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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1IEEE Transactions on Image Processing21,567859121
2IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters281,3724612
3IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques491,0523391
4Microwave and Optical Technology Letters1061,045115
5International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering7389211
6IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters228424234
7IEEE Sensors Journal488102627
8IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics48029041
9The International Executive778262
10Electronics Letters6766764116
11Journal of Applied Physics415964661.0K
12IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation3358755
13IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices3654597150
14IETE Journal of Research19947422
15IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation23446128239
16Applied Physics Letters154001.7K2.1K
17IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation133583444
18Journal Physics D: Applied Physics3353719182
19IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering3342878427
20Journal of Lightwave Technology6340444223
21IET Electric Power Applications132536414
22International Journal of Systems Science531036660
23ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering12812.5K147
24RSC Advances62404.5K2.9K
25Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics11236570268
25International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies1323641
27IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems2228455208
28Applied Optics17224113118
29Multimedia Tools and Applications12209251224
29Wireless Personal Communications202096578
31IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation82082916
32Advanced Functional Materials12079.1K4.8K
33IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine152031575
34IEEE Signal Processing Letters1319979224
35Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications241961730
35Journal of Computational Electronics121961919
35IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion1196581247
38ISA Transactions4194259185
39IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs15191102128
41Computers in Biology and Medicine3187440341
42IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing41866275
43Journal of Applied Polymer Science41722.9K1.8K
44IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)5516927
45Journal of Digital Imaging2163363118
46Microsystem Technologies151575593
47International Journal of Neural Systems115645081
47IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility101566298
49IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence11511.2K914
50Bulletin of Materials Science181482270
51Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing191471636
52International Journal of Electronics47146529
53Scientific Reports914213.8K21.8K
54Advances in Polymer Technology114042343
55Journal of Electronic Materials19136108371
56IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks2130243406
57IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid1129702507
59IET Renewable Power Generation3126251195
59IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers6126210282
59IET Circuits, Devices and Systems19126113
62Journal of Materials Chemistry C71201.2K2.0K
63IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology3118499406
64IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing10117236706
65IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine41157376
66IET Communications1311359102
67IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology10109329911
69IEEE Communications Letters9106218386
70ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces41056.0K9.8K
71Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology an Official Journal of the American Vacuum Society B, Microelectronics Processing and Phenomena2104505259
71Nanoscale Research Letters2104933863
71Microelectronics Journal3104115
74Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science5101336229
75Semiconductor Science and Technology1010027114
75IET Optoelectronics8100816
77Journal of Materials Science5991.7K2.3K
78IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement1197269630
79Radio Science393175152
81AIP Advances692649422
81Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers11925652
83Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology3918170
84Journal of Medical Systems289377393
85IET Image Processing88756139
86Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing786451853
87New Journal of Chemistry2813.8K2.2K
87Toxicological Sciences2811.3K1.7K
87Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing281383230
91Physical Review E5792.0K3.3K
91IEEE Transactions on Magnetics879428743
94IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution374378418
96Signal, Image and Video Processing4719875
96Distributed and Parallel Databases17110748
98Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers5706659
99Electronic Materials Letters36911165
100Optical and Quantum Electronics176898366
100Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal1684915
100Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves11682356
100Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering568211255
104International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications765106170
105Polymer International1641.4K732
105IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing96436155
107Information Security Journal163516
108Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology1622.5K1.3K
109ACS Applied Nano Materials1614.3K1.7K
109IET Computer Vision26110358
111Journal of Semiconductors5603631
111Applied Intelligence260609488
113IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems45995157
114Fibers and Polymers358312303
114IET Networks458920
116Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics457256184
117IEEE Photonics Technology Letters856333825
117Materials Research Express556209243
119IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing455113180
119IEE Proceedings: Computers and Digital Techniques3552737
121IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics2549931.4K
121Wireless Networks554138337
121Proceedings of the IEEE854921.0K
124IEEE Access11531.7K4.2K
124VLSI Design2537515
126Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine1521.4K1.3K
127IEEE Transactions on Communications550426776
127International Journal of Remote Sensing3507181.4K
129Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical1491.1K1.3K
129Physics of Plasmas7495131.1K
129Micro and Nano Letters549145177
132Optics Communications248395285
132Polymer Engineering and Science1481.9K1.2K
132IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications248796928
132ACS Photonics2489791.6K
136Remote Sensing1477.1K4.5K
136Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology147340150
136IEE Proceedings H: Microwaves Optics and Antennas74737
139Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics746289913
139IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits246397607
139ACS Omega2465.4K4.4K
139Soft Computing1462.0K1.1K
139IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics446251766
144International Journal of Control3447321.0K
145Indian Journal of Physics74331119
145IET Wireless Sensor Systems1437448
145IEE Proceedings H: Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation1043629
145Microsystems and Nanoengineering143300338
149Scientific World Journal, The2421.1K1.7K
149Free Radical Research1421.4K1.8K
149Decision Sciences3422201.2K
149Journal of Geophysics and Engineering142208128
149Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics1427638
154IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science841193579
154IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing341420676
154IET Signal Processing44151125
157Optics Express3402.7K4.4K
157Neural Computing and Applications1402.1K1.6K
157ACS Applied Energy Materials2402.1K2.7K
157ACS Applied Electronic Materials440315599
161IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics239452323
161International Journal of Toxicology139200218
161Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology1396168
164Journal of the Electrochemical Society2382.1K2.8K
164Journal of Physical Chemistry C3385.4K12.0K
164Physica Scripta1381.1K419
164Boletin De La Sociedad Espanola De Ceramica Y Vidrio13863
168Optical Engineering83786205
168Sensors and Actuators A: Physical137201267
168Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry1371.4K1.1K
168Photonic Sensors13711479
172IEEE Wireless Communications Letters336279354
172Cardiovascular Engineering (Dordrecht, Netherlands)2362345
174Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells135390674
174Healthcare Technology Letters2352672
178Photonic Network Communications4345293
179Optics Letters5331.3K3.2K
179Frontiers in Chemistry1332.1K2.1K
179International Journal of Communication Systems333359470
179International Journal of Speech Technology5333287
183Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine1321.9K2.5K
184Applied Soft Computing Journal2313261.2K
184IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems731154577
184IEEE Photonics Journal531246565
184IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 2: Express Briefs231172352
188IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience43054340
188IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing13087157
190Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics1298021.1K
190Telecommunication Systems129508302
190International Journal of Wireless Information Networks2294153
190International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing1293812
190Textile Progress129618
195Eurasip Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology2281433
196Applied Surface Science1271.3K2.1K
196Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing727119512
196IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory1272110
196CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology127126126
196Journal of Optics (India)5273948
202Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision4264741.4K
202Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology1261.3K1.2K
202Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems226296597
202IEEE Systems Journal326352964
202International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields326146200
202Pramana - Journal of Physics82676380
208Journal of the Acoustical Society of America4251.5K3.9K
208Journal of Materials Research1252.3K2.3K
208Computer Communications22555234
208IET Science, Measurement and Technology1257763
213Journal of Systems Architecture1244053
214Neurochemistry International1231.6K2.8K
214Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering223328745
214Advanced Electronic Materials1231.3K1.8K
214International Journal of Electronics Letters423710
214Applied Optics5239844.6K
220Physical Review B3223.9K7.0K
220Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring122173171
220Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease122576205
220Emergent Materials122147172
220IEE Proceedings - Information Security12213
225American Journal of Physics121853636
225Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films2211.1K1.6K
225Asian Journal of Control221420877
225Environmental Science: Nano1211.1K1.5K
225IEEE Power Electronics Magazine1213367
225IET Computer Vision22161155
231IEEE Transactions on Computers2206631.2K
231Electric Power Components and Systems120509406
231Journal of Biological Systems120191194
234PLoS ONE21963.9K64.8K
234Superconductor Science and Technology219203370
234IRE Transactions on Communications Systems319103213
234Journal of Signal Processing Systems31976219
234Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)119311337
234International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management31989184
234CSI Transactions on ICT319917
241Polymer Composites1182.3K2.8K
241IEICE Electronics Express118585196
241IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems1189121.5K
241Fiber and Integrated Optics11810854
241Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering118262219
241IET Electrical Systems in Transportation11897147
241Engineering Reports118104106
250Journal of Cellular Physiology1177.9K14.4K
250Reproductive Toxicology1171.1K2.2K
250AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications21722107
250Journal of Biosciences1176791.1K
250IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine1176245
250ISRN Materials Science117616
250Energy Conversion and Economics1173425
257Journal of Alloys and Compounds1161.1K1.7K
257Journal of Carbon Research116185164
257IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1: Regular Papers216217636
257IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics2161.3K3.1K
257IEEE Electron Device Letters3165251.2K
262Mathematical Problems in Engineering1154.2K2.8K
262Theoretical Chemistry Accounts115825935
262IEEE Microwave Magazine51522155
262Environmental Toxicology1151.7K2.9K
262International Journal of Photoenergy1157651.1K
262Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography115355147
262Journal of Intelligent Systems115115116
262Brain Informatics11545114
262Materials Letters1158871.6K
272Energy & Fuels2142.3K5.7K
272Journal of Biomedical Optics2147442.5K
272Polymers for Advanced Technologies1141.8K2.6K
272Frontiers in Physics214154710
272Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk214231687
272Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism114160104
279Procedia Engineering1137951.1K
279Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology3131.1K2.4K
279IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems213488825
279JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control1138961.3K
279Journal of Network and Computer Applications11380279
279Radio and Electronic Engineer2135539
279IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems21362399
279IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing21378332
279Journal of Pathology Informatics113232570
279Advances in Artificial Intelligence113937
279IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing2131.3K2.6K
292Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation11247213
292IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine112286872
292Experimental Neurobiology112260432
298AIP Conference Proceedings6113.8K3.5K
298IEEE Transactions on Information Theory3117281.7K
298Journal of Supercomputing1111.2K1.4K
298Brazilian Journal of Physics111124119
298Polymers and Polymer Composites111504500
298International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering: [proceedings] International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering11120226
298Nanoscale Advances1111.3K2.0K
298Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering21152115
307Review of Scientific Instruments2102.6K5.7K
307IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications2107631.8K
307IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics210171555
307Imaging Science Journal11092116
307Journal of Electrical Engineering2105983
307Journal of Analytical Science and Technology11093179
313Physical Review A392.2K5.1K
313IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics295321.2K
313Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods192.2K2.0K
313International Journal of Computer Mathematics394391.2K
313Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering19467664
313ETRI Journal1984135
313IEEE Potentials198599
313Expert Systems19499959
313IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine1959147
313International Journal of Dynamics and Control19244275
313International Journal on Digital Libraries1946121
313Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems19282820
313IET Circuits, Devices and Systems19144218
327IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering184.4K2.1K
327Solar Physics18530674
327Crystal Research and Technology283991.0K
327Applied Physics Express18461736
327Advanced Materials Interfaces182.9K5.2K
327BIT Numerical Mathematics18481685
327SN Applied Sciences181.1K2.3K
327ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology18502638
327Cogent Engineering18480671
327Frontiers in Energy18134304
327Energy Systems1883268
339Japanese Journal of Applied Physics371.2K2.7K
339Applied Sciences (Switzerland)1717.6K21.3K
339International Journal of Theoretical Physics171.0K1.0K
339Pattern Recognition Letters1737226
339Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics171.7K3.3K
339Journal of Difference Equations and Applications17500674
339Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews176661.7K
339Flow Measurement and Instrumentation1737176
339IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans17251755
339International Journal of Nanoscience2772275
339IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology173570
339The Integration VLSI Journal1745100
339Journal of Micro/ Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS1757148
339Remote Sensing Letters17326741
339Materials Horizons171.2K2.7K
339Journal of Cytology17147267
339Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity1793313
339OSA Continuum17201327
357BioMed Research International1611.6K26.2K
357Journal of Materials Science Letters562901.4K
357Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing161.4K3.4K
357Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy166751.6K
357Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences6680881
357IEEE Internet of Things Journal261.3K2.8K
357International Journal of Modelling and Simulation2659289
357Pattern Analysis and Applications16253692
357Multimedia Systems16320619
357Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data16135307
357International Journal of Network Management16129231
357ACS Applied Polymer Materials269883.1K
357Active and Passive Electronic Components262577
357Big Data Mining and Analytics1643139
357Defence Science Journal262952
357Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking167021.2K
373Lecture Notes in Computer Science352.0K4.5K
373Journal of Materials Chemistry A155.9K10.2K
373Astrophysics and Space Science151.1K1.2K
373Smart Materials and Structures157531.8K
373Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME158301.5K
373IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems151.5K2.6K
373Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters158541.8K
373Journal of Earth System Science15366739
373Microelectronics International1513
373Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces1556192
373Journal of Location Based Services1529100
373IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology155190
373International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology151647
373IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society15206219
373IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology251530
373Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics257011.6K
373IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence4538258
391Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research142.0K3.7K
391European Physical Journal B149121.9K
391Nonlinear Dynamics142.3K3.9K
391IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation34225914
391Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters14382869
391European Physical Journal Plus141.3K2.2K
391EPJ Applied Physics14283635
391Technology and Health Care146561.4K
391International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems146561.2K
391International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools14126424
391Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing24107537
391MRS Communications14325829
391International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications1468205
391British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science14157118
391Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry142.7K4.8K
407Journal of Physical Chemistry B137.8K17.1K
407Modern Physics Letters B131.1K1.9K
407Electronics (Switzerland)332.2K7.9K
407Science China Information Sciences137831.4K
407Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing131.3K2.3K
407Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing135481.6K
407Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics134691.7K
407Journal of Geometry13258325
407Biomedical Signal Processing and Control13125771
407Journal of Optical Communications and Networking13288600
407International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering13107168
407IET Information Security13176410
407ECS Solid State Letters1325130
407Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications13132163
407IEE Proceedings, Part G: Circuits, Devices and Systems2340118
407Nano Futures1310101
407Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering136575
407IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation2365218
427Journal of Theoretical Biology122.3K6.3K
427Communications in Computer and Information Science12554542
427Journal of Heat Transfer121.1K2.3K
427Journal of Modern Optics226382.4K
427IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control127601.8K
427Chemistry - an Asian Journal122.3K5.3K
427Electrical Engineering12410924
427Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects227272.6K
427Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B12418934
427Journal of Fusion Energy2294228
427Journal of Optical Communications12237316
427Personal and Ubiquitous Computing12276969
427Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA)12216426
427Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves12248630
427European Transactions on Telecommunications12124296
427IET Science, Measurement and Technology12259773
427Journal of Real-Time Image Processing12225687
427Real-Time Systems12107294
427IEEE Magnetics Letters1280258
427Journal of Grid Computing12138492
427Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology12295665
427IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing Over Networks12145336
427IEE Journal on Microwaves, Optics and Acoustics22720
427ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems121670
427IEE Proceedings, Part F: Communications, Radar and Signal Processing2240100
427URSI Radio Science Bulletin12126
427Journal of Signal Processing Systems12164402
427Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing12309784
455Journal of Low Temperature Physics115571.0K
455Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering11559473
455Radiation Effects11192458
455IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing118411.5K
455IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology212531.0K
455Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing114051.0K
455Energy Technology111.4K3.6K
455European Transactions on Electrical Power11364902
455Environmental Chemistry Letters115871.8K
455Journal of Nanophotonics2152411
455Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering11256708
455IETE Journal of Education Online111467
455Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences11164401
455Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering11101291
455International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore)11255711
455Big Data1160417
455Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications1199350
455Fractal and Fractional111.1K2.0K
455IEEE Networking Letters1149114
455Noise Mapping1133107
455IEEE Letters of the Computer Society11217
455Journal of Ceramics11528
455International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology1186133
455IET Systems Biology11225863
455Oxford Open Materials Science111466
455Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing116881.7K
481Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings203.0K5.8K
481IFAC Postprint Volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control108691.5K
481Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology101.4K2.9K
481IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems10295548
481Journal of Plasma Physics105191.2K
481Laser Physics104731.1K
481Acta Polymerica1093239
481Quantum Information Processing107981.5K
481Resonance - Journal of Science Education104538
481Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics1075165
481IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting10246615
481IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics105781.1K
481Machine Vision and Applications103881.3K
481IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing10277858
481Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing102349
481Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies203331.7K
481Physical Communication2047397
481Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy1075244
481IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics1090237
481IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management104771.1K
481IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials10252831
481Scientia Iranica10445937
481Journal of Medical Imaging104351.4K
481IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine1034193
481IEEE Embedded Systems Letters3017303
481IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking10276663
481IEE Proceedings, Part G: Electronic Circuits and Systems1053113
481SN Computer Science202281.2K
481Acoustics Australia1046177
481IEE Proceedings, Part J: Optoelectronics1048110
481IEE Proceedings, Part A: Science, Measurement and Technology102550
481Journal of Communications Software and Systems102586
481SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science1046114
481IEE Journal on Solid-State and Electron Devices20920
481International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems10167539
481Informacije MIDEM10523
481International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking1085266
481Springer Proceedings in Physics10164239
481European Physical Journal Special Topics106241.1K
481ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities201080
481IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging101.5K3.7K
481IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings101340
481SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences2024179
481Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences10103
481ECS Meeting Abstracts20660312
481International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management101624
481IEEE Journal of Microwaves1042123
481International Journal of Computers and Applications10125514
481Gold Bulletin1059208
481Proceedings of the ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications109497