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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior11,393344
2Journal of Personality and Social Psychology8828115145
3International Psychogeriatrics1375911267
4Annual Review of Psychology1713179185
5Frontiers in Psychology43626161390
6Aging and Mental Health184952545
7Higher Education238528375
8European Eating Disorders Review123785659
9Schizophrenia Research33541.5K518
10International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health233469681.4K
11Journal of Adolescent Health22801.3K550
12Journal of Affective Disorders22583.4K1.3K
13Nature Human Behaviour6226116518
14Psychological Assessment4222127194
15Cognition and Emotion3198241126
16Developmental Psychology2192349314
16Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology1192504380
18Eating Behaviors51919897
19Journal of Clinical Psychology1171881205
20International Journal of Nursing Studies1163951390
21Sexuality Research and Social Policy31556523
22Journal of Applied Social Psychology3151167155
23PLoS ONE1514712.7K40.1K
24Australian Critical Care314214142
25Journal of Management11392770
26Health and Quality of Life Outcomes6132155482
27Journal of Adolescence4127178381
28Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking611328283
29Sleep Health1111458150
31Scandinavian Journal of Psychology610387192
32Current Neuropharmacology2100214214
33European Psychiatry797690835
34Journal of Applied Psychology194160251
35Harvard Review of Psychiatry293115230
36International Journal of Eating Disorders3888471.3K
36Reading and Writing588102202
38Perceptual and Motor Skills286842317
38Behavior Research Methods486213386
42Psychiatry Research5831.1K2.1K
43Journal of Cognitive Psychology3827855
43Journal of Behavioral Addictions182152166
45Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging277784689
46Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization175176101
47European Journal of Haematology2731.1K900
48Journal of Psychosomatic Research1721.6K1.1K
48Psychological Science3723931.5K
48Frontiers in Psychiatry2722.2K1.8K
51BMC Public Health1717.4K4.1K
52Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases1704.9K3.4K
52Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness270248112
52Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy570155328
55Global Public Health165723264
57Journal of Sex Research164675581
57Body Image364153311
57Clinical Interventions in Aging364117435
60Journal of Intellectual Disability Research463182668
61European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology261120216
62Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences260583773
62International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction260198213
62Administrative Sciences2608231
65AIDS and Behavior259942998
65Educational Psychology259204257
65British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology45945107
68Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis158199244
68Frontiers in Public Health2581.4K1.3K
70Child Abuse and Neglect257585984
71Medicina (Lithuania)1564.1K621
71Current Psychology656258307
74Gerontologist, The1551.1K1.1K
74Brain Sciences6555261.0K
74Clinical Gerontologist4555491
78Organizational Research Methods1544894
78Advances in Mental Health1546820
80Journal of Psychiatric Research2531.4K2.3K
81Clinical Drug Investigation45255200
81Health Communication152486334
81Journal of Organizational Behavior152242428
81Eating and Weight Disorders75271328
81Psychology and Aging252226410
81Ethnicity and Health152388288
87Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews1512.5K4.0K
88Review of General Psychology25055242
89Cognition and Instruction1492823
90Early Child Development and Care548108214
91Osteoporosis International1472.6K3.0K
92Brain Stimulation1461.7K1.7K
93Higher Education Research and Development145265214
93Psychological Methods24568249
95Medical Teacher3443651.3K
95Children's Geographies24483143
98Frontiers in Neuroscience3411.6K4.7K
98Frontiers in Human Neuroscience2412.0K3.7K
98Women's Health Issues141630544
98Applied Psychological Measurement1413523
98Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration141617553
103Psychological Medicine1404.3K6.0K
103Journal of Clinical Medicine7402.8K7.2K
106American Psychologist237174592
106Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience2371.4K3.2K
106International Journal of Psychology337106337
106International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology137234149
110Journal of Critical Care1361.6K1.7K
111Disability and Society135243266
112Digestive Diseases and Sciences2341.6K3.4K
112Educational Gerontology134281218
112Health and Social Care in the Community234442697
112British Journal of Social Psychology234162333
112Journal of Business and Psychology23491232
112Journal of Peace Education1343012
119Journal of Personnel Psychology1316362
120Rheumatology International2301.1K2.1K
120European Journal of Pain1301.9K2.2K
120Journal of Happiness Studies53060673
120Nursing Inquiry130227187
120High Ability Studies1306256
125Journal of Advanced Nursing1292.5K3.4K
125Instructional Science229122353
127Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease1281.2K1.5K
127Medicine (United States)12813.0K10.5K
127AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV2281.0K1.8K
127BMC Geriatrics2281.3K2.2K
127European Journal of Social Psychology428143512
132Experimental Brain Research1273.0K3.9K
132Journal of Interpersonal Violence32760332
132Social Influence2271760
132European Psychologist127141283
136Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders2261.3K3.0K
136BMC Medical Research Methodology2267361.7K
136Intensive and Critical Care Nursing126362453
136Social Psychological and Personality Science126243362
136Education Sciences726159539
141Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy125176316
144Social Indicators Research1249941.4K
144Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings224264535
144Men and Masculinities2248107
144Journal of Management and Organization124136156
144Medical Ultrasonography124174104
149European Journal of Paediatric Neurology2236621.7K
149British Journal of Educational Psychology123429623
151Pediatric Critical Care Medicine1222.5K3.0K
151Journal of Personality Assessment122580797
151European Journal of Sport Science122738904
151Journal of Nonverbal Behavior122140297
151Spanish Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health2221315
157Psychotherapy Research221253539
157American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias221147903
161Clinical Rheumatology1202.5K3.5K
161Depression and Anxiety1201.5K2.9K
161Translational Psychiatry1203.3K5.6K
161International Journal of Inclusive Education220159413
161Ophthalmic Epidemiology120525697
168Drug and Alcohol Dependence1192.5K3.7K
168Women and Health1195901.1K
170Journal of Personality118377673
170Multivariate Behavioral Research118159259
170Stress and Health118463893
170BMC Psychology118754623
174Seizure: the Journal of the British Epilepsy Association1171.7K2.7K
174Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology1173.9K5.7K
174Journal of Educational Computing Research117124246
174Genes, Brain and Behavior1171.4K3.2K
174Psychological Inquiry21781183
174Ageing Research Reviews1176692.9K
174Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression1173634
174BRQ Business Research Quarterly1171028
183Journal of Family Violence116427826
183Human Arenas1162719
186Quality of Life Research1152.3K4.4K
186Memory and Cognition315326766
186International Journal of Human Resource Management115271669
186Brain Topography2152901.2K
186Child Neuropsychology2153071.1K
186International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research2153441.2K
186Epilepsia Open115598876
194Pediatric Transplantation1142.4K2.8K
194Journal of Youth and Adolescence2145441.8K
194Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition114371581
194Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience1141.6K3.6K
194Death Studies214189808
194South African Journal of Psychology114138201
194Cambridge Journal of Education114134245
194Applied Neuropsychology Adult114403553
194Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied11498249
194Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events1142377
194Women S Health Reports11411924
207Journal of Anxiety Disorders1135911.3K
207Obesity Reviews1131.4K3.7K
207Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment213266712
207Educational Psychology Review113326586
207Journal of Neuropsychology113223613
207Communications Psychology113437
215Frontiers in Physiology1125.2K10.1K
215Journal of Rheumatology1124.3K8.9K
215Brain and Cognition1127511.7K
215Issues in Mental Health Nursing112664839
215Language and Cognitive Processes112145405
215Curriculum Journal112113167
215Violence and Victims112162382
215Journal of Constructivist Psychology1128188
215Revista Espanola De Enfermedades Digestivas1124749
225Journal of Neuroscience1117.6K15.8K
225Psychological Reports3114581.8K
225Journal of Homosexuality2112331.2K
225Journal of NeuroVirology2114551.7K
230Physiology and Behavior1102.6K5.3K
230Thrombosis Research1102.7K5.3K
230Substance Use and Misuse1101.3K2.2K
230Journal of Forensic Sciences1101.5K2.9K
230European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry1101.4K2.5K
230Psychology, Health and Medicine1108121.7K
230Pain Research and Management1103181.1K
230Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science11083126
230Psicologia: Reflexao E Critica1104447
230Revista De Psiquiatría Y Salud Mental11096169
230Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment110120270
230Brain Communications1101.9K2.9K
230European Journal of Psychological Assessment31080566
243Behavioral and Brain Sciences597251.9K
243International Journal of Psychophysiology199642.2K
243Psychological Record29172388
243Eating Disorders19332729
243Behavioral Sciences (Basel, Switzerland)89621.2K
243Psychological Test Adaptation and Development19167
251BMC Health Services Research184.2K6.9K
251Journal of Alzheimer's Disease383.1K12.2K
251International Urogynecology Journal181.6K2.6K
251Sex Roles284111.6K
251Research in Developmental Disabilities285632.4K
251Neurobiology of Learning and Memory189592.5K
251Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology284521.3K
251Town Planning Review18114252
251Journal of Psychoactive Drugs184331.1K
251Journal of Personality Disorders38104653
251Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma18243584
251Self and Identity18203404
251Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science18136512
251International Journal of Mental Health Promotion1867184
251Digital Health18742667
251Metacognition and Learning18109217
267Behavioural Processes176661.5K
267Health Policy178832.1K
267Clinical and Translational Oncology179962.3K
267Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology175511.7K
267Child and Youth Care Forum17199472
267Infectious Diseases and Therapy17225658
267International Journal of Cognitive Therapy1764134
267Endocrinologia, Diabetes Y NutriciÓn1759156
267PsyCh Journal17247431
267Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being17104313
278Psychological Research165841.1K
278Journal of Genetic Counseling161.3K2.7K
278Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy16228477
278Brain and Behavior261.1K5.8K
278Psychology of Music16219560
278Healthcare (Switzerland)164.8K5.2K
278Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience163971.4K
278Applied Research in Quality of Life16188677
278Social Neuroscience261971.1K
278Revista De Psiquiatría Y Salud Mental (English Edition)163645
278International Journal of Developmental Disabilities16126312
278Technology, Knowledge and Learning1652233
278Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine16155418
278School Psychology1656124
278Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology1679126
293World Neurosurgery155.0K8.7K
293Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology156811.6K
293Pain Medicine151.2K3.3K
293Drug Design, Development and Therapy151.2K4.0K
293Developmental Science158392.1K
293Health Psychology154921.4K
293Journal of Community Psychology251821.0K
293Studies in Conflict and Terrorism15155400
293Frontiers in Neuroanatomy252952.2K
293Human Dimensions of Wildlife15111368
293Sleep and Biological Rhythms15283673
293Annals of Leisure Research1545169
293International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology1551205
293Journal of Individual Differences15102294
310Vision Research149922.1K
310Physical Therapy241.0K4.5K
310Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology149742.0K
310Archives of Sexual Behavior141.3K2.9K
310Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics141.1K3.5K
310Handbook of Clinical Neurology / Edited By P J Vinken and G W Bruyn147932.4K
310Drug and Alcohol Review148631.9K
310International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems146221.4K
310European Journal of Medical Genetics141.3K3.7K
310Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment1432116
310Education and Information Technologies145661.6K
310Microbial Biotechnology141.0K2.0K
310European Journal of Developmental Psychology14241586
310Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics141297
310Revue Europeenne De Psychologie Appliquee141082
310Journal of Intelligence5430381
310Nursing Reports24106237
329International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry132.5K5.9K
329Health and Place138322.6K
329Cognitive Science136061.4K
329Social Sciences331501.7K
329Aggressive Behavior135151.5K
329American Journal of Critical Care131.0K3.2K
329Social and Personality Psychology Compass13198337
329Culture and Psychology131752
329European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research13136315
329Text and Talk1347206
329Applied Neuropsychology: Child13194583
329Journal of Experimental Psychology: General13282705
329Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology13102244
329Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research13241846
329Current Aging Science1366267
344Scientific Reports1261.5K64.8K
344Applied Sciences (Switzerland)1217.6K30.9K
344Acta Psychologica125541.5K
344Health Care for Women International125271.7K
344Annual Review of Clinical Psychology12155584
344Language and Cognition1241134
344Journal of Experimental Psychology Animal Learning and Cognition1243117
344Journal of Psychophysiology12159592
344European Journal of Education and Psychology1246
357American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A116.6K14.8K
357Journal of Vision311.3K2.6K
357Family Process115091.5K
357European Journal of Special Needs Education11222601
357Behaviour Change1180237
357Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences11155633
357Nursing Open118302.3K
357Cogent Psychology11192777
357Endocrinología Diabetes Y Nutrición (English Ed )113558
357European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education3171623
357Political Research Exchange111261
357Trends in Psychology1122109
357Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology1151188
372Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal103.1K9.3K
372Human Brain Mapping104.8K10.4K
372Journal of the American Medical Directors Association102.0K4.9K
372Alcohol and Alcoholism109492.6K
372International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Education10233561
372SHS Web of Conferences204901.1K
372BMC Psychiatry103.0K7.2K
372Cognitive Therapy and Research105211.2K
372Zoo Biology103671.2K
372European Journal of Psychology of Education10280804
372Current Alzheimer Research104111.9K
372Revista De Psicologia Social10223
372Journal of Intellectual Disabilities1017168
372Veterinary Sciences108462.3K
372Psychological Studies1090384
372Journal of Family Studies1098549
372Translational Neuroscience10150968
372Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling1082293
372European Review of Aging and Physical Activity1063423
372Collabra: Psychology10180451
372Zeitschrift Fur Sportpsychologie101245
372Cardiology Journal10111577
372Revista Digital De Investigación En Docencia Universitaria1010
372Environment and Social Psychology201467
372IBRO Neuroscience Reports10456293