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1IDTAXA: a novel approach for accurate taxonomic classification of microbiome sequencesMicrobiome2018367
2De novo gene birthPLoS Genetics2019252
3scds: computational annotation of doublets in single-cell RNA sequencing dataBioinformatics2020171
4Evolutionary pathways to antibiotic resistance are dependent upon environmental structure and bacterial lifestyleELife2019127
5Standardized annotation of translated open reading framesNature Biotechnology2022112
6Synteny-based analyses indicate that sequence divergence is not the main source of orphan genesELife2020111
7De novo emergence of adaptive membrane proteins from thymine-rich genomic sequencesNature Communications202096
8Systematic detection of horizontal gene transfer across genera among multidrug-resistant bacteria in a single hospitalELife202093
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10Control of cytokinesis by β-adrenergic receptors indicates an approach for regulating cardiomyocyte endowmentScience Translational Medicine201983
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19CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockin in the hydroid Hydractinia symbiolongicarpusBMC Genomics201850
20Genome-wide enhancer annotations differ significantly in genomic distribution, evolution, and functionBMC Genomics201944
21Pseudomonas aeruginosa Interstrain Dynamics and Selection of Hyperbiofilm Mutants during a Chronic InfectionMBio201941
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38The roles of history, chance, and natural selection in the evolution of antibiotic resistanceELife202125
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