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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Mathematical Programming772,503320
2Physical Review Letters191,892910810
3Journal of Cryptology101,033179
5Journal of Graph Theory7688013
6Review of Financial Studies1827306
7IEEE Transactions on Information Theory2680191148
8Physical Review A23742520500
9Mathematics of Operations Research237361230
10Computational Optimization and Applications196521315
11Designs, Codes, and Cryptography2663483
12Communications in Mathematical Physics5584333146
13IEEE Transactions on Computers11580165119
14Nature Medicine15345.5K4.7K
15Canadian Journal of Mathematics18465153
16IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems343937177
17Random Structures and Algorithms264061441
19Combinatorics Probability and Computing243891316
21IEEE Signal Processing Magazine137425291
23Graphs and Combinatorics23350154
24Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications2129841138
25International Journal of Quantum Information4295314
26Journal of Mathematical Cryptology1029321
27Journal of Combinatorial Optimization62849212
28Journal of Combinatorial Designs2228273
29Annals of Combinatorics1825767
30Aequationes Mathematicae20236117
31Cell Host and Microbe12301.8K1.7K
32Neural Computation1223915317
33IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence12191.2K740
34IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery2208487268
35Reviews of Modern Physics1201311659
35Journal of Global Optimization920177125
37New Journal of Physics5197192226
37Nature Physics4197222617
39Journal of Mathematical Physics13185277354
40Optimization Methods and Software81783845
42Computers and the Humanities1151397
43PRX Quantum51442835
44Set-Valued and Variational Analysis5138815
45Management Science1121681578
45Annals of Operations Research9121110382
47Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society411928467
47Mathematical Methods of Operations Research211916537
49Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics111161642
50IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems / Technical Operations Committee110113880
51Mathematical Programming Computation894232
52Probability Theory and Related Fields289232202
53Operations Research182389307
54Optimization and Engineering4792649
55Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing5781822
55Review of Derivatives Research1781615
57Foundations of Computational Mathematics57142123
58Theory of Computing Systems5675157
61Transportation Science263193344
62IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing261152160
63Discrete and Computational Geometry85977201
64Linear and Multilinear Algebra658216190
65Mathematische Annalen155640374
65International Journal of Systems Science355587566
67IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers154894599
68Physical Review Research1501.1K381
69Physical Review B3493.9K5.3K
70American Mathematical Monthly547210273
70BIT Numerical Mathematics147481248
72Experimental Mathematics4465663
72Review of Economic Design1469028
74Lecture Notes in Computer Science4441.6K1.2K
75European Journal of Combinatorics11421540
76Canadian Mathematical Bulletin74191144
77INFORMS Journal on Computing64045279
78Israel Journal of Mathematics238437338
79Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical536141394
81Quantum Information Processing434262419
81Quantum Science and Technology1347282
83Duke Mathematical Journal132142142
84Journal of Finance231176798
84Geographical Analysis131309395
84A I I E Transactions1314844
84IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics1312.0K2.6K
88IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs1301.1K740
88Periodica Mathematica Hungarica13030674
88Npj Quantum Information33072236
88IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging1301.5K2.2K
92Discrete Mathematics8293387
92Foundations of Physics129346212
94IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing128841848
95Journal of Computational Biology126762859
96BMC Bioinformatics1254.4K5.4K
96Computing (Vienna/New York)125450440
98Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research124203145
99IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering1238811.0K
99Compositio Mathematica223188259
99Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance1232353
99Journal of Physics A223223445
104Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society222147121
104LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics1226748
104ORSA Journal on Computing1223368
107AIP Conference Proceedings3216.8K2.0K
108Numerische Mathematik120603720
108Engineering With Computers120567733
108Set-Valued and Variational Analysis120158100
111Telecommunication Systems118508464
111Forum of Mathematics, Sigma3186477
113Operations Research Letters21762103
114Dalton Transactions1165.2K6.7K
114The Open Book Series116337
116Computers and Chemical Engineering115137286
116Quantitative Finance215290674
116Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems1153840
119Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research3142.6K8.5K
119Monatshefte Fur Mathematik114508351
119IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing114493595
119Zeitschrift Fuer Operations-Research, Serie B: Praxis3142072
119Acta Arithmetica114434257
124Optimization Letters213259494
124Computer Science - Research and Development11358
124Electronic Journal of Combinatorics5131222
127IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques2128481.8K
128Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik111320363
128IET Information Security111176232
130BioMed Research International11011.6K22.6K
130Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A Pure Mathematics and Statistics21052133
130Computational Economics31076486
130RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications1106260
134Discrete Applied Mathematics4999490
134Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications29207262
134Research in Mathematical Sciences19134102
134International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory291120
138Journal of Physics: Conference Series187.2K3.6K
138Electronics Letters282.0K3.4K
138Geometriae Dedicata28328493
138International Transactions in Operational Research18349827
138Mathematical Physics Analysis and Geometry18110157
138International Journal of Data Science and Analytics1842120
144Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering175331.1K
144Mathematical Intelligencer17224224
144Selecta Mathematica, New Series37109252
144Electronic Journal of Combinatorics273766
148Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society16371491
148Transformation Groups16172205
150International Journal of Information Security15120304
150Groups, Complexity, Cryptology153942
150Milan Journal of Mathematics15215
153International Journal of Theoretical Physics141.0K1.2K
153Archiv Der Mathematik14776905
153Abstract and Applied Analysis141.3K1.5K
153Journal of Physics Communications1446186
153Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering141018
160Journal of High Energy Physics238071.4K
160Inventiones Mathematicae13323561
160SIAM Journal on Computing231110
160Journal of Applied Mathematics139221.6K
160SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics83224
160Science China Mathematics13566857
160Ramanujan Journal13400495
160RAIRO - Operations Research13227485
160Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering13101229
160European Journal for Philosophy of Science13146258
160Mathematical Research Letters13239377
160International Mathematics Research Notices33279813
160SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization138771
160Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science2328
174Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society12556936
174Journal of Geometry12258393
174Reviews in Mathematical Physics12142362
174Mathematical Structures in Computer Science12159327
174Journal of Scheduling12187538
174Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery12210598
174Computational Complexity1299171
174Communications in Number Theory and Physics1294159
183Physical Review D112.7K4.1K
183Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation112.6K5.4K
183IEEE Power Engineering Review11111162
183Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences11334625
183Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences11301652
183Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications11232431
183ACM Transactions on Algorithms211690
183Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics1166155
183Science Bulletin111.3K2.7K
193Physical Review E105.7K11.2K
193International Journal of Quantum Chemistry102.2K4.9K
193Journal of Craniofacial Surgery103.6K8.3K
193Mathematische Zeitschrift205511.3K
193Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo10253584
193Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization106061.3K
193SIAM Journal on Optimization2030184
193Systems and Computers in Japan106821.3K
193Annals of Applied Probability10155320
193Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences10245534
193Multimedia Systems10320949
193Advances in Geometry10111327
193Discrete Optimization1025150
193Arabian Journal of Mathematics1077326
193Acta Numerica1041184
193SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry101056
193Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics10118274
193Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms1034160
193IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM)10158303
193Documenta mathematica series10413
193European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications102134