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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Optics Express986,98210028
2IEEE Photonics Technology Letters793,280237
3Journal of Lightwave Technology903,0781311
4IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation643,0033120
5Laser and Photonics Reviews102,760876
7IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics372,07355
8Optics Letters312,008241123
9IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques521,6392948
10Cytometry Part A: the Journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology31,5883354
11Nature Reviews Genetics11,386828446
12IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility491,16336
13Electronics Letters601,0727361
14IEEE Photonics Journal211,0674810
15IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics201,0415231
17Wireless Networks99786118
18Nature Communications79608.1K5.1K
19Applied Physics Letters219541.2K1.1K
20IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters359322332
21Journal of the Acoustical Society of America33925148258
22IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters187184939
24Journal of Medical Systems369821428
25Japanese Journal of Applied Physics16702.2K92
26Nature Photonics3642274394
27Physical Review Letters46072.9K1.9K
28Photonic Network Communications3058853
29Optical and Quantum Electronics235816113
30Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking3356275
32IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting14526914
33IEEE Access19482892619
35IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications7453187186
36Scientific Reports214505.0K7.0K
37Journal of Applied Physics144471.5K1.3K
39BMC Genomics34222.9K1.0K
40Health Physics114162812
41Environmental Research12411359522
42Computer Communications2399558
43Science Immunology13911.4K438
44IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging113891312
45Hearing Research5382388189
46Energy and Buildings33808148
47Light: Science and Applications3347281209
48PLoS ONE1634611.8K19.9K
49IEEE Communications Letters9301218154
49IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology143012614
51IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing3295999392
52Frontiers in Neuroscience32861.6K451
53APL Photonics11285147
54Electronics (Switzerland)16276263142
55Cell Reports22626.6K4.4K
55IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine126228684
57Applied Sciences (Switzerland)17257852540
58Microwave and Optical Technology Letters3123684101
59Wireless Personal Communications162349266
60International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health102293.1K2.4K
61Physical Review B62272.6K2.5K
62BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making822546133
64Journal of Optical Communications and Networking122082742
65PLoS Genetics21995.2K5.8K
66BMC Bioinformatics111983101.3K
67Journal of Network and Systems Management1619425
68Science Advances21916.2K4.9K
69Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks118113213
70IEEE Sensors Journal11179382419
70Journal of Global Optimization2179464142
72Environment International71786431.9K
72Advanced Photonics1178457
74IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management91772831
75Biosensors and Bioelectronics21752.5K2.2K
76IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks1171472314
77Radiation Protection Dosimetry161704030
78IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology8161403671
79Journal of Optics21583811
80IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine61484648
81Neural Computing and Applications5147398405
82Applied Optics81446071.2K
83International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields19143610
84Engineering With Computers814048138
85Nature Nanotechnology11381.4K2.4K
86Cellular Immunology11331.3K340
87Radio Science131312390
89ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications31304623
90Photonics Research1012960170
90IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement12129244475
92Science of the Total Environment31285.8K7.6K
93International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering412620041
94Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies51219961
95Environmental Health2119555583
97Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology2109173265
97Artificial Intelligence in Medicine2109128211
99Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics7108289485
100Multimedia Tools and Applications8104414510
101IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation1110357133
102IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics4102505869
103Molecular Biology and Evolution31001.4K2.6K
103IET Science, Measurement and Technology81002138
105Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications12964496
106Telecommunication Systems10921887
107Mobile Networks and Applications191470191
108Nucleic Acids Research3896.7K13.6K
108Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization589192321
110International Journal of Antennas and Propagation11882750
112Trends in Hearing38510076
113Lab on A Chip2841.6K2.4K
115IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine37955
116IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology278653558
117IET Intelligent Transport Systems5774297
118Journal of Environmental Monitoring376153399
118Computer Applications in Engineering Education17633845
118International Journal of Network Management1376511
121Computers in Biology and Medicine4732741.1K
122Algorithms for Molecular Biology17214667
123Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision271864821
123Building Acoustics3712511
125Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America27025.4K56.1K
125NPG Asia Materials170440588
125Molecular Plant1701.1K1.5K
128Research in Veterinary Science168855296
128IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems168687513
128Connection Science16815868
131Applied and Environmental Microbiology1676.6K7.5K
131Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology3672.0K3.7K
133IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid166702741
134Nano Letters2654.2K8.9K
135ACS Photonics3647121.3K
136IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits663196516
136Scientific Data1632.5K1.5K
136IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics5631216
139ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces16214.7K13.8K
141PLoS Computational Biology3592.5K5.9K
142Frontiers in Microbiology4583.0K7.7K
142International Journal of Remote Sensing1581.8K1.3K
144International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks557131199
144IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering157148271
146Swarm Intelligence3561032
147Environmental Health Perspectives1553.2K5.0K
147IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications655406869
149BioMed Research International3543.7K6.7K
150Frontiers in Psychology4532.5K4.7K
150ACM Computing Surveys153133213
150Microbial Genomics553158332
153IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing2518311.1K
153IET Computer Vision1519970
156IEEE Internet of Things Journal8504561.2K
157American Journal of Hypertension1492.3K1.7K
157Optical Materials Express349388489
159IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials34891557
160Breast Cancer Research1472.4K3.4K
161Applied Optics2461.2K759
162Digest / IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium104515
163Journal of Neurophysiology1444.2K4.8K
163Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology an Official Journal of the American Vacuum Society B, Microelectronics Processing and Phenomena244505503
163Software - Practice and Experience444150275
163Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing744110368
163FEMS Yeast Research244416807
168Procedia CIRP143292205
168IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics1431.2K891
170Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine3423631.5K
171Journal of Chemical Physics2415.5K6.7K
171Journal of Physical Chemistry C14110.5K11.5K
171Journal of Electronic Materials5416721.3K
171Sustainable Energy and Fuels1411.4K949
171Microsystems and Nanoengineering141300354
177Journal of Sound and Vibration140195242
178Critical Care2391.7K4.2K
178MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research4391421
181Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research7383221.1K
181Journal of Neural Engineering3383301.0K
181IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering4386692.7K
184Analytica Chimica Acta1373.1K4.3K
184Plant Physiology and Biochemistry1371.6K2.1K
186Applied Energy136149350
186IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers336395754
188Computational Geosciences135186170
188Autex Research Journal1356520
190Environmental Pollution1345.1K7.9K
190IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering134496601
190Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience234289704
190Interface Focus234150609
194Journal of Network and Computer Applications43315176
195Optical Review132354130
195Frontiers in Veterinary Science1321.2K818
195Ad Hoc Networks332644
195IEEE Internet Computing1325079
195Mobile Information Systems232249164
202Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research430260988
202Informatics for Health and Social Care5309116
202Environments - MDPI130301190
202Noise Mapping1303318
207Journal of Optics (United Kingdom)129407367
207European Geriatric Medicine229164269
207Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare2292451.1K
207PLOS Currents129241387
213Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings9281.1K862
213Ecological Engineering128155390
213Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology1287141.1K
213IET Signal Processing128290205
213Quantum Science and Technology1287291
218Procedia Computer Science127414346
218IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering127881996
220Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry1264.0K5.4K
220Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications1261.3K1.2K
220Journal of the Royal Society Interface2261.1K4.0K
220Physical Review Applied2268841.2K
220Methods of Information in Medicine4261094
220International Journal of Aeroacoustics1266948
220IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing126290293
228Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation1252.6K3.6K
228Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters125382486
228Pathogens and Disease125431658
228IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking125276193
228Nature Machine Intelligence125295672
234AIP Advances1243.7K2.2K
234Computer Vision and Image Understanding1242971
234IET Optoelectronics22472105
234Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments3241492
234IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices4247511.6K
234Information Networking, 2008 ICOIN 2008 International Conference on12483
234Acta Acustica124348
241IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs323554863
241Journal of Supercomputing423315886
241Robotics and Autonomous Systems123181349
241IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation22365101
246IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems1221.5K1.7K
246European Transactions on Telecommunications5221668
246Future Internet322141510
246PRX Quantum122199204
246Communications Engineering1224010
251Lecture Notes in Computer Science4211.6K2.1K
251IEEE Transactions on Magnetics5216561.8K
251IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery121746994
251Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing1211.4K1.9K
251BMC Microbiology1212.2K3.8K
251Current Opinion in Pharmacology1214881.7K
251Journal of Communications and Networks42141153
251Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications121158128
260Environmental Microbiology1203.1K5.8K
260Information Processing and Management12018114
260Communications Biology1205.0K5.5K
260Npj Computational Materials120466735
264Journal of Clinical Microbiology1194.6K8.8K
264Journal of Hospital Infection1191.5K2.6K
264IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems4196262.2K
264International Journal of Communication Systems419255760
264International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies219138145
264Frontiers in Neurorobotics31960393
272International Journal of Food Microbiology1181.3K2.5K
272Food Microbiology2183901.5K
272Knowledge and Information Systems118455662
272Journal of Computational Science11851173
272IEEE Pervasive Computing1181563
278Signal Processing11782231
278ICES Journal of Marine Science1177021.2K
278Computer Journal217237461
278Multimedia Systems217165357
278Natural Computing117188253
278Photonic Sensors21763127
284G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics1162.2K3.6K
284Computing in Science and Engineering1164488
284IEICE Transactions on Communications51694163
284Environmental Epidemiology116736406
284Applied Ontology1161965
289BMC Health Services Research1154.2K5.3K
289Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics6153431
292Journal of the Electrochemical Society1143.1K4.3K
292International Journal of Molecular Sciences11439.5K43.9K
292IET Control Theory and Applications1141.2K1.6K
292IEEE Microwave Magazine21472157
292Journal of Medical Internet Research1141.7K3.9K
292IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging1141345
299Advanced Materials3134.5K17.0K
299Mathematical Problems in Engineering2132.6K3.1K
299Computer Networks11370206
299Genome Biology and Evolution1132.1K4.5K
299Optical Switching and Networking1131631
305New Phytologist1124.9K9.4K
305Physics in Medicine and Biology1122.3K3.8K
305Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology2123.0K7.3K
305Pervasive and Mobile Computing11268227
305International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems1123175
310Nature Physics1117821.7K
310International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health1118582.2K
310Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing111133131
310Fiber and Integrated Optics2114395
310Automated Software Engineering111112199
315Communications in Computer and Information Science410182174
315Journal of Engineering Mathematics110485661
315Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters1108541.4K
315Journal of Advanced Transportation110634908
319Journal of Microscopy191.5K3.5K
319Polymer International298012.8K
319Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems19478913
319International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems196221.0K
319International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy197731.3K
319Journal of Sensors196511.3K
319Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves29122418
319Universal Access in the Information Society19144345
319Language Resources and Evaluation2929178
329Magnetic Resonance in Medicine183.9K7.0K
329IEEE Wireless Communications Letters18575820
329Frontiers in Robotics and AI18360885
332Theoretical and Applied Genetics171.7K3.0K
332Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging174.1K8.4K
332IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems17736987
332Journal of Biomedical Optics171.3K3.2K
332IEICE Electronics Express67128432
332Laser Physics Letters17310527
332Nano Research172.2K4.1K
332Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering1716442
332Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts177461.7K
332Journal of Marine Science and Engineering271.2K2.4K
332Journal of Heuristics17110344
332Biology Direct172731.0K
332Noise and Vibration Worldwide176864
332JMIR Medical Informatics17206836
332Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves17302285
332International Journal of Geographical Information Science174801.3K
332The International Executive17167307
332Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing176881.2K
351IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science161.1K1.7K
351Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics167071.3K
351Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials163001.2K
351Advances in Data Analysis and Classification16124244
351IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)2685168
356Physical Review A153.8K5.6K
356Computers and Mathematics With Applications154941.1K
356Journal of Neural Transmission251.1K4.4K
356IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters151.1K1.8K
356JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control158961.9K
356Cluster Computing157701.5K
356IT - Information Technology153263
356Journal of Educational Computing Research15124392
356IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing15346590
356American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology15388800
356Journal of Statistics and Management Systems15239266
356IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews15168618
356Annales Des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications3531367
356Spatial Cognition and Computation1534127
356Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences151.6K4.5K
356IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine15124554
356Series on Computers and Operations Research153011
375IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering144.4K3.6K
375Physics of Plasmas141.9K3.3K
375American Mathematical Monthly24517995
375Physica Status Solidi A149771.5K
375Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics242.8K5.8K
375Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics141.1K2.0K
375Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research142.4K5.2K
375Frontiers in Neurology144.7K10.7K
375Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures148791.7K
375Royal Society Open Science142.7K7.8K
375Materials Technology144341.2K
375International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies14143191
375IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques241970
389AIP Conference Proceedings633.8K8.1K
389Digest of Technical Papers SID International Symposium13790595
389Experimental Dermatology132.2K5.8K
389Computers and Electrical Engineering1357292
389Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers13483952
389Medical Decision Making131.0K3.1K
389Journal of Signal Processing Systems13264680
389Modelling and Simulation in Engineering1373255
389IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers13347821
398BMC Public Health127.4K15.1K
398European Journal of Neuroscience223.5K13.4K
398IEEE Transactions on Communications121.1K1.9K
398Scientific World Journal, The122.5K8.8K
398Journal of Heat Transfer121.1K2.3K
398International Journal of Audiology121.0K2.7K
398Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces1256232
398CEAS Space Journal1227100
398Fractal and Fractional121.1K1.7K
398IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society3252288
398OSA Continuum12201610
398Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications12343142
398IET Science, Measurement and Technology1277193
398Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics227012.1K
398Optics Continuum124085
415Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology113.1K6.8K
415Plant Journal113.4K7.9K
415Occupational and Environmental Medicine111.1K2.3K
415Proceedings (mdpi)216211.7K
415Journal of Computer Science and Technology11417975
415Annals of Family Medicine113361.4K
415International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity111.1K2.4K
415BMC Biology111.4K4.2K
415Machine Learning11434986
415International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering11210641
415Cereal Research Communications11195578
415IEICE Transactions on Electronics21107340
415IEEE Transactions on Services Computing11441835
415Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics111.5K3.6K
415International Journal of Wireless Information Networks1188341
415Electronic Commerce Research1193455
415Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology11130466
415Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy1136114
415Proceedings of the IEEE117672.2K
415FEMS Microbiology Ecology111.8K4.7K
415Engineering Proceedings2154199
438Advanced Functional Materials109.1K19.4K
438Computers and Industrial Engineering1036193
438Journal of Clinical Medicine1017.6K34.9K
438International Journal of Radiation Biology101.5K4.7K
438Systems and Control Letters10163576
438IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems109122.0K
438Hydrogeology Journal103451.1K
438Health and Social Care in the Community109773.4K
438BMC Medical Research Methodology101.4K4.1K
438Applied Intelligence101.1K2.9K
438Technology and Health Care106562.3K
438Intensive Care Medicine Experimental10296990
438DNA Research103561.4K
438Journal of Engineering Design10128491
438Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering10101337
438Journal of Biomedical Semantics10173580
438Current Protocols in Cytometry1035239
438BioPsychoSocial Medicine10114492
438Digital Health107422.4K
438IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking10237567
438Journal of Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging1094108
438Physical Review Materials101.0K2.0K
438INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings2010637
438WIT Transactions on State-of-the-art in Science and Engineering1075268
438IEICE Proceeding Series108764
438International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology1063113