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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1European Physical Journal C391,333148161
2Physical Review D151,095658360
3European Physical Journal Plus32595923
4Modern Physics Letters A19554174
5International Journal of Theoretical Physics163086535
6International Journal of Modern Physics D102744652
7International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics12268205
8Astrophysics and Space Science12234186100
9Fortschritte Der Physik14204215
10Physics of the Dark Universe61861134
11Journal of Biological Systems1218555
12Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing91636725
13Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics2161422279
14Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations7128109123
15Indian Journal of Physics51186225
16International Journal of Modern Physics B5116267114
17Astrophysical Journal11142.0K1.4K
18Linear and Multilinear Algebra211054388
19Mathematics and Computers in Simulation5105941
20New Astronomy29672
21Chinese Physics B190946123
21Acta Mechanica590311322
24Decision Sciences187851730
25Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society3822.7K2.4K
25Journal of Mathematical Chemistry88282127
27Finance Research Letters1806047
28Physica Scripta778105182
29Computational and Applied Mathematics12731748
30Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences1068269553
30Gravitation and Cosmology76858
33Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering26717956
34Pure and Applied Geophysics266423363
36Annalen Der Physik46370182
37Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation1625423
38International Journal of Computer Mathematics861125232
39Scientific Reports45928.1K40.3K
39International Journal of Modern Physics A559116187
39Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas Y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas45911359
42Acta Mathematica Hungarica355306116
43Chinese Physics C4536180
44International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids252603611
44Advances in High Energy Physics4523578
46Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements1499244
46Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering449304398
48Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications248876832
48Nonlinear Engineering14814439
50Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)345337240
51Annals of Physics14413573
54Canadian Journal of Physics34181108
55Physics of Fluids11405202.4K
56Chinese Physics Letters239429230
56Nonlinear Dynamics3391.1K1.9K
56Natural Hazards2397851.3K
56Colloid Journal2398858
60Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk137432331
62AIP Conference Proceedings18361.3K1.1K
64Transport in Porous Media235389555
66Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics3336933
66Advances in Operations Research133379
68General Relativity and Gravitation431173356
68Numerical Heat Transfer; Part A: Applications131608484
68Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology131608732
68AIMS Mathematics431518233
72International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering130514510
73Autism Research1291.5K1.9K
73International Journal of Computational Methods129290130
75Journal of Biosciences128679705
76Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications327152318
76Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science42759121
78Ocean Engineering126253371
78International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics92641181
81Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy22511997
81Journal of Seismology125155153
81Quality Technology and Quantitative Management32556149
84Physical Review Letters1245.9K8.7K
84Journal of Engineering Design124128172
86Journal of Fluid Mechanics4231.2K4.0K
86PLoS Computational Biology1236.2K9.5K
89Communications in Algebra622498715
89ISME Journal1222.6K5.5K
89Journal of Difference Equations and Applications522109312
89Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society1222720
89Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology122228249
94Astronomische Nachrichten221363365
94Multimedia Tools and Applications3211.2K2.1K
94Operations Research Letters12114974
94Journal of Porous Media121482276
98Journal of Heat Transfer3205391.3K
98Arabian Journal of Geosciences3207621.2K
98International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation32065126
101Europhysics Letters1198871.2K
101Graphs and Combinatorics319316350
101Complex Analysis and Operator Theory319137157
101Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society419124176
105Journal of Scientific Computing618229825
105AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics7181033
107Physical Review A4171.9K4.3K
107Journal of Inequalities and Applications317598572
107Survey Review1179372
107International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management41768207
111Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung - Section A Journal of Physical Sciences116866661
111Communications in Theoretical Physics216187254
111Wireless Personal Communications2161.1K1.4K
111Journal of Applied Mathematics116922534
111Results in Mathematics116630301
111Studies in Applied Mathematics116147153
117Journal of Theoretical Biology1152.3K3.8K
117Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics215405839
117Journal of Earth System Science215205438
117Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications115340386
117Chinese Journal of Physics1153054
117Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications115346359
117Advances in Astronomy115102112
117Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering1151.2K905
117Journal of Testing and Evaluation1159697
126Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science1141.3K1.2K
126International Journal of Multiphase Flow1141745
126Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability114317242
126The National Academy of Sciences, India114214130
126Natural Resource Modelling21487219
126Afrika Matematika214156119
126Annals of GIS21465190
126Journal of Mathematics214377269
134ZAMM Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik213515820
134JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control1138961.3K
134Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing3132181.2K
134Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics213183353
134Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences21389107
134Communications in Mathematics and Statistics1135444
140IEEE Transactions on Information Theory3127281.7K
140Soft Computing1122.0K2.7K
140Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section A312116125
140Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics112222195
140Journal of Industrial Engineering International11267137
140Advances in Difference Equations1121.0K1.0K
146Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy1116751.2K
146International Journal of Geomechanics211170502
146International Journal of Dynamics and Control31153233
146International Journal of Differential Equations3111368
150Journal of Mathematical Physics3101.1K2.5K
150IEEE Transactions on Computers1109671.5K
150Computer Communications110167427
150International Journal of Biomathematics210192404
150Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems110128149
155Designs, Codes, and Cryptography19575615
155IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine19512878
155Analysis (Germany)196243
158Classical and Quantum Gravity18467733
158International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering181.2K2.0K
158Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME181.1K1.4K
158Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering18488811
158Mathematical Modelling and Analysis2880235
158Journal of Numerical Mathematics2842135
165ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces1714.7K27.0K
165Computers and Mathematics With Applications17494969
165Water (Switzerland)176.8K9.8K
165Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo17253222
165International Journal of Number Theory27192340
165Communications in Applied Numerical Methods1796122
165Ricerche Di Matematica1791122
165Arabian Journal of Mathematics177788
165Physical Review Fluids177511.1K
165Computational and Applied Mathematics17166364
175Journal of Applied Physics169.2K15.0K
175Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME161.3K2.0K
175Computer Graphics Forum16448821
175Wave Motion16108243
175Eurasian Soil Science16136217
175Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization26340796
175Integral Transforms and Special Functions16350449
175Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering16298456
175Applied Mathematics and Optimization16445603
175Acta Geophysica16335612
175IMA Journal of Management Mathematics1666182
175Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications16232177
175Journal of Analysis461386
189Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology152.5K5.4K
189Amino Acids151.7K4.1K
189IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing158411.3K
189International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering15234324
189ANZIAM Journal15184251
189International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics2545246
189Fractal and Fractional255851.3K
189Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems25836
189Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization15104111
189Astronomy and Astrophysics151.6K2.3K
189Boundary Value Problems15634626
201Lecture Notes in Computer Science144.1K4.8K
201Physical Review E243.9K9.8K
201Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology141.4K2.3K
201Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society14849979
201International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences246431.1K
201Mathematical Biosciences146431.8K
201Results in Physics14160396
201Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling14196754
201International Journal of Electrochemistry1419131
201International Journal of Analysis34149
201GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics1446123
201Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics24217800
214Linear Algebra and Its Applications131760
214International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry131.2K3.1K
214Semigroup Forum23315644
214Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations13443595
214RAIRO - Operations Research3380485
214Journal of Physics Communications1346222
214Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications13132163
214CEAS Space Journal132791
214Research in Number Theory2372140
214Numerical Mathematics133192
214Advances in Operator Theory331854
214Journal of Hardware and Systems Security131365
214Defence Science Journal134984
214IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering132.3K5.4K
214Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik139151.4K
231Journal of Physics: Conference Series224.5K7.8K
231European Physical Journal D127441.5K
231Geophysical Journal International121.1K2.4K
231Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics12118222
231SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis1286120
231Computer Journal124791.3K
231Heat and Mass Transfer127021.7K
231Aequationes Mathematicae12343598
231Acta Applicandae Mathematicae321781.1K
231Journal of Quality Technology12116258
231Journal of Algebra and Its Applications22356843
231Quaestiones Mathematicae12358516
231Mathematica Slovaca12414568
231Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences5250369
231Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing12215629
231International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing12224554
231Waves in Random and Complex Media12295681
231Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis12296642
231Monte Carlo Methods and Applications1291146
231Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics3260319
231Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems12308433
231Nonlinear Oscillations12913
231Vietnam Journal of Mathematics12129257
231Evolution Equations and Control Theory121743
231Computational and Mathematical Biophysics42498
231Acta Arithmetica22277625
231Estudios De Economia Aplicada (discontinued)1296122
231Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society2290290
260IEEE Access413.9K14.5K
260Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods211.4K3.6K
260Discrete Applied Mathematics11475999
260Quality and Reliability Engineering International119222.3K
260Journal of Cluster Science118562.1K
260Periodica Mathematica Hungarica11306577
260Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics213401.0K
260Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics11375680
260Algebra Colloquium31110452
260International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics11188636
260Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics3136277
260Scientia Iranica11445684
260Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations112589
260Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory111532
260International Journal of Partial Differential Equations11817
260Journal of Scientific Research and Reports11265366
260Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics113666
260WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences11647301
279IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science202.6K6.5K
279Mathematische Zeitschrift107711.3K
279AIP Advances103.7K8.4K
279Pramana - Journal of Physics10100277
279Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Rivista Internazionale Della Società Italiana Di Fisica10145248
279Monatshefte Fur Mathematik105081.1K
279Wireless Networks108202.0K
279Numerical Algorithms204551.6K
279Quantum Information Processing107981.5K
279Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering20115265
279Journal of Geometric Analysis106421.0K
279Journal of Combinatorial Optimization105431.2K
279Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems10520713
279Computational Mathematics and Modeling1046139
279Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society1084310
279Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems10248565
279Georgian Mathematical Journal10299584
279Asian-European Journal of Mathematics10280573
279Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics10290453
279Asymptotic Analysis10204461
279Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM10207632
279Journal of Health Management1053278
279Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations10115267
279Journal of Applied Analysis10110316
279Cryptography and Communications10141320
279Numerical Analysis and Applications1053116
279European Journal of Mathematics10138340
279Collectanea Mathematica1071259
279Journal of Computational Design and Engineering10232792
279Acta Mechanica Et Automatica2050220
279Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering102292
279Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport1037102
279Special Matrices1086192
279Letters in Biomathematics10101124
279Springer Proceedings in Physics10164239
279European Journal of Sustainable Development (discontinued)1049147
279Comptes Rendus De L'Academie Bulgare Des Sciences1012498
279Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications1063147
279Pramana - Journal of Physics105701.3K