# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | SymPy: symbolic computing in Python | PeerJ Computer Science | 0 | 942 |
2 | f(R,T) gravity">Modeling wormholes in f(R,T) gravity | Physical Review D | 2017 | 175 |
3 | Probing the interaction between dark matter and dark energy in the presence of massive neutrinos | Physical Review D | 2016 | 169 |
4 | The simplest non-minimal matter–geometry coupling in the f(R, T) cosmology | European Physical Journal C | 2017 | 154 |
5 | Echo of interactions in the dark sector | Physical Review D | 2017 | 150 |
6 | Cosmology with hybrid expansion law: scalar field reconstruction of cosmic history and observational constraints | Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | 2014 | 139 |
7 | f(Q) gravity">Energy conditions in f(Q) gravity | Physical Review D | 2020 | 126 |
8 | Dark sector interaction: a remedy of the tensions between CMB and LSS data | European Physical Journal C | 2019 | 121 |
10 | Literature survey on low rank approximation of matrices | Linear and Multilinear Algebra | 2017 | 108 |
11 | f(Q) gravity">Cosmography in f(Q) gravity | Physical Review D | 2020 | 106 |
12 | Wormholes in $$R^2$$ R 2 -gravity within the f(R, T) formalism | European Physical Journal C | 2018 | 102 |
13 | Nonexotic matter wormholes in a trace of the energy-momentum tensor squared gravity | Physical Review D | 2018 | 99 |
14 | Traversable wormholes and energy conditions with two different shape functions in f(R) gravity | International Journal of Modern Physics D | 2019 | 97 |
15 | Nonlinear analysis of traffic jams in an anisotropic continuum model | Chinese Physics B | 2010 | 90 |
16 | Workforce-constrained Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Using Evolution Strategies | Decision Sciences | 2000 | 87 |
17 | Anisotropic cosmological models in f(R,T) gravity with variable deceleration parameter | International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics | 2017 | 86 |
18 | Validation of energy conditions in wormhole geometry within viable f(R) gravity | European Physical Journal C | 2019 | 86 |
19 | Traversable Wormhole Geometries in Gravity | Fortschritte Der Physik | 2021 | 82 |
20 | Forecasting directional movements of stock prices for intraday trading using LSTM and random forests | Finance Research Letters | 2022 | 80 |
21 | Observational constraint on interacting Tsallis holographic dark energy in logarithmic Brans–Dicke theory | European Physical Journal C | 2019 | 76 |
22 | ΛCDM model">Constraints on a Bianchi type I spacetime extension of the standard ΛCDM model | Physical Review D | 2019 | 68 |
23 | Wormholes in exponential f(R, T) gravity | European Physical Journal C | 2019 | 68 |
24 | LRS Bianchi type-I cosmological model in f(R,T) theory of gravity with Λ(T) | Astrophysics and Space Science | 2015 | 66 |
25 | Baryogenesis in $$f(Q,{\mathcal { T}})$$ gravity | European Physical Journal C | 2020 | 65 |
26 | Higher Dimensional Cosmological Models Filled with Perfect Fluid in f(R,T) Theory of Gravity | International Journal of Theoretical Physics | 2013 | 64 |
27 | Wormhole modeling supported by non-exotic matter | Modern Physics Letters A | 2019 | 63 |
29 | Cosmic acceleration in a dust only universe via energy-momentum powered gravity | Physical Review D | 2018 | 62 |
30 | Global stability and Hopf-bifurcation of prey-predator system with two discrete delays including habitat complexity and prey refuge | Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | 2019 | 62 |
31 | A periodic varying deceleration parameter in f(R, T) gravity | Modern Physics Letters A | 2018 | 61 |
32 | Non violation of energy conditions in wormholes modeling | Modern Physics Letters A | 2019 | 59 |
33 | Traversable wormholes in f(R) gravity with constant and variable redshift functions | New Astronomy | 2020 | 57 |
34 | f(Q,T) gravity models with observational constraints">f(Q,T) gravity models with observational constraints | Physics of the Dark Universe | 2020 | 56 |
35 | Axially symmetric cosmological model in f(R, T) gravity | European Physical Journal Plus | 2014 | 54 |
36 | Kaluza–Klein cosmological model in f(R, T) gravity with Λ(T) | Indian Journal of Physics | 2016 | 53 |
37 | Probing kinematics and fate of the Universe with linearly time-varying deceleration parameter | European Physical Journal Plus | 2014 | 52 |
38 | Newton method to obtain efficient solutions of the optimization problems with interval-valued objective functions | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing | 2017 | 52 |
39 | Magnetized strange quark model with Big Rip singularity in f(R, T) gravity | Modern Physics Letters A | 2017 | 52 |
40 | Anisotropic dark energy model with a hybrid scale factor | Modern Physics Letters A | 2015 | 51 |
41 | Entropy Generation and Thermal Radiation Analysis of EMHD Jeffrey Nanofluid Flow: Applications in Solar Energy | Nanomaterials | 2023 | 51 |
42 | Cosmological models with a hybrid scale factor in an extended gravity theory | Modern Physics Letters A | 2018 | 50 |
43 | Universe Filled with Dark Energy (DE) from a Wet Dark Fluid (WDF) in f(R,T) Gravity | International Journal of Theoretical Physics | 2013 | 49 |
44 | Cosmological parameter analyses using transversal BAO data | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2020 | 49 |
45 | Measurements of $$H_0$$ and reconstruction of the dark energy properties from a model-independent joint analysis | European Physical Journal C | 2021 | 49 |
46 | Mathematical modeling of oscillating water column wave energy converter devices over the undulated sea bed | Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements | 2020 | 49 |
47 | Isotropization of locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi-I universe in f(Q)-gravity | European Physical Journal C | 2022 | 49 |
48 | Phantom fluid supporting traversable wormholes in alternative gravity with extra material terms | International Journal of Modern Physics D | 2018 | 48 |
49 | Impact of temperature dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity on MHD blood flow through a stretching surface with ohmic effect and chemical reaction | Nonlinear Engineering | 2021 | 48 |
50 | Modeling and analysis of magnetic hybrid nanoparticle (Au-Al2O3/blood) based drug delivery through a bell-shaped occluded artery with joule heating, viscous dissipation and variable viscosity effects | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering | 2022 | 48 |