Type: review
Journal: Science
Year: 2017
Pages: 355,
Biodiversity redistribution under climate change: Impacts on ecosystems and human well-being
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Gretta T Pecl1439578143
2Julia L Blanchard13211234132
3I-ching Chen16319616
4Robert K Colwell11030652110
5Birgitta Evengård18295018
6Lorena Falconi322603
7Simon Ferrier12128393121
8Stewart Frusher33407033
9Raquel A Garcia14432514
10Alistair J Hobday22719743227
11Charlene Janion-scheepers31278531
12Marta A Jarzyna29380329
13Sarah Jennings42326442
14Hlif I Linnetved122191
15Victoria Y Martin18290418
16Jan Mcdonald27285427
17Nicola J Mitchell72443472
18Tero Mustonen19269119
19Nathalie Pettorelli19311642193
20Ekaterina Popova68513768
21Brett R Scheffers70830470
22Cascade J B Sorte38746338
23Jan M Strugnell1055690105
24Mao-ning Tuanmu42487942
25Adriana Vergés75642375
26Cecilia Villanueva14267314
27Erik Wapstra1426497142
28Miguel B Araújo19943619199
29Johann D Bell41487641
30Timothy C Bonebrake79450179
31Timothy D Clark1218841121
32Roger B Griffis20396820
33Jonathan Lenoir23516397235
34Phillipa C Mccormack21267021
35John M Pandolfi17726226177
36Sharon A Robinson1149235114
37Justine D Shaw54399254
38Thomas Wernberg20321164203
39Tara E Sutherland49383149
40Anawin Sanguankeo1385959138
41Stephen E Williams771667977