531(top 1%)
17.6K(top 1%)
58(top 1%)
125(top 1%)
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citing journals

Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
2IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence131,131151247
3Nucleic Acids Research31,1246.7K2.2K
4Nature Genetics18708.8K6.1K
5Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA4610399145
6IEEE Transactions on Image Processing3507639334
7IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering4462188110
8Cell Metabolism13532.8K2.2K
9PLoS Genetics13518.3K3.6K
10IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking8338126120
11Machine Vision and Applications43003413
12IEEE Transactions on Information Theory12287225350
13VLDB Journal227910040
15IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics5271145117
16Journal of Biomedical Informatics102661785
17Journal of Cryptology32324242
18Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence17196217
19IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing21821.3K605
20Surgical Innovation31786214
21Database: the Journal of Biological Databases and Curation3159227280
22Plant Systematics and Evolution1149782189
23Lecture Notes in Computer Science17142365429
23Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations6142139100
25Theory and Practice of Logic Programming17141519
26IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing3138444331
27Journal of Biomechanics11362.4K911
28Artificial Intelligence in Medicine313471159
29Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering3133135
30BMC Genomics41302.1K3.3K
31IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation11231.3K608
32Npj Computational Materials1122466182
33PLoS ONE811823.3K47.1K
34Nature Medicine11155.5K10.0K
35Journal of the American College of Radiology11131.2K297
36Molecular Ecology11093.9K3.1K
37IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience210813787
38Journal of Applied Physics11079.2K4.0K
39Fundamenta Informaticae91011749
40IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics199192111
41IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics498261416
41Acta Arithmetica19843442
44Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision195271115
45Journal of Software: Evolution and Process1944125
46BMC Bioinformatics5901.0K2.5K
47International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications18910425
48Remote Sensing2864.6K2.8K
50IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering68192162
51Analytica Chimica Acta1803.1K2.3K
52Knowledge and Information Systems179455231
53Designs, Codes, and Cryptography772113147
54IEEE Access4713.9K3.5K
54IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications271498687
56Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions170804717
57Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics4681.1K2.2K
58Gait and Posture1671.4K813
58Communications Biology1675.0K1.7K
60Requirements Engineering2663264
61G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics1652.2K1.3K
62Scientific Reports26244.0K39.1K
63Science Advances15910.8K13.3K
63Internet of Things (Netherlands)15936
65International Journal of Computer Vision258285468
65Foundations of Computational Mathematics35874145
67Journal of Computer Science and Technology253222138
68IEEE Transactions on Computers352505788
69Journal of Visualized Experiments2515.1K1.5K
70Mathematical Problems in Engineering1504.2K951
71Journal of Complexity64758
72American Mathematical Monthly646174277
72Animal Genetics146976777
74International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks145756287
74Empirical Software Engineering345115231
76Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America14037.8K63.9K
77IEEE Transactions on Big Data137181125
77IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging1371.5K2.1K
81Environmental Pollution1365.1K7.6K
81Computers and Mathematics With Applications336152354
81BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making536961.1K
84Journal of Applied Physiology1354.4K5.6K
85Genome Biology1342.5K4.6K
85Journal of Supercomputing234649654
87IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology2331.3K1.9K
87IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems233455747
89Software Testing Verification and Reliability5321172
90Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society2313.2K3.8K
91Journal of Microscopy1301.5K1.8K
92Osteoarthritis and Cartilage1292.3K3.4K
92American Journal of Pathology1294.5K8.7K
92Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing229405273
95International Journal of Drug Policy1289471.2K
95Applied Artificial Intelligence22890207
95Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease1282.0K4.1K
95Multimedia Systems128320230
95Advances in Botanical Research1281532
100IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid1277021.0K
100International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering127210110
102Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics226405577
102Numerical Algorithms426222546
104Numerische Mathematik225392662
105Journal of Hepatology1243.4K6.8K
105Wireless Personal Communications4245811.0K
107FASEB Journal12322.0K17.8K
107International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering1231.7K2.0K
107Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: CJASN2231.1K3.3K
107IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems1231.8K2.0K
111Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society1022139254
111Computing (Vienna/New York)122450494
113ACM Transactions on Graphics1213671
113Graphs and Combinatorics121713314
113Stem Cell Reports1212.3K4.9K
118IEEE Systems Journal2205501.1K
118Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering120281259
120Visual Computer219287594
122Acta Mathematica Hungarica118686337
122International Journal of Computer Mathematics418320796
122Software - Practice and Experience61890537
122Computational Complexity1189993
1223D Research1185163
127IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2164581.1K
129Journal of Biological Chemistry11518.0K29.5K
129Mathematical Programming115626891
129International Journal of Intelligent Systems1158571.2K
132Journal of Computational Biology1147621.2K
132Data and Knowledge Engineering114329
132Journal of Intelligent Information Systems21484355
132Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications114338240
132Discrete Optimization1142540
132Journal of Computer Security11480136
132Earth and Space Science114540583
139Systematic Biology1131.1K2.6K
139IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications1136952
141Signal Processing: Image Communication112124243
141Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation112186231
141BioData Mining112174414
141Journal of Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation1121025
141JMIR Medical Informatics112206629
141Communications in Information and Systems1125759
148Frontiers in Neuroscience2112.6K9.5K
148Computer Communications111167412
148BMC Proceedings111495496
148Electronics (Switzerland)2113.1K4.8K
148International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science111259289
148Constructive Approximation111250330
148IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering1112.3K4.4K
156Nature Communications11027.0K44.9K
156Pharmaceutical Research1102.3K5.1K
156Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering1108371.5K
156Pervasive and Mobile Computing11068246
156Journal of Medical Internet Research1101.7K4.3K
161Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling198631.9K
161IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine19286926
161International Journal on Digital Libraries1946121
161Linguistic Typology193436
165IEEE Software2858291
165Personal and Ubiquitous Computing18276728
165Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing1899304
165Cell and Bioscience283532.0K
165International Journal of Wireless Information Networks1888189
171Applied Soft Computing Journal176672.1K
171IETE Journal of Research17536543
171Machine Learning17434787
171International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems2742186
171Distributed and Parallel Databases17107244
171Kidney Medicine17312460
177Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications169802.1K
177MATEC Web of Conferences162.8K1.5K
177Biology Open161.1K3.7K
177Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM16207427
177International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics162998
177JBMR Plus165311.3K
186Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention155.5K12.9K
186Journal of Clinical and Translational Science15534625
186Journal of Engineering Education158963.1K
186IET Computer Vision15249658
186Data Intelligence15231814
191Frontiers in Endocrinology143.6K9.6K
191IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security147561.3K
191Plant Biotechnology Journal141.3K3.3K
191Theory of Computing Systems14283443
191Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research142.0K6.0K
191Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics144840
191JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics14479821
191Artificial Intelligence Research14922
191Transactions on Rough Sets14119
203Methods in Molecular Biology1310.0K14.8K
203CAD Computer Aided Design1397320
203European Journal of Combinatorics13316520
203BIT Numerical Mathematics23297860
203Telecommunication Systems135081.1K
203IEEE Internet of Things Journal132.0K3.2K
203Periodica Mathematica Hungarica13306441
203Acta Informatica13246412
203Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications13366810
203Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments13154573
203Cryptography and Communications3351240
203Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms2314133
203International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences232084
218Frontiers in Oncology127.4K16.9K
218IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing129981.9K
218Scientific Data221.2K6.3K
218International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields125401.3K
218Advances in Cancer Research12159939
218SIGMOD Record1271147
218Science in China Series F: Information Sciences12106265
225Journal of Craniofacial Surgery113.6K7.5K
225Discrete Applied Mathematics11475999
225Journal of Approximation Theory1175246
225Image and Vision Computing1126149
225IEEE Transactions on Multimedia11467736
225International Journal of Medical Informatics116923.0K
225Aging Cell112.5K8.1K
225Applied Mathematics11255411
225International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems11229838
225Logic Journal of the IGPL11146387
225Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems11127362
225International Journal of Semantic Computing1138203
225Applied Network Science11111400
225IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking11237526
225Statistics and Its Interface11331574
225ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning11518
225Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Proceedings of the International Conference on2121152
242Critical Care Medicine104.6K11.7K
242Journal of Immunology1014.2K26.4K
242Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy106.8K15.0K
242Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing105751.1K
242Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems102.2K5.0K
242Soft Computing102.0K4.9K
242Computer Graphics Forum104481.1K
242Cluster Computing107702.2K
242Journal of the ACM10112301
242Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment103297
242Journal of Logic and Computation10197549
242European Review1078389
242Journal of Automated Reasoning10147337
242ACM SIGACT News101640
242ACM SIGART Bulletin1077
242Mathematical Systems Theory2063259
242International Journal of Image and Graphics1075342
242Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology1088309
242International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications1045266
242Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization10152849
242Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage1022211
242International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design1021163
242IEEE Transactions on Games1049206
242Studies in Health Technology and Informatics10678855
242Journal of High Altitude Ballooning1010
242IJCAI: Proceedings of the Conference10323592
242Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium Series1053