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82.9K(top 1%)
123(top 1%)
196(top 1%)
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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of International Business Studies233,10113
2Journal of Product Innovation Management51,81012
3Lecture Notes in Computer Science1411,7312118
4Strategic Management Journal101,6541217
5Journal of Management Studies151,58135
6Academy of Management Annals31,43212
8Journal of Industrial Ecology111,182177
9Journal of Marketing51,1451122
10Journal of Business Ethics111,1383121
11R and D Management51,131164
12Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing581,12311
13European Physical Journal: Special Topics31,00421914
14Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America169934.8K11.2K
15Management Science119866170
16Annals of Regional Science1794654
17European Planning Studies10939235
18International Journal of Human Resource Management1190092
19Academy of Management Journal688022
20Ecological Economics1587612
22Regional Studies148392938
23Organization Studies10812411
24Journal of Information Technology5771104
25Journal of Finance473393155
26Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice36853639
27Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing1067226
28Journal of Cleaner Production96712624
29Journal of Regional Science66518118
30Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly964811
32Environmental Research Letters561120987
33Journal of Business Research860455
34Journal of Travel Research657679
36Nature Climate Change4530273500
37Marketing Letters752337
38Journal of World Business852011
39Computers and Operations Research2519191
40PLoS ONE195109.8K13.8K
41Management International Review1049214
42Resources, Conservation and Recycling5482419
43Organization Science8460781
44Electronic Markets44561611
46Annual Review of Environment and Resources34342575
47Papers in Regional Science164331119
48Journal of Economic Surveys542547
49Journal of Economic Perspectives1421315247
50International Journal of Production Research12392183254
50Entrepreneurship and Regional Development739228
52Human Resource Management63913036
53Journal of the European Economic Association2381279
54European Physical Journal C13801.0K332
55Long Range Planning437112
56Urban Studies53664665
57Information Systems Journal43633742
58Geographical Analysis83623746
59Social Science and Medicine8355400659
60Business Strategy and the Environment63544458
61Academy of Management Learning and Education534912
62Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour132681
64Journal of Business Economics1431922
65Energy Policy53173768
66Business and Information Systems Engineering133121217
67Journal of Management4299542
68Journal of Consumer Behaviour529626
69British Journal of Management8294423
70American Behavioral Scientist12924014
71Global Environmental Change5290658
72Research Policy6288426
73Scientific Reports162847.2K11.6K
74International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management1283592
75Nonprofit Management and Leadership527642
76Science of the Total Environment127012.8K3.8K
76Academy of Management Perspectives5270325
79International Small Business Journal426624
80Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal4255520
81European Urban and Regional Studies625421
82Discourse and Society425312
83Information Systems725215
84Central European Journal of Operations Research12250129
85Journal of Financial Economics2249917
86Public Administration624538108
86Annual Review of Resource Economics32455440
88Schmalenbach Business Review824132
89Journal of Service Research22402116
90Growth and Change123740316
90Human Resource Management Journal523728
92Competition and Change223584
93International Journal of Production Economics32343958
94Public Choice3233268106
95Industry and Innovation42312539
95Strategic Organization423133
97International Journal of Project Management822911
97OR Spectrum72292635
99Scientific Data7227134527
100European Journal of Information Systems52252270
101Communications of the ACM22234451
102American Economic Review4221217475
103Asia Pacific Journal of Management22183918
104Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade420981
105European Review of Agricultural Economics4206246
106Population and Development Review420428105
107Production Planning and Control42006759
108Journal of Global Optimization6196143129
109Environmental Politics41953046
110Journal of Public Economics5191515
111Frontiers in Psychology101891.0K1.5K
112Journal of Marketing Research31881881
112World Economy111882446
112Psychology and Marketing41882028
115Higher Education2187283195
116Environment and Planning A4186193208
116Empirical Economics71866955
118Nature Sustainability2185181390
119Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management31846462
120Information Systems Research2183102122
120Review of Managerial Science11183217
122European Journal of Operational Research8180727
122Family Business Review3180216
124Environment and Behavior11747658
125Journal of Family Business Strategy117311
126Food Policy1172279
127Review of Political Economy517063
128Applied Economics1616885256
128Technological Forecasting and Social Change41681039
130JAMA Oncology11673.1K3.6K
130Journal of Interactive Marketing6167347
132Journal of Marketing Management31631314
132Sustainable Development31637192
134Nature Communications101626.0K21.1K
136Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics5161145215
136Journal of Applied Econometrics5161122224
138Cambridge Journal of Economics6160616
139Language in Society41598762
140Journal of Vocational Behavior315814
140European Journal of International Law115819338
140Socio-Economic Review31581816
143Economic Geography115612671
144Environmental Science & Technology41553.4K7.2K
145Review of Accounting Studies3154613
146Journal of Econometrics215314263
146International Journal of Industrial Organization515322
148Economic Journal41524077
149Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change1151171132
150Social Indicators Research3149321240
150International Tax and Public Finance61492146
152Annals of Operations Research5148261294
153Organization Theory314511
154European Journal of Clinical Investigation5143246457
154Journal of Forecasting914321157
154Advances in Spatial Science2614311
158Journal of Software: Evolution and Process21421521
159Ageing and Society213823192
162Administrative Science Quarterly113239
162Journal of Evolutionary Economics7132839
164Review of Income and Wealth9130843
164International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance61302222
166Business and Society312945
167Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal41282115
168Clinical Oral Implants Research21241.0K1.0K
168IEEE Internet Computing4124635
170Climatic Change3122417739
171Review of World Economics41211319
171Language Sciences112121
173Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis5120556
173Tourism Economics21207243
173Journal of Geographical Systems12120444
173Semantic Web13120221
178European Journal of Public Health6119847460
178Journal of Data and Information Quality311911
180Review of Financial Studies5117640
181Statistics and Computing711670133
181Accounting in Europe511624
181Mathematics and Financial Economics31162411
181Management Review Quarterly611612
181Review of Corporate Finance Studies411622
186Accounting and Business Research5115518
186Climate Policy2115132120
188Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie111329659
188Nature Food2113132153
190The Lancet Global Health21128111.3K
190ACM Computing Surveys311232128
190International Business Review4112213
193BMC Neurology11112.0K469
194Operations Research2109235243
194Marketing Science21092143
194Journal of Responsible Innovation31091022
197Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery11081.8K864
197Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy1210819
200Labour Economics210779
201Biological Cybernetics1106695366
201Advances in Life Course Research1106209
203Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics110525067
204Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science31041866
204Structural Equation Modeling21043789
206Journal of Applied Probability21035714
206Journal of Sociolinguistics41031112
208Environmental Science and Policy11024949
209Environmental Policy and Governance410128
210ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information2100622227
210Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing310031
210Venture Capital11002716
213Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research3992533
214International Economic Review3982540
214Advances in Data Analysis and Classification3983424
216Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change39653110
216Nature Human Behaviour4962261.0K
216Energy Economics3962569
219Journal of European Public Policy3956475
219Accounting Review79549
219Empirical Software Engineering295154136
219Finance and Stochastics29588102
219Journal of Organization Design49515
224Human Molecular Genetics1948.1K8.1K
224Software and Systems Modeling5941747
226Critical Perspectives on Accounting19313
226European Journal of Finance5931950
228Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology39251119
228Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies29232
228IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management492101148
232Health Policy291521415
232Economic Systems Research3915774
232Business Ethics Quarterly19155
232Statistical Modelling4912655
236Production and Operations Management390185563
237ACM Transactions on Information and System Security18911
238International Journal of Consumer Studies28899126
239Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin184159207
239Journal of Social Policy4841459
239Human Relations4848101
239Transportation Science184332285
244Social Networks1825743
244Population Research and Policy Review282152108
246Information and Software Technology481210
246Family Relations1818592
248Discrete Applied Mathematics18047528
248Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education180194134
248Information Systems and E-Business Management3801836
251Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics579202
251International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation27911
253European Journal of Heart Failure1781.1K1.2K
253Atlantic Economic Journal478162
253Journal of Economic Psychology17867
253European Journal of Social Theory57813
253Review of Regional Research278124
258Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization777497
258Managerial and Decision Economics7773195
258Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics87719191
258International Journal of Corpus Linguistics37711
262Health Care Management Review3767086
262Journal of Management Accounting Research57622
265American Journal of Economics and Sociology17533361
265Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control67517
265Journal of Accounting Research3757142
265Journal of Change Management1751416
265Global Strategy Journal575734
270IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology974227
270Journal of Productivity Analysis37480160
270JMM International Journal on Media Management17494
273Journal of Common Market Studies6731489
273Journal of Business and Economic Statistics273308343
275International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research2721415
275Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences472105
277Journal of Microscopy1711.5K836
277Software - Practice and Experience171592170
277Palgrave Communications2711449
280SAGE Open27010225
280Energy Research and Social Science2701178
280International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism170229100
283Health Economics (United Kingdom)369447723
283Journal of Health Economics169405430
283Health Care Analysis16919656
286International Journal of Advertising2684760
286Public Management Review66825176
286International Review of Applied Economics16812339
289Political Analysis167130159
289Journal of Environmental Management1673.8K3.8K
291Decision Support Systems366241
291Information and Management2661171
291European Accounting Review566640
291Journal of Economic Literature1664590
295IEEE Security and Privacy2652921
295Future Internet165584184
295Ethics and Information Technology16510470
298Small Business Economics264179343
298Creativity and Innovation Management2643054
298Biological Theory16413577
301Review of Economics and Statistics26358182
301Social Policy and Administration3634253
301Equity and Excellence in Education16378
301Journal of Aging and Health163246145
301Journal of East-West Business46365
301Journal of Statistical Software463331
301Applied Economics Letters763155237
308Journal of Learning Analytics16247
308Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management16271
311European Radiology1614.4K3.5K
311Information Society1616460
311Data Base for Advances in Information Systems16173
314British Journal of Industrial Relations2607167
314Journal of Management and Organization2605150
314Journal of the Economics of Ageing260318
314Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science160514
318The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly15988
318Journal of Enterprising Culture359310
320Economics Letters55755116
320Health Care Management Science157214198
320Review of Economics of the Household2575368
320Maritime Economics and Logistics2575064
320American Economic Journal: Economic Policy157177198
320Journal of Economic Structures1575523
326European Economic Review356634
326Environmental and Resource Economics256350499
326Journal of Brand Management1564043
326Information Economics and Policy15643
326Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design256166
326Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice3561024
332Public Administration Review155109192
332Computational Optimization and Applications155456272
334Intensive Care Medicine1542.6K3.5K
334Social Media and Society25437
336Local Government Studies15311257
336Feminist Economics153102125
336Environmental Policy and Governance2533576
336European Business Organization Law Review8531031
336Academy of Management Discoveries35311
336One Earth153220250
336Higher Education153144
336Project Leadership and Society35311
344Economic Modelling4521564
344European Journal of Health Economics65299397
344Journal of European Social Policy252811
344Journal of Bisexuality1527022
344Review of Finance2521751
344Austrian Journal of Statistics175223
350Health and Quality of Life Outcomes3513951.5K
350Economic Theory251249234
350Journal of Time Series Analysis15116660
350Project Management Journal2512138
355Social Movement Studies2503470
357Web Semantics249619
357Dynamic Games and Applications4491732
357Energy Journal54946259
360Social Science Quarterly3482023
360China and World Economy14814269
360Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics24839
360Supply Chain Forum2482321
365Journal of the Operational Research Society247112180
365Quantitative Finance64764314
365International Journal of Health Planning and Management147603218
368Neural Computation146915948
368ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology1465022
368Cogent Psychology14619239
368Business Strategy and Development1465710
372Applied Sciences (Switzerland)24510.6K5.6K
372Journal of Marriage and Family145204308
372Information Systems Frontiers245128275
375Journal of Small Business Management14460134
375Journal of Regulatory Economics144154124
377British Dental Journal1431.1K846
377Information Systems Management24353165
377International Regional Science Review24360121
380Numerische Mathematik142603494
380Critical Discourse Studies3421345
380Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment1427189
380Business Research442523
380Proceedings of the IEEE1427671.2K
386JAMA Psychiatry1412.3K3.9K
386Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment341431
386Intelligent Data Analysis14126597
386International Journal of E-Collaboration14173
390IEEE Intelligent Systems1405162
390European Sociological Review140163177
390Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory240931
390Administrative Sciences14017985
395IEEE Access5393.3K5.0K
395Transportation Research Part B: Methodological1392038
395Critical Social Policy139138
395International Journal of Market Research33937
395International Journal of Auditing339314
400Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences2385831.1K
400International Journal of Research in Marketing23825
400Requirements Engineering13868114
400Journal of Information Technology and Politics1381963
404Human Reproduction1374.5K5.4K
404Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences1373.4K6.0K
404Quality of Life Research3378642.8K
404Journal of Technology Transfer137159237
404Gender, Work and Organization23745146
404Frontiers in Blockchain237413
411Corporate Governance: an International Review2361990
411Journal of Family and Economic Issues136131147
411Journal of International Management33613
411International Journal of Sustainable Transportation33647233
411AMS Review23658
416Mathematical Programming235390673
416Multivariate Behavioral Research135159169
416Journal of the Knowledge Economy23573103
416Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination3351027
416Journal of Transnational Management13584
421Value in Health7343511.1K
421STUF - Language Typology and Universals234124
421North American Actuarial Journal33492143
421Social Policy and Society1349061
421European Financial Management2343999
421Self and Identity23494199
421Accounting Forum1341748
421European Review of Economic History3342668
429Oxford Economic Papers23373135
429Finance Research Letters2332996
429Political Behavior133185261
429Journal of Economic Methodology2334258
429Statistics and Risk Modeling43328
429The International Journal of Accounting13322
435Economic History Review2322731
435Water (Switzerland)1326.8K3.9K
435PLoS Computational Biology1326.2K8.3K
435Economic Inquiry232480940
435Review of International Economics73213147
435Statistical Methods and Applications13216167
435Journal of Risk and Uncertainty132163282
435Economics Management and Sustainability13221
443International Studies of Management and Organization131810
443Enterprise Information Systems23194265
443ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation231414
443European Management Review1315084
443Environmental Sociology1316857
443Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives131738
443AILA Review23124
451Journal of Population Economics230159369
451Journal of Advertising Research13038
451International Review of Administrative Sciences2304072
454Canadian Journal of Economics32980200
454Regional Science and Urban Economics1291832
454Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science1298350
454Financial Accountability and Management22936138
454Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis1297091
454Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing229313
454European Journal of Futures Research229521
454Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility12911
454Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation82944
463Transport Policy12852179
463Journal of Futures Markets228168309
463Simulation and Gaming1282212
463Open Economies Review22884104
463International Journal of Cultural Policy1287974
463Journal of Financial Stability228864
463Management and Organization Review328618
463Journal of Behavioral Finance128610
463Journal of Organizational and End User Computing1283335
463Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance22844
473Information Processing and Management1271896
473International Journal of Forecasting12771167
473Scandinavian Journal of Economics3271254
473IEEE Technology and Society Magazine3271947
473European Journal of Law and Economics52719117
473Decisions in Economics and Finance2273426
473Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments1278386
473Law, Governance and Technology Series127155
483Journal of Clinical Oncology1269.3K20.0K
483Business Horizons126315
483Journal of International Economics1261142
483Health and Social Care in the Community326287879
483Review of Social Economy1264532
483Pain Practice126416606
483Social Science Computer Review1264178
483Gender and Education126151179
483Computational Economics226147229
483International Journal of Innovation Management1268291
483Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research12667
483Earth's Future2263981.1K
483Spatial Economic Analysis3261145
483Behavioral Research in Accounting12626
483SpringerBriefs in Research and Innovation Governance32611
498Communications in Computer and Information Science14256061
498IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics125570716
498Journal of Family Issues1259183
498Journal of Urban Affairs1251023
498Macroeconomic Dynamics425929
498European Educational Research Journal32536105
498Environmental Values425996
498Forum for Social Economics, The2251810
498Psychological Methods125130283
498International Public Management Journal325110
498Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism1252634
509Journal of Applied Social Psychology224276775
509International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology124238412
509Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery124210303
509Journal of Economic Growth22437157
509Journal of English As A Lingua Franca22449
515Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition123371507
515Housing Studies22397318
515Journal of Contemporary European Studies1234317
515European Journal of Ageing123232350
515KI - Kunstliche Intelligenz1236748
515Second Language Research123422
515German Economic Review523240
522ILR Review122141236
522IIE Transactions122492625
522International Journal for Equity in Health1228291.2K
522Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift Fur Nationalokonomie222148162
522ASTIN Bulletin122168143
522International Journal of Management Reviews2225137
522Corpus Pragmatics12224
531European Journal of Education52112139
531Natural Resources Forum121160160
531Information Fusion12134158
531Management Learning121717
531Economics of Transition121111198
531Current Issues in Language Planning1216997
531ACM Transactions on Internet Technology12159104
531Environmental Sciences Europe121208485
531Review of Evolutionary Political Economy62112
540Expert Systems With Applications12099416
540British Journal of Social Work120286491
540Journal of Money, Credit and Banking120101248
540International Journal of Game Theory220167290
540Tourism Recreation Research12042102
540Journal of Aging Studies12067168
540Distributed and Parallel Databases120107135
540Npj Digital Medicine1205621.1K
540Journal for Labour Market Research1201319
540RAE Revista De Administracao De Empresas22011
540Human-computer Interaction Series120155
552Science and Public Policy119217284
552International Transactions in Operational Research119349473
552Industrial and Corporate Change21965200
552ERJ Open Research1191.1K924
552Economic Systems119726
552Bayesian Analysis2195148
552Journal of Critical Realism2191510
552Journal of Human Development and Capabilities1195483
552Journal of Global Information Management1196273
552Journal of Database Management119139
552Nature Reviews Physics11978303
552IET Software1194052
564European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology1182.5K3.4K
564Arthritis Care and Research1187371.2K
564Electronic Journal of Statistics3185559
564World Trade Review2184684
564Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems61876
564Constitutional Political Economy11884107
564Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory21821115
564IISE Transactions118158170
564Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics11818
564Nonprofit Policy Forum318517
564Review of Asset Pricing Studies21817
564Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science171821
579Frontiers in Human Neuroscience1173.3K5.8K
579Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation1171.1K843
579Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice1171.4K2.2K
579Frontiers in Medicine1173.0K3.9K
579Real Estate Economics117130200
579Profiles in Operations Research2171411
579Environment and Development Economics117241425
579Education Economics21754210
579International Federation for Information Processing2171524
579Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies2171342
579Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization81747
579AIB Insights11721
579BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy11721
579ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics (Belgium)117124
595Journal of Personality and Social Psychology116408827
595Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society116556523
595Annals of Tourism Research116337
595International Journal of Health Services116188340
595Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics3161462
595Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies2169232
595British Journal of Sociology of Education116205379
595Policy Studies116100154
595Housing Policy Debate116195334
595Pedagogy, Culture and Society116115124
595International Journal of Web Services Research1162528
595International Journal of Care Pathways11663
595Springer Series in Supply Chain Management131611
595Advances in Spatial and Network Economics21621
595International Journal of Serious Games11679
612Biological Psychiatry1154.0K7.9K
612BMC Geriatrics2151.3K3.2K
612Journal of Portfolio Management21562210
612Fiscal Studies21546164
612European Journal of Population21592256
612Frontiers in Education215145397
612Journal of Convention and Event Tourism1151937
612International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems1153158
612Economics of Transportation215415
612Frontiers in Big Data2158130
612Agricultural and Food Science1154850
612Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing21511
624Nature Medicine1145.5K13.1K
624BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders1143.1K4.3K
624International Journal of Educational Development11432108
624American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics1142.3K4.5K
624Applied Financial Economics214122349
624Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems114135221
624Language and Literature31414
624Refugee Survey Quarterly1142932
624Artificial Intelligence and Law11473152
624Linguistic Approaches To Bilingualism114715
624Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change11414
624Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift214258763
637International Migration Review11335125
637Journal of Industrial Relations1133337
637Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice1131470
637Journal of Information Science113113255
637Business History21384187
637New Media and Society213339
637Qualitative Inquiry113730
637Statistical Papers213291480
637Mathematical Methods of Operations Research213165380
637Economic and Industrial Democracy2131236
637World Wide Web113262380
637Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift Fur Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung213421
637Science in Context11375144
637SSM - Population Health213208783
637International Journal of the Economics of Business1135479
637Review of Financial Economics21317112
637Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management313577
637Asian Population Studies1135265
637Journal of Corporate Law Studies1137188
637Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning61312
637Ars Mathematica Contemporanea2131216
637MPI Studies in Tax Law and Public Finance21315
660International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health31211.0K28.7K
660Procedia Computer Science312120693
660Remote Sensing1127.1K9.5K
660Chaos, Solitons and Fractals112124437
660Journal of Development Studies212237806
660International Journal of Urban and Regional Research112239620
660Studies in Higher Education1124071.0K
660Journal of Agricultural Economics112268510
660Applied Psychology21230151
660International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics112254435
660IEEE MultiMedia1123480
660Utilities Policy112527
660European Journal of Women's Studies112626
660Journal of Macromarketing1121862
660Resources and Energy Economics1123296
660Mathematical Finance21283291
660Cogent Economics and Finance112304249
660European Company and Financial Law Review4121941
660European Labour Law Journal312714
660Accounting History Review1121016
660Public Administration and Information Technology31222
660Journal of Service Science Research112721
660SpringerBriefs in Statistics81221
660Management for Professionals161234
660CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance61254
660EJournal of EDemocracy and Open Government11247
686BMC Public Health2114.6K11.5K
686Journal of Theoretical Biology1112.3K4.4K
686Stochastic Processes and Their Applications111205246
686Proceedings (mdpi)1111.3K232
686Clinical Oral Investigations1112.4K3.5K
686Electricity Journal111311
686Jahrbucher Fur Nationalokonomie Und Statistik4111367
686European Journal of Social Psychology111436687
686Public Money and Management31127148
686Theory of Computing Systems111283302
686Journal of Housing and the Built Environment111140324
686IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing211300660
686Reflective Practice111166276
686Journal of Economic Geography111109321
686Applied Health Economics and Health Policy111378715
686Journal of Fixed Income1114363
686International Journal of Social Robotics111194497
686Quality in Higher Education21124160
686Discourse and Communication11176
686Electronic Commerce Research11193287
686Journal of Supply Chain Management11152196
686Information Security Technical Report11111
686IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing111290481
686Global Economy Journal1112625
686International Economics and Economic Policy21130111
686International Journal of Cross Cultural Management11146
686Economic Notes1113041
686International Journal of Strategic Communication3111554
686Infectious Disease Modelling11191188
686Lecture Notes in Social Networks11151
686IZA Journal of European Labor Studies111214
686Journal of International Humanitarian Action1112026
686Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory11134
686SpringerBriefs in Regional Science41121
722Journal of Cancer1101.9K3.9K
722Journal of Transport Geography11011119
722International Journal of Psychology110415911
722Journal of Peace Research110245544
722Elektrotechnik Und Informationstechnik2103354
722Behaviour and Information Technology1103431.0K
722Work, Employment and Society2102394
722Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift1104899
722International Advances in Economic Research41023104
722Contemporary Accounting Research210833
722Transactions in GIS110306494
722Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing110197336
722Critical Policy Studies11054115
722Journal of Civil Society1103993
722Accounting Perspectives21012
722International Journal of Information Technology Project Management1101222
722Studies in Communication Sciences110116
722Strategy Science210121
722Zhurnal Nevrologii I Psikhiatrii Imeni S S Korsakova11015190
722Facta Universitatis Series: Economics and Organization11032
722Journal of Information Technology & Politics110117
722European Yearbook of International Economic Law21053
745Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing49221260
745World Development1936234
745Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume197891.2K
745Journal of International Money and Finance191124
745SIGCSE Bulletin19281175
745Decision Sciences198512.3K
745Mathematics of Operations Research29264771
745Journal of International Development19250560
745Science Technology and Human Values1964258
745Review of Industrial Organization19258418
745Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting19130244
745Bulletin of Economic Research4919185
745Current Opinion in Psychology19259822
745Zeitschrift Fuer Operations-Research, Serie B: Praxis197394
745International Social Science Journal1944168
745International Journal of Lexicography191022
745European Societies19101229
745Equality, Diversity and Inclusion1926
745Springer Optimization and Its Applications89521
745Journal of Economic Inequality3920193
745Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics19152341
745Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society1985209
745Review of Economic Design1990110
745Applied Network Science19111215
745Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy191545
745International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change1966
745Journal of Natural Disaster Science19829
745Political Research Exchange191219
745Sociolinguistic Studies4911
745Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance2973
745Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences193715
745Organization and Environment19211
780BMJ Open189.1K15.9K
780Journal of the American Statistical Association182.3K4.3K
780Computers in Human Behavior1838269
780Journal of Pragmatics1851145
780Journal of Public Health188601.9K
780Thunderbird International Business Review1862228
780Fundamenta Informaticae28155454
780Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes28223
780Accounting, Organizations and Society18510
780Explorations in Economic History18535
780Journal of Accounting and Economics1839
780Journal of Retailing18655
780Energy Efficiency18147487
780Journal of Functional Programming1874138
780International Economic Journal1892149
780Networks and Spatial Economics2878389
780Journal of Teaching in International Business28948
780Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism2814116
780Contributions To Management Science2898
780Quantitative Marketing and Economics181350
780Journal of Computational Social Science182652
780World Scientific Series in Finance1876
780WIT Transactions on the Built Environment5859176
780Journal of Spatial Econometrics2831
780Journal of Internet Services and Applications182053
806Procedia CIRP17292554
806River Research and Applications175321.2K
806Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing175481.4K
806Manchester School17106199
806Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, The1747130
806Social Choice and Welfare17340527
806Scottish Journal of Political Economy3725125
806Personal and Ubiquitous Computing17276756
806Zeitschrift Fur Gesundheitswissenschaften17443803
806Journal of Sustainable Tourism17186730
806Motivation and Emotion17297651
806Journal of the History of Economic Thought174197
806Review of Development Economics27138492
806Review of International Political Economy17139389
806International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications17150480
806Teaching Public Administration173140
806Journal of Multinational Financial Management17529
806Global Social Policy17512
806Journal of Financial Services Marketing171859
806Journal of Euromarketing171026
806Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology1767107
806International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning17831
806Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management1713
806International Journal of Applied Logistics1746
806European Retail Research3711
806Circular Economy and Sustainability1744113
806Understanding Complex Systems37517
806Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching1751
806Humanities and Social Sciences Communications27216534
838Personality and Individual Differences16120491
838Journal of Dentistry161.0K2.4K
838Brain Sciences164.6K7.1K
838Knowledge and Information Systems262511.0K
838ESMO Open161.9K2.5K
838Applied Linguistics1680196
838International Feminist Journal of Politics1663162
838International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing1648259
838Digital Scholarship in the Humanities1662101
838Philosophy of Management16630
838Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic1685162
838International Journal of Business Communication26116
838Climate Risk Management16727
838European Actuarial Journal165092
838Journal of European Tort Law362439
838Comparative Migration Studies1636118
838International Labour Review1660230
838Studies in Economic Theory1631
838Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences161.6K4.4K
838WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment7641361
838Eurasian Economic Review162666
860Lancet, The1510.2K21.0K
860Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society15371525
860Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies154951.1K
860Educational Researcher15263930
860Cognition and Emotion155511.3K
860Journal of Macroeconomics15929
860AI and Society15174489
860Comparative Education1582251
860Current Sociology152172
860European Surgery - Acta Chirurgica Austriaca15298313
860Systemic Practice and Action Research1574238
860Comparative Economic Studies1569183
860International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making15193618
860Antitrust Bulletin159695
860Evolutionary Computation15143471
860AI Communications1545125
860Journal of Global History1549154
860Research in Comparative and International Education2523148
860American Economic Journal: Microeconomics15163266
860American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics2571247
860GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review351062
860Zeitschrift Für Energiewirtschaft151625
860International Economics15631
860Journal of Eurasian Studies151865
860International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics152092
860Journal of the American Taxation Association2513
860Swiss Journal of Psychology1547149
860Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications359949
860Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management151539
860Revista Brasileira De Estudos Urbanos E Regionais1525
860Educational Linguistics2549
860The Journal of Prediction Markets251020
860Trendy Ekonomiky A Managementu1542
860Sustainable Development Goals Series156410
860Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research153086
896Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science14176364
896Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods241.4K2.7K
896Applied Soft Computing Journal146672.2K
896Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation248972.0K
896Environmental Modelling and Software1421142
896Zeitschrift Fur Slawistik2412
896Frontiers in Public Health142.8K7.6K
896Social Science Research14246825
896Developing Economies1446133
896Journal of Corporate Finance141659
896Journal of Strategic Studies14119254
896International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning1438147
896Structural Change and Economic Dynamics1422112
896Knowledge Engineering Review2450329
896Review of Public Personnel Administration141241
896New Political Economy2444349
896Strategic Change2415126
896Journal of Economics and Management Strategy24104428
896Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship1425171
896Journal of Information Processing146977
896Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education141756
896Journal of Education and Work14103317
896Stochastic Models2493321
896International Finance1429100
896Urban Research and Practice1454176
896Review of International Organizations1455183
896Political Science Research and Methods1463141
896Zeitschrift Fuer Oeffentliches Recht1425
896Journal of Management Control141249
896EUROSLA Yearbook1412
896Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics2421
896World Journal of VAT/GST Law4464
896Journal Für Betriebswirtschaft14111
896China Population and Development Studies142229
896Environmental and Climate Technologies1470111
896Advances in Soft Computing146187
896European Journal of Family Business1489
896Global Perspectives2439
896Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics247293
896Frontiers in Political Science1430104
896Asian Business Review1436
896Journal for Labour Market Research14827
896Social Inclusion2464487
896Journal of Extreme Anthropology1457
896AI and Ethics1427136
896Journal of Small Business Strategy1413
943Transportation Research Record231.1K3.1K
943BMC Genomics136.4K13.2K
943Clinical Anatomy131.4K3.5K
943Journal of Education for Business132578
943Software Engineering Notes: an Informal Newsletter of the Special Interest Committee on Software Engineering / ACM1376145
943SIAM Journal on Optimization138952
943Journal of Economic Education1384198
943Computer Law and Security Review13835
943Acta Neuropsychiatrica135351.4K
943International Journal of Comparative Sociology13240
943Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice13159360
943Journal of General Management1321101
943Environmental Education Research13250827
943Journal of Statistics and Management Systems13239368
943IEEE Pervasive Computing1315124
943English for Specific Purposes1326
943Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan135183
943Asia Pacific Business Review1357198
943Innovation: the European Journal of Social Science Research1390327
943ACM Transactions on Database Systems13327
943Intercultural Education13106313
943Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture134496
943Osterreichische Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie131127
943Knowledge Management Research and Practice1346249
943Cogent Education13444756
943Social Network Analysis and Mining13185538
943Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics2330117
943Lecture Notes in Statistics132023
943History of Economics Review133242
943Journal of Global Information Technology Management1327126
943Financial Markets and Portfolio Management132387
943International Journal of Strategic Property Management13111311
943European Journal of Housing Policy13320
943Review of Middle East Economics and Finance131621
943Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe132127
943Journal of European CME131356
943Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction1381230
943Indian Law Review131418
943International Journal of Learner Corpus Research2314
943Journal of International Business Policy131251
943Global Transitions13211
943Revista De Sociologia E Politica1311
943Energy Systems1356
943Comparative Population Studies13929
943World Sustainability Series133221
943Russian Linguistic Bulletin13212
943FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship2313
943Pragmatics and Beyond New Series4312
943Eco-efficiency in Industry and Science3319
943Frontiers of Mathematical Finance13312
943International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning13141389
1000European Psychiatry123.3K4.1K