Type: (null)
Journal: Nature Genetics
Year: 2009
Pages: 41, 1275-1281
The genome of the cucumber, Cucumis sativus L.
Distribution of the number of citations over years.


1Sanwen Huang13719446137
2Zhonghua Zhang35552335
3Xingfang Gu623576
4Kui Lin59578359
5Zhangjun Fei31524769315
6Andrzej Kilian15613671156
7Jun He16369216
8Yong Xu91696091
9Jue Ruan536565653
10Shenhao Wang14282714
11Shiqiang Liu39211939
12Won Kyong Cho2406688240
13Jae-yean Kim1137647113
14Guojie Zhang22131470221
15Hui Liu10173010
16Xiaodong Fang803396580
17Karsten Kristiansen44777130447
18Jun Wang534171347534
19Uri Hasson11714913117
20Dong-soo Park49194349
21Thomas Gicquel47221747