# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | A DSC Approach to Robust Adaptive NN Tracking Control for Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics | 2010 | 475 |
2 | Distributed Maneuvering of Autonomous Surface Vehicles Based on Neurodynamic Optimization and Fuzzy Approximation | IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology | 2018 | 310 |
3 | Adaptive Robust Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking Control of Fully Actuated Marine Surface Vehicles | IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology | 2016 | 297 |
4 | Output-Feedback Path-Following Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Based on an Extended State Observer and Projection Neural Networks | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | 2018 | 293 |
5 | Distributed Containment Maneuvering of Multiple Marine Vessels via Neurodynamics-Based Output Feedback | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | 2017 | 276 |
6 | Adaptive Neural Output Feedback Controller Design With Reduced-Order Observer for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear SISO Systems | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | 2011 | 250 |
7 | Distributed Neural Network Control for Adaptive Synchronization of Uncertain Dynamical Multiagent Systems | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 2014 | 248 |
8 | ESO-Based Line-of-Sight Guidance Law for Path Following of Underactuated Marine Surface Vehicles With Exact Sideslip Compensation | IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering | 2017 | 244 |
9 | Output-Feedback Adaptive Neural Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Time-Varying Delay Systems With Unknown Control Directions | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 2015 | 218 |
10 | Rationally designed sea snake structure based triboelectric nanogenerators for effectively and efficiently harvesting ocean wave energy with minimized water screening effect | Nano Energy | 2018 | 217 |
11 | Prescribed Performance Consensus of Uncertain Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems With Unknown Control Directions | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | 2016 | 214 |
12 | A Soft and Robust Spring Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Harvesting Arbitrary Directional Vibration Energy and Self‐Powered Vibration Sensing | Advanced Energy Materials | 2018 | 196 |
13 | Neural network‐based adaptive dynamic surface control of uncertain nonlinear pure‐feedback systems | International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control | 2011 | 185 |
14 | Containment Maneuvering of Marine Surface Vehicles With Multiple Parameterized Paths via Spatial-Temporal Decoupling | IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | 2017 | 182 |
15 | Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control of Marine Vehicles With Fully Unknown Parametric Dynamics and Uncertainties | IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology | 2016 | 175 |
16 | An Intelligent Spatial Collision Risk Based on the Quaternion Ship Domain | Journal of Navigation | 2010 | 164 |
17 | Robust adaptive formation control of underactuated autonomous surface vehicles with uncertain dynamics | IET Control Theory and Applications | 2011 | 151 |
18 | Nonlinear disturbance observer-based backstepping finite-time sliding mode tracking control of underwater vehicles with system uncertainties and external disturbances | Nonlinear Dynamics | 2017 | 147 |
19 | Honeycomb Structure Inspired Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Highly Effective Vibration Energy Harvesting and Self‐Powered Engine Condition Monitoring | Advanced Energy Materials | 2019 | 145 |
20 | Dual‐Tube Helmholtz Resonator‐Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Highly Efficient Harvesting of Acoustic Energy | Advanced Energy Materials | 2019 | 135 |
21 | Predictor-based LOS guidance law for path following of underactuated marine surface vehicles with sideslip compensation | Ocean Engineering | 2016 | 133 |
22 | Feasibility assessment of the carbon emissions peak in China's construction industry: Factor decomposition and peak forecast | Science of the Total Environment | 2020 | 132 |
23 | Modular Adaptive Control for LOS-Based Cooperative Path Maneuvering of Multiple Underactuated Autonomous Surface Vehicles | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | 2017 | 130 |
24 | Self‐Powered Distributed Water Level Sensors Based on Liquid–Solid Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Ship Draft Detecting | Advanced Functional Materials | 2019 | 124 |
25 | High Power Density Tower-like Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Harvesting Arbitrary Directional Water Wave Energy | ACS Nano | 2019 | 122 |
26 | Advances in Nanostructures for High‐Performance Triboelectric Nanogenerators | Advanced Materials Technologies | 2021 | 117 |
27 | Methods for counting particles in microfluidic applications | Microfluidics and Nanofluidics | 2009 | 115 |
28 | Cooperative Dynamic Positioning of Multiple Marine Offshore Vessels: A Modular Design | IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | 2016 | 115 |
29 | Flexible Seaweed-Like Triboelectric Nanogenerator as a Wave Energy Harvester Powering Marine Internet of Things | ACS Nano | 2021 | 110 |
30 | Tracking-Error-Based Universal Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Output Tracking of Nonlinear Systems with Completely Unknown Dynamics | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | 2018 | 107 |
31 | Yaw-Guided Trajectory Tracking Control of an Asymmetric Underactuated Surface Vehicle | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 2019 | 104 |
32 | Reduced Adaptive Fuzzy Decoupling Control for Lower Limb Exoskeleton | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | 2021 | 102 |
33 | Human Factors Analysis for Maritime Accidents Based on a Dynamic Fuzzy Bayesian Network | Risk Analysis | 2020 | 98 |
34 | Fuel Cell Power Systems for Maritime Applications: Progress and Perspectives | Sustainability | 2021 | 98 |
35 | Enhanced fluorescence detection of proteins using ZnO nanowires integrated inside microfluidic chips | Biosensors and Bioelectronics | 2018 | 97 |
36 | Underwater wireless communication via TENG-generated Maxwell’s displacement current | Nature Communications | 2022 | 97 |
37 | A Novel Analytical Framework for Dynamic Quaternion Ship Domains | Journal of Navigation | 2013 | 91 |
38 | A Novel Extreme Learning Control Framework of Unmanned Surface Vehicles | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | 2016 | 89 |
39 | Dynamics-Constrained Global-Local Hybrid Path Planning of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | 2020 | 89 |
40 | Leaderless and leader-follower cooperative control of multiple marine surface vehicles with unknown dynamics | Nonlinear Dynamics | 2013 | 85 |
41 | Robust adaptive trajectory tracking control of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles with prescribed performance | International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control | 2019 | 85 |
42 | Adaptive dynamic surface control for cooperative path following of marine surface vehicles with input saturation | Nonlinear Dynamics | 2014 | 84 |
43 | Sensorless control of ship propulsion interior permanent magnet synchronous motor based on a new sliding mode observer | ISA Transactions | 2015 | 81 |
44 | Global asymptotic output tracking of nonlinear second-order systems with power integrators | Automatica | 2017 | 80 |
45 | An underwater flag-like triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting ocean current energy under extremely low velocity condition | Nano Energy | 2021 | 80 |
46 | Distributed model reference adaptive control for cooperative tracking of uncertain dynamical multi‐agent systems | IET Control Theory and Applications | 2013 | 79 |
47 | Autonomous Pilot of Unmanned Surface Vehicles: Bridging Path Planning and Tracking | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | 2022 | 78 |
48 | Review on microaeration-based anaerobic digestion: State of the art, challenges, and prospectives | Science of the Total Environment | 2020 | 76 |
49 | Reynolds number influence on statistical behaviors of turbulence in a circular free jet | Physics of Fluids | 2013 | 72 |
50 | A review of environmental occurrence, analysis, bioaccumulation, and toxicity of organophosphate esters | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2021 | 71 |