Type: (null)
Journal: Nature
Year: 2016
Pages: 529, 167-171
The global spectrum of plant form and function
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Sandra Díaz18041316180
2Jens Kattge18028608180
3Johannes H C Cornelissen18133110181
4Ian J Wright17747518177
5Sandra Lavorel12220615122
6Stéphane Dray791624779
7Michael Kleyer811684581
8Christian Wirth11110377111
9Iain Colin Prentice37973573379
10Eric Garnier842892184
11Mark Westoby15147982151
12Hendrik Poorter12434187124
13Peter B Reich746114808746
14Angela T Moles11815846118
15John B Dickie34485634
16Andrew N Gillison834298
17Amy E Zanne671460767
18Jérôme Chave19424371194
19Hervé Jactel16113181161
20Christopher Baraloto13614895136
21Bruno E L Cerabolini75825075
22Simon Pierce78644578
23Bill Shipley12411663124
24Fernando Casanoves871011487
25Julia S Joswig525385
26Nadja Rüger43872143
27Miguel D Mahecha21615359216
28Hongwei Zhao25278425
29S Joseph Wright33738049337