine1992415
Recrystallisation of oscillatory zoned zircon: some geochronological and petrological implicationsContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992349
Trace element modelling of pelite-derived granitesContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992303
Rare earth element fractionation in metamorphogenic hydrothermal calcite, magnesite and sideriteMineralogy and Petrology1992245
Effects of Layer Charge, Charge Location, and Energy Change on Expansion Properties of Dioctahedral SmectitesClays and Clay Minerals1992239
Non-ideal mixing in the phlogopite-annite binary: constraints from experimental data on Mg−Fe partitioning and a reformulation of the biotite-garnet geothermometerContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992233
Petrology and geochemistry of potassic and ultrapotassic volcanism in central Italy: petrogenesis and inferences on the evolution of the mantle sourcesLithos1992232
Sorption and speciation of heavy metals on hydrous Fe and Mn oxides. From microscopic to macroscopicApplied Clay Science1992226
Groundmass crystallization of Mount St. Helens dacite, 1980–1986: a tool for interpreting shallow magmatic processesContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992226
Petrological characterization of the source components of potassic magmas: geochemical and experimental constraintsLithos1992224
Geochemical discrimination between shoshonitic and potassic volcanic rocks in different tectonic settings: A pilot studyMineralogy and Petrology1992213
Cation diffusion in aluminosilicate garnets: experimental determination in spessartine-almandine diffusion couples, evaluation of effective binary diffusion coefficients, and applicationsContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992212
Rare earth elements and hydrothermal ore formation processesOre Geology Reviews1992178
Internally consistent gahnitic spinel-cordierite-garnet equilibria in the FMASHZn system: geothermobarometry and applicationsContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992173
Chemistry of illite-smectite inferred from TEM measurements of fundamental particlesClay Minerals1992159
Experimentally determined mineral-melt partition coefficients for Sc, Y and REE for olivine, orthopyroxene, pigeonite, magnetite and ilmeniteContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992156
Shock metamorphism as a fundamental process in the evolution of planetary bodies: Information from meteoritesEuropean Journal of Mineralogy1992153
Intercrystalline stable isotope diffusion: a fast grain boundary modelContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992152
Metasomatism and fluid flow in ductile fault zonesContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992145
The construction of the Total Alkali-Silica chemical classification of volcanic rocksMineralogy and Petrology1992145
The geochemistry of phosphorus in granite rocks and the effect of aluminiumLithos1992145
Fluid variability in 2 GPa eclogites as an indicator of fluid behavior during subductionContributions To Mineralogy and Petrology1992143