# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Obstacle avoidance in a dynamic environment: a collision cone approach | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans | 1998 | 415 |
2 | Glowworm swarm optimization for simultaneous capture of multiple local optima of multimodal functions | Swarm Intelligence | 2009 | 363 |
3 | An explicit filtering method for large eddy simulation of compressible flows | Physics of Fluids | 2003 | 342 |
4 | Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Guidance with Impact Angle Constraints | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics | 2014 | 317 |
5 | Ammonium nitrate: a promising rocket propellant oxidizer | Journal of Hazardous Materials | 1999 | 244 |
6 | Divisible Load Theory: A New Paradigm for Load Scheduling in Distributed Systems | Cluster Computing | 2003 | 236 |
7 | Application of genetic programming for multicategory pattern classification | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | 2000 | 227 |
8 | A single network adaptive critic (SNAC) architecture for optimal control synthesis for a class of nonlinear systems | Neural Networks | 2006 | 190 |
9 | Electrochemical nonenzymatic sensing of glucose using advanced nanomaterials | Mikrochimica Acta | 2018 | 177 |
10 | Detection of multiple source locations using a glowworm metaphor with applications to collective robotics | | 0 | 173 |
11 | Graphene Oxide—A Tool for the Preparation of Chemically Crosslinking Free Alginate–Chitosan–Collagen Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2018 | 163 |
12 | Glowworm swarm based optimization algorithm for multimodal functions with collective robotics applications | Multiagent and Grid Systems | 2006 | 159 |
13 | Numerical integration over arbitrary polygonal domains based on Schwarz–Christoffel conformal mapping | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering | 2009 | 158 |
14 | On the origin of the inflectional instability of a laminar separation bubble | Journal of Fluid Mechanics | 2009 | 151 |
15 | On the performance of strain smoothing for quadratic and enriched finite element approximations (XFEM/GFEM/PUFEM) | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering | 2011 | 144 |
16 | Recent advances in electrochemical nonenzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensors based on nanomaterials: a review | Journal of Materials Science | 2019 | 141 |
17 | Interaction of Silver Nanoparticles with Serum Proteins Affects Their Antimicrobial Activity In Vivo | Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2013 | 138 |
18 | Some characteristics of entrainment at a cylindrical turbulence boundary | Physics of Fluids | 2002 | 126 |
19 | Lyapunov-Based Guidance Law for Impact Time Control and Simultaneous Arrival | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics | 2016 | 124 |
20 | Review on the use of piezoelectric materials for active vibration, noise, and flow control | Smart Materials and Structures | 2020 | 124 |
21 | Generalization of Linear Cyclic Pursuit With Application to Rendezvous of Multiple Autonomous Agents | IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control | 2006 | 122 |
22 | Multiple UAV Coalitions for a Search and Prosecute Mission | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | 2011 | 120 |
23 | Review on nanomaterials-enabled electrochemical sensors for ascorbic acid detection | Analytical Biochemistry | 2019 | 118 |
24 | Search Strategies for Multiple UAV Search and Destroy Missions | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | 2011 | 109 |
25 | Integrating strong and weak discontinuities without integration subcells and example applications in an XFEM/GFEM framework | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering | 2010 | 103 |
26 | Time reversal technique for health monitoring of metallic structure using Lamb waves | Ultrasonics | 2009 | 102 |
27 | MangoNet: A deep semantic segmentation architecture for a method to detect and count mangoes in an open orchard | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | 2019 | 101 |
28 | Secondary breakup of a drop at moderate Weber numbers | Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences | 2015 | 99 |
29 | Three-Dimensional Unsteady Flow With Heat and Mass Transfer Over a Continuous Stretching Surface | Journal of Heat Transfer | 1988 | 98 |
30 | Exceptional activity of mesoporous β-MnO2 in the catalytic thermal sensitization of ammonium perchlorate | Journal of Materials Chemistry | 2012 | 94 |
31 | Analysis of Two-Stage Proportional Navigation with Heading Constraints | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics | 2016 | 93 |
32 | A Novel Approach for Multispectral Satellite Image Classification Based on the Bat Algorithm | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters | 2016 | 91 |
33 | Counterflow drag reduction by supersonic jet for a blunt body in hypersonic flow | Physics of Fluids | 2006 | 90 |
34 | Design concepts of an aircraft wing: composite and morphing airfoil with auxetic structures | Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering | 2016 | 89 |
35 | Remarkably Distinct Mechanical Flexibility in Three Structurally Similar Semiconducting Organic Crystals Studied by Nanoindentation and Molecular Dynamics | Chemistry of Materials | 2019 | 89 |
36 | Generalized Model Predictive Static Programming and Angle-Constrained Guidance of Air-to-Ground Missiles | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics | 2014 | 88 |
37 | Accurate Time-to-Go Estimation for Proportional Navigation Guidance | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics | 2014 | 88 |
38 | Generalization of the collision cone approach for motion safety in 3-D environments | Autonomous Robots | 2012 | 86 |
39 | Parallel implementation of back-propagation algorithm in networks of workstations | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | 2005 | 80 |
40 | On the application of additive manufacturing methods for auxetic structures: a review | Advances in Manufacturing | 2021 | 78 |
41 | Leading edge shape for flat plate boundary layer studies | Experiments in Fluids | 1994 | 76 |
42 | Scale effects on buckling analysis of orthotropic nanoplates based on nonlocal two-variable refined plate theory | Acta Mechanica | 2012 | 75 |
43 | Mechanical and swelling properties of HTPB-based copolyurethane networks | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 1993 | 73 |
44 | Robust Reentry Guidance of a Reusable Launch Vehicle Using Model Predictive Static Programming | Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics | 2014 | 73 |
45 | Scaling of turbulent flame speed for expanding flames with Markstein diffusion considerations | Physical Review E | 2013 | 71 |
46 | Crack propagation in graphene | Journal of Applied Physics | 2015 | 71 |
47 | A Fuzzy Logic System for Ground Based Structural Health Monitoring of a Helicopter Rotor Using Modal Data | Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures | 2001 | 70 |
48 | Fiber bragg grating sensor based device for simultaneous measurement of respiratory and cardiac activities | Journal of Biophotonics | 2017 | 70 |
49 | Electronic waste recycling via cryo-milling and nanoparticle beneficiation | Materials Today | 2017 | 70 |
50 | Ultrasonic wave characteristics of nanorods via nonlocal strain gradient models | Journal of Applied Physics | 2010 | 69 |