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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1American Journal of Preventive Medicine231,2327187
2BMJ, The21,221739230
4Drug and Alcohol Dependence3294560113
5Lancet, The29215.9K3.8K
6Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment168653824
7JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association157652632.0K
8Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research18750276312
11Obstetrics and Gynecology6645754410
12Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity160029315
13Journal of Clinical Oncology44733.1K6.1K
14Journal of General Internal Medicine12465212347
15International Journal of Epidemiology14564.0K828
16JAMA Network Open22391317595
17Maternal and Child Health Journal1437683106
18Journal of Public Health Policy23709114
19Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs213591742
21Addiction Science & Clinical Practice1531954
22BMC Public Health14318663995
23AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV2130875185
24PLoS ONE203079.2K22.1K
25Journal of Urban Health828785122
26AIDS and Behavior23284124297
27Journal of Women's Health9274149188
28Substance Abuse162701529
29Fertility and Sterility122575781.2K
30Addictive Behaviors12256137301
31Nature Human Behaviour1246910437
32JAMA Pediatrics7243296950
32Genetics in Medicine52438811.1K
34Journal of the National Cancer Institute22323.4K4.5K
34Journal of the National Medical Association4232305
36Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention52271.6K1.9K
37Journal of Adolescent Health10222233717
38Substance Use and Misuse162043698
39Clinical Cancer Research21996.3K7.1K
40Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities51948724
41New England Journal of Medicine31911.8K9.3K
42Journal of Homosexuality417677110
43Academic Emergency Medicine4175417480
43Journal of Health Communication817551160
45LGBT Health71704081
46American Journal of Clinical Nutrition21623.4K5.4K
47JAMA Internal Medicine51614641.6K
48BMC International Health and Human Rights116016740
49Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics3158323242
50Social Science and Medicine21571.8K1.4K
51Harm Reduction Journal61494956
52Cancer Causes and Control6139388750
53International Journal of Drug Policy7134125250
53Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology,the11341.3K1.7K
55AIDS Patient Care and STDs4131207266
56International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health61305.6K4.6K
56Journal of Behavioral Medicine4130182384
58Alcohol and Alcoholism712277231
59Western Journal of Emergency Medicine112023021
60Epidemiologic Reviews1109106224
61Journal of Addiction Medicine1010629155
62International Journal of Family Medicine310133
63Clinical Psychology Review1100468742
64Journal of Biosocial Science197582129
65Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999)5957011.2K
66American Journal of Medicine2891.1K1.7K
66American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse78979330
66Journal of Cancer Survivorship589121427
69BMC Medicine2881.4K2.3K
70Preventive Medicine2871.2K1.3K
70Body Image387153219
72Injury Prevention484233561
73Journal of School Violence3835390
74BMJ Open5812.2K3.4K
75Women's Health Issues480182258
76Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health579103282
77BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care277232189
78Drug and Alcohol Review276517419
78Family Process176509388
80Preventing Chronic Disease475117222
81Translational Behavioral Medicine574104225
82Annals of Behavioral Medicine373282704
84Eating Behaviors271263307
85BMJ: British Medical Journal1681.8K3.8K
86Endocrine Practice167748354
86Journal of Human Trafficking267133
88Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics364646802
89Frontiers in Psychiatry1633.7K2.1K
89Current Epidemiology Reports2637290
91Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology2609311.5K
91Journal of Cancer Education460193248
93JAMA Pediatrics159490767
94Health Expectations258567722
94Cancer Prevention Research1582.0K2.9K
94Archives of Suicide Research158186163
97Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement1571412
98Health Psychology156492662
98Birth Defects Research156658195
100Health Communication255241317
101Archives of Sexual Behavior2548131.2K
101Public Health Reports454260647
104Quality of Life Research1522.3K2.1K
104Academic Pediatrics352392514
104JMIR Research Protocols252436202
107Journal of Infection1511.6K1.6K
107Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health35170254
107Transgender Health251121149
110Women and Health350140449
111Patient Education and Counseling2498261.4K
111Behavioral Sciences (Basel, Switzerland)249557189
113American Journal on Addictions348241580
113Current Diabetes Reports148531696
115Annals of Oncology2473.5K6.8K
115Childhood Obesity147539322
117Medical Education1461.1K1.2K
117Archives of Women's Mental Health246306662
119Journal of Periodontal Research1451.6K1.6K
119Journal of Child and Family Studies245559707
121Public Health1441.1K816
122BMC Cancer1439.0K8.0K
122Culture, Health and Sexuality243269393
122Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs143435800
125Journal of Substance Use4427587
126Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology141504819
126Journal of Public Health Management and Practice541233416
126Journal of Sex Research141675782
126Journal of Genetic Counseling241728923
130Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA2408932.2K
131JAMA Psychiatry2391.4K4.0K
131Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases1391.1K1.1K
131Sexuality Research and Social Policy43937167
134American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology3382.4K5.9K
134International Journal of Eating Disorders4386512.2K
134Journal of Dental Education238794930
137Psychiatric Services6375002.2K
137American Journal of Community Psychology137478649
137Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine1371.8K1.0K
137School Mental Health137221200
141Lancet Oncology, The1343.8K7.4K
141American Journal of Industrial Medicine2349711.9K
143Violence and Gender433338
144JMIR Formative Research2329189
145Annals of Emergency Medicine1319731.7K
145Oncology Nursing Forum131187315
147Journal of Pediatrics2303.3K8.0K
147Journal of Intellectual Disability Research1309151.1K
147Environmental Health2305551.6K
147Preventive Medicine Reports330180647
151BMC Infectious Diseases2292.3K4.7K
153Clinical Infectious Diseases2284.1K10.5K
153Journal of School Health3285261.4K
153Health Promotion Practice128199261
153Journal of Rural Health228385857
158Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology1267141.1K
158BMC Medical Genomics1261.2K1.7K
158HIV Clinical Trials32626105
158International Journal of Qualitative Methods, The126325337
158Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters12612282
163Chemico-Biological Interactions1252.0K3.3K
163Gerontologist, The2256191.7K
163Annals of Epidemiology3254191.5K
163Journal of the International AIDS Society1259881.4K
163Current HIV/AIDS Reports125197364
168Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice1242.7K3.9K
168BioResearch Open Access22424410
171Journal of Affective Disorders3232.4K7.9K
171Nicotine and Tobacco Research1231.5K1.9K
171Global Public Health223374756
174Journal of Family Violence222214687
174Familial Cancer1228451.2K
176Academic Medicine1212.3K3.5K
176Diabetic Medicine1212.7K4.6K
176International Journal of STD and AIDS2215701.2K
176Journal of Perinatology2211.2K2.8K
176Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine2214311.3K
176Journal of School Psychology121111315
182AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses1201.5K1.9K
182BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth1202.8K3.3K
182Research in Developmental Disabilities1201.0K1.8K
182Disability and Health Journal120282481
187Supportive Care in Cancer2192.5K5.2K
187Journal of Pediatric Psychology1199141.8K
187Psychology and Health2194121.4K
191International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity1181.1K1.9K
191Addiction Research and Theory218155513
191HIV Research and Clinical Practice1182019
194BMC Psychiatry1173.0K4.1K
194Current Opinion in Pediatrics1176901.6K
194The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research1174142
197Journal of the American Heart Association1165.5K8.6K
197Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open116240206
200Medical Care2159733.2K
200Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics1152.1K3.0K
200Health Care for Women International215276856
200Behavioral Medicine115151411
204Journal of Sexual Medicine2141.3K3.6K
204Cancer Investigation1141.4K2.8K
204Prevention Science114512957
204Journal of Community Genetics114312470
204Journal of Caffeine Research11453117
204Hepatology, Medicine and Policy114114
204Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved114138351
213Pediatric Blood and Cancer1136.4K8.6K
213Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology1136.3K16.2K
213Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders2131.3K3.5K
213Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health2134371.5K
213International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health1138582.0K
213Journal of Ambulatory Care Management21357253
213New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development113266592
220Medicine (United States)11213.0K17.7K
220BMC Health Services Research1124.2K5.9K
220American Journal of Orthopsychiatry112279641
220Pediatric Emergency Care1121.1K1.6K
220Contemporary Clinical Trials1121.2K2.4K
220Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers1128311.6K
220Clinical Trials2122971.2K
227Annals of Surgical Oncology1115.4K8.4K
227BMC Family Practice1116231.6K
227Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action1111751
227Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare111210389
227MedEdPORTAL: the Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources211184520
232Journal of Infectious Diseases1105.9K12.2K
232American Behavioral Scientist1104093
232Women and Therapy110179278
232Healthcare (Switzerland)1104.8K3.7K
232Autism in Adulthood110125245
232Journal of Injury and Violence Research11081117
239Pain Medicine296022.8K
239Journal of Clinical Immunology192.1K4.5K
239Journal of Community Health294121.8K
239Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness19260569
239Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment2942251
239Journal of Medical Internet Research191.7K4.4K
239Journal of Opioid Management2942303
239American Journal of Public Health392571.7K
247Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine187642.6K
247International Journal of Behavioral Medicine186021.5K
247Journal of Communication in Healthcare2818115
247Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol18197468
247Health Equity3863478
252Medical Clinics of North America173681.3K
252Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery172.6K5.6K
252Health Services Research276642.8K
252American Journal of Health Promotion176171.8K
252Obesity Reviews171.4K4.1K
252Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities17509974
252Teaching and Learning in Medicine17336919
252Journal of Addictive Diseases17336872
252Journal of Women and Aging17152504
252AIDS Education and Prevention17202438
252Race and Social Problems1778255
263Journal of Rheumatology164.3K10.2K
263BMC Medical Education162.1K4.2K
263Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics166901.5K
263Journal of Social Service Research16104319
263Aggressive Behavior165151.4K
263Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services16124228
263Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health1698238
263Health Economics Review16176457
263Californian Journal of Health Promotion163557
272Evidence-Based Medicine553156
272Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications15260931
272Health Education Quarterly1577266
272Pain Research and Treatment1552330
278BMC Pediatrics241.3K6.2K
278Annals of Medicine141.2K3.9K
278Health Education Research145732.0K
278Seminars in Cancer Biology141.1K3.8K
278Human Resource Development Quarterly1485268
278Journal of Bisexuality1470182
278International Scholarly Research Notices142371.4K
278Journal of Nutritional Science241341.0K
278Emerging Adulthood14137342
278Injury Epidemiology3468467
278Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology14217180
278Health Affairs141.5K3.9K
290Open Forum Infectious Diseases232.2K5.7K
290Sexually Transmitted Infections137791.6K
290Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior234091.8K
290Health Policy and Planning139422.7K
290Annals of Family Medicine133361.4K
290Medical Anthropology Quarterly13270616
290Ethnicity and Health133881.6K
290Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning1393312
290Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research2390163
301Journal of the American Geriatrics Society126.3K14.7K
301Clinical Cardiology128183.0K
301Emergency Medicine Journal123801.5K
301Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines121.9K4.3K
301Journal of American College Health127522.1K
301HIV Medicine127082.2K
301Cancer Control126842.0K
301Reproductive Health126931.9K
301American Journal of Health Behavior123781.0K
301Neurology: Clinical Practice128432.9K
301Current HIV Research12164566
301Journal of Substance Use & Addiction Treatment222824
313American Journal of Epidemiology111.9K5.1K
313FASEB Journal2114.8K27.5K
313Environmental Research114.5K12.6K
313Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology112.3K5.5K
313Infectious Disease Clinics of North America11157757
313Primary Care Respiratory Journal: Journal of the General Practice Airways Group1190380
313American Journal of Men's Health113651.5K
313Journal of Offender Rehabilitation11194627
313Journal of LGBT Youth1142328
313JAMA Health Forum21249993
313Exploration of Medicine111573
324Journal of Surgical Research104.2K10.0K
324Innovation in Aging101.2K1.4K
324Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics103231.0K
324Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology101.1K2.7K
324Journal of Adolescence108452.7K
324American Journal of Physiology - Advances in Physiology Education104751.4K
324Microbial Biotechnology101.0K2.5K
324Journal of the Endocrine Society102.0K4.0K
324Child and Youth Care Forum10199698
324JCO Oncology Practice107902.3K
324Ethnicity and Disease10249806
324Addictive Behaviors Reports1090469
324Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior10119
324Health and Justice1084297