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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published online by Birkhäuser May 24, 2019

An Assessment Method for Certified Environmental Sustainability in the Preservation of Historic Buildings. A Focus on Energy Efficiency and Indoor Environmental Quality in the Italian Experience of GBC Historic Building

  • P. Boarin , E. Lucchi EMAIL logo and M. Zuppiroli


Environmental sustainability certification represents a strategic opportunity for improving energy efficiency, environmental quality, rational use of resources and design innovation in historic buildings, allowing greater transparency on energy uses and environmental management. To address these aspects, the Green Building Council of Italy has developed a new rating system, GBC Historic Building®, derived from the most diffused environmental sustainability assessment method worldwide (i. e. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - LEED®), in order to evaluate the sustainability level of restoration, rehabilitation and adaptation of historic buildings built before the end of World War II. This manuscript focuses on how this innovative assessment method addresses energy issues and indoor environmental quality aspects throughout the different thematic areas, introducing the new category “Historic Value”, distinctive of this protocol, aimed at improving the knowledge on the historic building and to support a sustainable approach in the restoration process.


Paola Boarin is Chair of the Technical Advisory Group Historic Building. Elena Lucchi is member of the Technical Advisory Group (Academic) Historic Building. Marco Zuppiroli is Scientific Advisor of the Technical Advisory Group Historic Building. All authors have contributed to the writing of this paper.


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Published Online: 2019-05-24

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