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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of Food Science201,421214101
2Soil Science Society of America Journal16778106115
3Journal of the American Water Resources Association936210369
5Agronomy Journal13317171175
6Journal of Environmental Quality1228697261
7Food Chemistry42571.7K1.4K
8Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE31706326
9Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE31689463
10Environmental Science & Technology21635.9K6.9K
11Cereal Chemistry814879151
12Applied Spectroscopy11371.3K366
13Journal of Food Protection2136979572
14Crop Science4132638663
15Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy111516037
16Drying Technology4112235277
17Biotechnology and Bioengineering21092.0K2.1K
18Plant Physiology1966.3K8.7K
19Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL584218265
20Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry4793.2K8.1K
21Water Resources Research2751.7K2.2K
22Weed Science67489199
23Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry171260206
23The Journal of Microwave Power3712216
25Weed Research46097249
26Journal of Food Processing and Preservation357590512
27IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement1562.2K992
28Ground Water249485971
28Biotechnology Advances1497362.0K
31Seibutsu Kankyo Chosetsu [Environment Control in Biology136517
32Earth Surface Processes and Landforms1351.1K1.2K
33Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture2342.0K3.8K
33Hydrological Processes1341.8K2.1K
35Peanut Science52768113
36Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition1261.4K3.0K
36Precision Agriculture126256416
38Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems22555118
39Weed Technology424120253
40Journal of Separation Science1222.5K2.9K
40International Journal of Food Properties1221.0K1.2K
42Food Science and Technology International121197334
42Plant Production Science121126180
44Applied Bionics and Biomechanics111278372
45Journal of Food Quality1107271.3K
46International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering19345267
47Water Policy18238615
47International Journal of River Basin Management18120321
47World Mycotoxin Journal18206451
50Textile Reseach Journal175751.1K
52Journal of Microscopy161.5K3.9K
54ACS Symposium Series153.8K4.8K
54Physiologia Plantarum152.7K5.9K
54International Journal of Food Engineering15231464
57Bioenergy Research144451.2K
58Review of Scientific Instruments134.2K8.1K
58IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications131.2K2.1K
58Bee World1341100
62JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society121.6K3.6K
64Journal of Apicultural Research113651.3K
64IEEE Transactions on Industry and General Applications21831
66Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE10225725
66Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation101.0K3.5K
66IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation1060144