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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
2Hydrology and Earth System Sciences6482191136
3International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering5424452241
4Agricultural Water Management13921569
5Transportation Research Record8339368195
6Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America133837.8K25.9K
7Journal of Structural Engineering330521595
8Climatic Change3279417350
9Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering426516285
11Pure and Applied Geophysics3182293114
12Water (Switzerland)27160149646
13Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America2154387217
14Water Science and Technology9148464689
15Accident Analysis and Prevention2147628463
16Earthquake Spectra613563114
17Transportation Science1125332201
18Journal of Hydraulic Engineering51245397
19Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering311658124
20Hydrological Sciences Journal5113130319
21Geophysical Research Letters31052.6K3.5K
22Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences296302287
23Risk Analysis293480585
24Water Resources Research5848032.0K
26Construction and Building Materials1668076
27Journal of Hydroinformatics66041147
28Structure and Infrastructure Engineering259245222
29Coastal Engineering Journal3573846
31Applied Sciences (Switzerland)9552.2K4.5K
32Environment and Planning A154579572
33Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie151296137
34IET Renewable Power Generation150663466
34Industrial Health150472314
34Acta Geotechnica250306329
37Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME245801846
38Journal of Central South University144894315
39Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics343360726
39International Journal of Disaster Risk Science2434299
41Hydrological Processes2411.1K1.9K
42Seismological Research Letters43798255
43Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME136598326
44Scientific Reports43528.1K53.0K
44International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction135103274
47Applied Soft Computing Journal2333261.1K
48Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE432113480
48Regional Environmental Change232238714
50Journal of Raman Spectroscopy1311.5K1.6K
50River Research and Applications331182550
52Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design130158272
52Geosciences (Switzerland)330206452
55Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans1281.3K1.4K
55International Journal of Architectural Heritage42855143
58Environmental Management1278951.4K
58Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering427186435
58Building Research and Information127218335
58Road Materials and Pavement Design327176407
62Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering126243345
62Transport Reviews126174332
64Advances in Meteorology225176349
65Journal of Biomechanics1242.4K3.4K
65Natural Hazards4243601.8K
67International Journal of Pavement Engineering423176493
67International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering123514644
69Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth1221.3K1.7K
69Journal of Environmental Management2222.1K7.8K
71Water Research1213.0K6.4K
71Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCE22192273
71Frontiers in Built Environment121182188
71Earth System Science Data221309893
75Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research1205.2K7.5K
75Innovative Infrastructure Solutions52069150
78Journal of Hydraulic Research/De Recherches Hydrauliques319165486
78Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology31965202
78International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology11912375
81Fibers and Polymers118815920
81International Journal of Material Forming118205185
81Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology118126541
84Frontiers in Psychology1177.1K9.4K
84Water Management3173297
86Chemical Communications1168.2K11.9K
86Ground Water1169611.8K
86Transportation Planning and Technology116240285
86Structural Concrete516134580
90International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability115124281
91Canadian Geotechnical Journal214296867
91Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering114467923
91Environmental Fluid Mechanics114206351
91Materiales De Construccion2141144
95Geophysical Journal International1131.1K1.6K
95Journal of Aerospace Engineering113157270
95Project Appraisal1132430
100Science of the Total Environment11212.8K25.8K
100Transportation Letters21260220
102Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings211117231
102Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids111332399
102Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research11193224
105Arabian Journal of Geosciences1101.8K1.9K
105Environment, Development and Sustainability1109181.9K
105BIO Web of Conferences11070261
105Water Policy110238543
105Human Nature110147381
110Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE19316704
110Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport2942126
110International Journal of Strategic Property Management19111231
110Transportmetrica B19110171
114Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology28281939
114Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk18432880
114Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education183992
114Urban Transformations18517
119Applied Optics271.2K2.6K
119Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE17248658
119Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering175781.0K
119International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems176221.2K
123KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering266271.5K
123Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology162.2K6.0K
123Structural Engineering International: Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)2651199
123Journal of Marine Science and Engineering261.2K2.6K
123Natural Hazards Review16134320
123Journal of Porous Media16482596
130RSC Advances1514.9K24.4K
130Environmental Geochemistry and Health151.0K2.3K
130Minerals (Basel, Switzerland)251.1K3.1K
130Computer Applications in Engineering Education25132970
130Water Practice and Technology4530464
130Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering15142294
130Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration15280475
130Revista De Ingenieria1555
139AIP Conference Proceedings346.8K7.0K
139Geophysical Prospecting14426822
139Water Resources Management148662.2K
139International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology141.4K3.7K
139Nature Geoscience148952.1K
139International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks147561.7K
139Journal of Advanced Transportation146341.4K
139Structural Control and Health Monitoring146221.3K
139Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications14327480
139Cuadernos De Investigacion Geografica141987
150Environmental Science and Pollution Research1310.0K18.6K
150E3S Web of Conferences331.7K2.3K
150IEEE Sensors Journal133.5K6.0K
150International Journal of Climatology131.6K3.6K
150Journal of Earthquake Engineering13461926
150Granular Matter13302647
150Journal of Infrastructure Systems13116389
150Coastal Engineering Proceedings13147138
150International Journal of Sediment Research1315161
150Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering135486
161IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering222.6K5.0K
161International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology123.1K5.3K
161Proceedings (mdpi)121.3K1.3K
161Journal of Coastal Research129061.8K
161Electronics (Switzerland)124.9K8.6K
161Water International12219764
161Frontiers in Earth Science125981.6K
161Knowledge Management Research and Practice1246266
161Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement1278279
161European Transport Research Review1276300
161Journal of Applied Research and Technology228101
161Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: Pavements1251122
161International Research Journal of Engineering IT & Scientific Research2265
161Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA12294910
175Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering11295918
175Journal of Civil Engineering and Management21178799
175Journal of Flood Risk Management11161820
175DYNA (Colombia)21217
175Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice1160161
175Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering11107265
175Revista CientÍfica Ingeniar: IngenierÍa, TecnologÍa E InvestigaciÓn1111
175Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering111.5K3.8K
184IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science202.6K6.5K
184IEEE Access109.2K15.7K
184MATEC Web of Conferences102.8K4.7K
184Materials Research Express101.4K4.1K
184IEEE Latin America Transactions1016104
184SN Applied Sciences101.1K4.7K
184Journal of Earth System Science103661.0K
184Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation101.0K3.5K
184Future Internet105841.9K
184Earth and Space Science105401.7K
184ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering1072186
184Revista Ingenieria De Construccion1018
184Heat Transfer Research10366743
184Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance1071215
184Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation1081208
184Urban, Planning and Transport Research1051151
184History of Geo- and Space Sciences20337
184Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications10343439
184WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment105401.5K
184WIT Transactions on the Built Environment10561935
184International Journal of Physical Sciences and Engineering4029
184International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities20520
184Civil Engineering Journal (Iran)20164818
184International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology1013948
184Discover Applied Sciences1072207