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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology481823653
2IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems570628955
3Nonlinear Dynamics11553277158
4Advanced Energy Materials55031.1K1.1K
5IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics147542489
6IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems2466976184
7Nano Energy6451226371
8Journal of Marine Science and Engineering9444636
9IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics7436525488
11IET Control Theory and Applications5365290124
12International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control7360273134
13IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics4343307146
15IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics4327467272
16IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering331110239
17Journal of Navigation5291152
18ISA Transactions7275134129
19ACS Nano32694.3K5.0K
20IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks1250472207
21Science of the Total Environment42404.5K4.2K
22Journal of Heat Transfer16239122248
23Advanced Functional Materials82381.9K4.3K
24Advanced Materials Technologies1022268174
25Physics of Fluids13206436658
26IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems3205428345
28Energy & Fuels13184351976
29IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology3172993634
30Microfluidics and Nanofluidics5163102123
31IEEE Sensors Journal17155200501
32Scientific Reports131549.3K20.5K
33Ocean Engineering113325373
35Risk Analysis3114295493
37Journal of Colloid and Interface Science81061.0K3.3K
37Applied Sciences (Switzerland)301063052.1K
39Environmental Science and Pollution Research81051.6K3.1K
40IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics2104929855
41Analytica Chimica Acta41011.1K1.9K
42International Journal of Energy Research1199126661
43RSC Advances9973.2K6.2K
43Nature Communications29719.0K27.7K
43Biosensors and Bioelectronics1974.1K3.7K
49International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology7798031.5K
50Tribology International275114136
51IEEE Access16721.1K3.4K
52International Journal of Systems Science471450436
53IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics265369296
54Visual Computer164577176
57Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research3592.6K4.1K
57Journal of Marine Science and Technology7592952
57International Journal of Fuzzy Systems45996145
60International Journal of Neural Systems158450369
61Science China Information Sciences357345311
63ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces3567.4K14.6K
63Neural Computing and Applications2561.2K1.2K
63ACS Central Science1561.1K1.6K
63International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing1564646
67Polish Maritime Research105536
68Instrumentation Science and Technology3548434
68Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications7542467
70Asian Journal of Control553145424
71Analyst, The5521.1K3.3K
71Soft Computing352740924
71Journal of Thermal Spray Technology352172240
71Neural Processing Letters152587227
76ACS Omega6491.7K4.1K
76Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications249375331
76Ships and Offshore Structures7495089
76IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement10493031.1K
80International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing247294296
82Applied Physics Letters2456.9K8.7K
83New Journal of Chemistry6441.7K3.5K
83Journal of Thermal Science8444298
83IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles244230157
86Heat and Mass Transfer343287406
86International Journal of Green Energy54324234
89Nano Research3421.1K2.4K
90Npj Flexible Electronics141163189
92International Journal of Control2391.0K1.1K
93Neural Networks1389071.4K
95IEEE Transactions on Power Systems4374201.2K
98Mikrochimica Acta1342.5K2.3K
98Promet - Traffic - Traffico1345815
100Electronics (Switzerland)5331.3K2.2K
102Advanced Engineering Materials3316551.4K
103International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health7304.8K17.0K
103Journal of Nanomaterials1301.8K1.4K
106Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety1293.6K5.5K
107Science China Chemistry1281.1K1.1K
107IET Electrical Systems in Transportation1289793
107Cyber-Physical Systems128126
110Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters5271.5K5.2K
112Journal of Tribology526169506
112Experimental Heat Transfer22696159
114Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering425125229
115Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology4243561.3K
115Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology324169311
117International Journal of Molecular Sciences22326.6K35.3K
117Soft Matter3231.7K4.3K
117Journal of Chemistry3234291.1K
117IET Power Electronics123713718
121Experiments in Fluids222496977
121Tribology Transactions222224475
121Frontiers in Medicine1223.0K3.1K
124Mathematical Problems in Engineering7217432.2K
124IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications1211.2K1.4K
124Journal of Fluids and Structures121169241
124Physical Review Applied1211.3K1.4K
124International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems221466654
130Lab on A Chip1202.7K5.0K
130Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy320200907
132Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power519168518
132Lubrication Science119170145
132China Ocean Engineering119172106
135Review of Scientific Instruments1184.2K4.3K
135IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems118175340
135Heat Transfer Research91824149
141AIP Advances3171.4K2.9K
141Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy117696713
141Advanced Intelligent Systems217313638
144Acta Oceanologica Sinica116294244
144IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica316140638
148Colloid and Polymer Science1151.3K1.7K
148Materials Science and Technology215376757
148Petroleum Science and Technology115658572
148Transport in Porous Media215389921
148Ironmaking and Steelmaking41554170
148Maritime Policy and Management215105319
148Functional Materials Letters115313270
148Journal of Materials Science1155.4K7.0K
156Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy2142.2K5.4K
156Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics2142.8K3.7K
156Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao114435509
156Microgravity Science and Technology214135246
156IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine1141645
162Journal of the American Ceramic Society3131.9K6.1K
162Environmental Pollution1135.1K11.6K
162Marine Pollution Bulletin1132.1K4.5K
162Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering2133281.0K
162IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid1137021.2K
162Tribology Letters313252810
162International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems113656713
162Journal of Power Electronics2138365
170Separation Science and Technology1121.6K2.4K
170Journal of Marine Science and Application41251153
170Science Progress21295325
173Journal of Physics: Conference Series18114512.8K
173Bioresource Technology1114.9K9.6K
173Journal of Materials Research1112.3K3.5K
173Strength of Materials2118296
173Analytical Methods1113.1K4.5K
173Chemical Engineering Communications1111.0K1.4K
173IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems5114962.7K
173Annual Review of Heat Transfer11156104
181Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering1105651.7K
181Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology310105272
184Journal of Physical Chemistry B197.8K15.6K
184Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing193.1K4.3K
184Science China Technological Sciences198191.2K
184Sustainable Energy and Fuels191.4K2.4K
184Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics19361633
189Physical Review E185.7K8.7K
189Measurement Science and Technology188461.6K
189Water (Switzerland)284.0K9.3K
189Chemical Science184.1K7.4K
189Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society583351.5K
189Polymer Composites389734.1K
189International Journal of Thermophysics18581896
189Frontiers in Chemistry182.1K4.6K
189Metals and Materials International186271.0K
189Steel Research International18516608
189Rare Metals188451.4K
189Applied Intelligence181.1K1.9K
189Tehnicki Vjesnik18401116
189Open Geosciences18252403
189CCS Chemistry186421.3K
204MATEC Web of Conferences674761.3K
204Procedia CIRP17292554
204Advances in Mechanical Engineering277401.9K
204Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME176021.0K
204Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy3798556
204Journal of Bionic Engineering17340836
204Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment4742142
204PeerJ Computer Science17205616
213AIP Conference Proceedings269.0K5.5K
213Journal of Ethnopharmacology163.5K8.9K
213Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy166751.6K
219IFAC Postprint Volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control45260513
219Journal of Applied Polymer Science157.3K13.1K
219IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science758261.9K
219Nano Letters254.2K14.6K
219Journal of Supercomputing151.2K2.0K
219International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing155811.1K
219International Journal of Rotating Machinery15116257
219International Journal of Sustainable Energy15171453
219Reaction Chemistry and Engineering25252880
219Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology3513148
219Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies25122342
219Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer25122376
219Science Bulletin151.3K2.1K
219Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering151.5K2.8K
233PLoS ONE1463.9K64.8K
233Materials Research Express141.4K3.0K
233Analytical Letters142.0K3.9K
233Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering141.3K2.5K
233Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME244881.6K
233Energy and Environmental Science142.0K4.3K
233Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics148811.5K
233Advanced Materials Interfaces142.9K6.3K
233Heat Transfer Engineering144731.1K
233Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing147761.9K
233Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing24231895
233Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry3493663
233International Journal of Automation and Computing14215603
233ACS Applied Electronic Materials247112.7K
233Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China143257
233Physical Review Fluids147511.2K
251Journal of the Electrochemical Society133.1K5.8K
251Journal of Materials Chemistry A135.9K10.5K
251Environmental Monitoring and Assessment133.5K7.9K
251Scientific World Journal, The132.5K8.3K
251Journal of Coastal Research139061.6K
251IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering23211674
251Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering13298566
251Journal of Mechanics13214421
251Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition)13295613
251Frontiers in Energy Research133161.3K
263Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture127531.7K
263IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs121.1K1.8K
263Royal Society Open Science122.7K8.7K
263KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering129661.9K
263Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering422771.7K
263Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures127261.9K
263IET Image Processing127812.1K
263Heat Transfer - Asian Research12276602
263Marine Georesources and Geotechnology12358831
263Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production12266567
263Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications12343142
263Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology122.0K5.1K
263IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters121.1K1.9K
277Environmental Science & Technology119.4K21.7K
277Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics118.2K15.3K
277Advanced Materials119.4K19.4K
277Molecular Physics112.1K4.6K
277Communications in Computer and Information Science11554678
277Catalysis Letters211.2K3.4K
277Modern Physics Letters B111.1K2.5K
277Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science111.3K3.0K
277Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)117511.4K
277Research on Chemical Intermediates111.4K3.1K
277Bulletin of Materials Science117992.2K
277Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing11183487
277Advanced Optical Materials112.8K6.0K
277Geotechnical and Geological Engineering117021.4K
277Journal of Sensors116512.5K
277International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics115701.3K
277International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines1178137
277Mobile Information Systems212491.5K
277Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology115821.6K
277Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine1198300
277Journal of International Maritime Safety Environmental Affairs and Shipping11728
277Analytica—A Journal of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Analysis1133117
277Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A: International Journal of Maritime Engineering111621
277ECS Meeting Abstracts111.0K112
277Nigerian Journal of Basic and Medical Science1151100
277Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A/Chung-kuo Kung Ch'eng Hsuch K'an114631.0K
277... Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference6157140
304Lecture Notes in Computer Science104.1K7.6K
304Analytical Chemistry1010.6K24.8K
304IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering401.4K7.9K
304Journal of Physical Chemistry A203.4K10.9K
304Canadian Journal of Chemistry202471.7K
304ECS Transactions10357721
304E3S Web of Conferences202.5K5.4K
304Remote Sensing107.1K14.7K
304IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics101.4K2.4K
304Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering20304728
304Journal of Separation Science102.5K6.1K
304Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology10549954
304Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL101.0K2.7K
304Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects207273.1K
304EPJ Applied Physics102831.0K
304Materials Research Innovations103911.2K
304Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment107841.6K
304Plasma Science and Technology10199600
304Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering202661.2K
304Shock and Vibration101.0K2.3K
304Journal of Chemical Sciences106231.7K
304Journal of Engineering202771.4K
304International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology108022.4K
304Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing10105276
304Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A104411.2K
304Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics104801.2K
304International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: [proceedings] International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering2091352
304Bioinspiration and Biomimetics10260941
304Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring102152
304Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology10139474
304Scientific Programming105251.8K
304Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures10148535
304IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine1069303
304Metallurgical Research and Technology10112280
304Applied Bionics and Biomechanics102781.3K
304IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications1062183
304IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification10498944
304Informační Materiály103611.2K
304WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences4078489
304Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering6021221
304Malaysian Journal of ELT Research102221
304Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A106071.2K
304Advanced Materials Research10205311
304AIMS Mathematics101.4K2.0K
304Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics106132
304Sustainable Marine Structures10623
304IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence10256564