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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Environmental Science & Technology69492.4K1.5K
2Journal of Hazardous Materials10737757771
3Journal of Colloid and Interface Science10604805635
4Catalysis Science and Technology8480465221
5Journal of Materials Chemistry A54512.3K1.6K
7RSC Advances112042.6K3.4K
8Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry2164178131
10Chemical Communications51363.2K4.3K
11ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering31342.5K2.5K
11ACS Catalysis21342.6K2.7K
13Environmental Science: Nano2131586348
14Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering11221.3K248
15Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics21185.7K3.4K
17Science of the Total Environment31055.8K8.9K
18Journal of Environmental Sciences2101600586
19Energy Reports196323124
20Journal of Materials Science4922.1K2.4K
21Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews1907521.5K
22Analytical Chemistry18710.6K9.0K
23Environmental Pollution1855.1K4.0K
24ACS Omega6821.7K2.3K
25Scientific Reports17761.5K34.3K
28Dalton Transactions1665.2K3.4K
28Environmental Science and Pollution Research6662.2K4.8K
30Nanoscale Advances1641.3K340
31Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces1583.7K3.5K
31Catalysis Letters3588931.0K
33International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health35311.0K10.9K
34ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2529.8K15.2K
35International Journal of Food Properties1491.0K575
37Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety1423.6K4.2K
38Applied Catalysis A: General141222367
39Frontiers in Chemistry2381.1K1.9K
40Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research1375.2K5.5K
41Journal of Food Process Engineering136811478
42International Journal of Photoenergy135765467
43New Journal of Chemistry3322.8K4.3K
43Journal of Controlled Release1323.5K7.0K
43ACS Applied Energy Materials1323.2K3.1K
46Journal of Food Biochemistry2298221.1K
47Applied Organometallic Chemistry2271.3K1.8K
48Journal of Ethnopharmacology2252.0K5.6K
48Phytotherapy Research1253.2K5.5K
50Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations123690643
51Journal of Environmental Planning and Management122495748
54Chemistry - A European Journal1197.5K11.1K
54International Journal of Pharmaceutics1193.7K6.7K
56Synthetic Communications1182.1K1.9K
56Crystal Growth and Design1183.5K5.2K
56Journal of Nanoparticle Research1182.2K3.1K
56Chemistry - an Asian Journal1182.3K3.3K
56International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence118407326
61Polymer Engineering and Science1171.9K2.3K
61Theory in Biosciences11793158
61ACS ES&T Water117489367
64Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences1142.1K1.9K
64Science China Technological Sciences214490999
64Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME214311719
68Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology1131.1K1.3K
68Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering1131.2K1.9K
70Journal of Coastal Research512159781
71Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A1114.0K8.7K
71Bioenergy Research111445901
71Science China Materials1118351.3K
71Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology2111.2K3.8K
75Journal of Applied Polymer Science2104.8K11.1K
75Environmental Research1104.5K11.0K
75Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry/Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya81048178
75Rare Metals1108451.2K
75Journal of the Knowledge Economy110147272
82Biosensors and Bioelectronics194.1K10.0K
82Biochemistry and Cell Biology196561.9K
82International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering3975224
82Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds19742874
82International Journal of Polymer Science19326917
82Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering19375769
82Stem Cell Reviews and Reports19375755
89Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology184.3K8.1K
89Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics1899180
91Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy173.5K6.7K
91Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters174.4K7.8K
91Journal of Heat Transfer171.1K1.8K
91Water, Air, and Soil Pollution172.8K5.0K
95Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin162.4K5.0K
95Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects161.3K1.8K
95Journal of Chemistry161.4K2.8K
95Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society167281.1K
95Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials16153487
95Chinese Science Bulletin46131399
102Journal of Chemical Research255601.1K
102Bioresources and Bioprocessing15188524
104International Journal of Molecular Sciences1439.5K60.8K
104Separation Science and Technology249543.5K
104Current Psychology141.6K2.5K
104Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry149262.3K
108Angewandte Chemie - International Edition1310.7K21.4K
108Chemistry Letters131.2K2.2K
108Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics232.8K6.1K
108Advanced Healthcare Materials133.9K9.5K
108Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing131.3K2.3K
108Biologia (Poland)139212.0K
108Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering136941.7K
108Sustainable Energy and Fuels131.4K3.0K
108Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy13141299
120IEEE Access226.3K13.6K
120Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)121.6K4.3K
120Nanoscale Research Letters121.7K4.4K
120Biotechnology Progress121.5K4.5K
120Crystallography Reports12247338
120Journal of Porous Materials128282.0K
120International Journal of Green Energy124301.6K
120Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry1297308
120Environmental Engineering Research12191590
129Physics of Fluids113.6K6.4K
129Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal11452862
129Journal of Sensors116512.5K
129Journal of Biomaterials Applications117503.0K
129Advanced Composite Materials11131480
129Bangladesh Journal of Botany11223364
138Journal of Chemical Physics107.7K14.3K
138Angewandte Chemie1011.0K19.3K
138Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences108661.9K
138Chemistry of Natural Compounds109291.9K
138Materials Science and Technology106711.9K
138IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics101.4K2.9K
138Tribology Transactions104221.3K
138Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal Organic, and Nano Metal Chemistry106411.3K
138Biomaterials Science102.3K7.1K
138IEEE Internet of Things Journal102.0K3.7K
138Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering10191735
138International Journal of Chemical Engineering10151688
138Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring10173524
138Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems1068270
138Promet - Traffic - Traffico1058199
138International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies10565
138Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences10645629
138WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies50101268