Svetlana Gordynets, Liliya Cherniavskaya, Viktoriya Napreenko, Tatiana Madziyevskaya
Pages: 70-83
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The subject of research – enrichment phytocomplexes, meat raw materials, new types of meat products of preventive dietary nutrition with a reduced content of table salt. The purpose of the study – development of meat products for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Methods. The objects of research were: phytocomplexes, meat raw materials (beef meat, pork, veal, rabbit meat, ostrich meat, turkey meat, broiler meat), cooked sausage products. The amino acid content was determined by high performance liquid chromatography in accordance with MVI.MN 1363-2000 "Method for the determination of amino acids in food using high performance liquid chromatography." The mass fraction of protein was determined according to GOST 25011-2017, the mass fraction of fat – according to GOST 23042-2015, the mass fraction of sodium chloride – according to GOST 9957-2015. The sensorial parameters of phytocomplexes were assessed according to GOST 15113.3-77, those of cooked sausage products – according to GOST 9959-2015. The vitamin and mineral composition of phytocomplexes was determined by calculation, based on the content of vitamins and minerals in each of the ingredients. The content of vitamins in cooked sausage products was determined according to known standard methods. The results of the study. A scientifically substantiated selection of components of plant origin (anise, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, white pepper, cumin, garlic), which had the properties of flavor enhancers and medicinal properties, were potentially useful for high blood pressure (antispasmodic, sedative, diuretic effect), were the source of a number of biologically active compounds (vitamins, minerals, etc.) and contained a minimum amount of sodium. On the basis of the above-mentioned spicy-aromatic plants, enrichment phytocomplexes "Kredo", "Salus-1" and "Salus-2" have been developed, the compositions of which are selected in such a way that they perform not only the role of a flavoring additive, but also correct the salt sensitivity threshold in order to promote reducing the amount of salt consumed by humans in meat products. The use of the developed polyfunctional compositions in the preparation of formulations for new types of meat products (cooked sausages, frankfurters, wieners) manufactured at the Slutsk Myasokombinat JSC made it possible to give them traditional organoleptic characteristics while reducing the use of salt by about 33% in comparison with similar products (STB 126-2016, p.5.2.2), manufactured using traditional technologies. Testing of prototypes of new types of meat products was carried out on male Wistar rats at the Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. It was found that their regular (within 3 weeks) use after modeling cardiovascular insufficiency is accompanied by a decrease in the increased level of blood pressure by an average of 46% after 45 minutes and by 64% after 3 days. These data confirm the presence of a beneficial effect, expressed in the normalization of blood pressure with the systematic consumption of foods with a reduced sodium content. According to the conclusion of the State Scientific Institution “Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”, the developed sausages, sausages and wieners can be classified as products for functional nutrition and, accordingly, be accompanied by information about their beneficial effect on the body during systematic consumption. Scope of research results. The requirements for new types of meat products are set out in the developed and approved in accordance with the existing in Belarus order TU BY 100098867.470-2018 "Cooked sausage products with a reduced salt content of dietary preventive nutrition". A line of meat products has been developed (cooked sausages, raw smoked and dry-cured sausages, pork and beef products, turkey meat products) using phytocomplexes "Salus-1", "Salus-2", "Kredo". The specified products, boiled sausages with a lowered salt content, have been introduced at Mega Omega LLC, Minsk Meat Processing Plant OJSC, Grodno Meat Processing Plant OJSC, Ostrovetskoye farm and Ekofol peasant farm.
Key words: meat products, low salt content, phytocomplexes, preventive dietary nutrition, cardiovascular diseases
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