# | Title | Journal | Year | Citations |
1 | Nanocomposite Edible Films from Mango Puree Reinforced with Cellulose Nanofibers | Journal of Food Science | 2009 | 335 |
2 | Nanocellulose Reinforced Chitosan Composite Films as Affected by Nanofiller Loading and Plasticizer Content | Journal of Food Science | 2010 | 323 |
3 | Understanding and Enhancing Soil Biological Health: The Solution for Reversing Soil Degradation | Sustainability | 2015 | 284 |
4 | Grass Barrier and Vegetative Filter Strip Effectiveness in Reducing Runoff, Sediment, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Loss | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 2004 | 201 |
5 | Novel Umami Ingredients: Umami Peptides and Their Taste | Journal of Food Science | 2017 | 168 |
6 | Measurement of the Absorption and Scattering Properties of Turbid Liquid Foods Using Hyperspectral Imaging | Applied Spectroscopy | 2007 | 137 |
7 | Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Online Particle Size Analysis of Powders and Ground Materials | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy | 2001 | 115 |
8 | Quantitative determination of major polyphenol constituents in pomegranate products | Food Chemistry | 2012 | 115 |
9 | Yield Editor: Software for Removing Errors from Crop Yield Maps | Agronomy Journal | 2007 | 113 |
10 | Sediment Transport Model for Seepage Erosion of Streambank Sediment | Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE | 2006 | 103 |
11 | Physical and Antibacterial Properties of Edible Films Formulated with Apple Skin Polyphenols | Journal of Food Science | 2011 | 102 |
12 | Ultraviolet Radiation—An Effective Bactericide for Fresh Meat | Journal of Food Protection | 1987 | 101 |
13 | The Effects of N Nutrition on the Water Relations and Gas Exchange Characteristics of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) | Plant Physiology | 1986 | 96 |
14 | Maize Production Impacts on Groundwater Quality | Journal of Environmental Quality | 1991 | 92 |
15 | Watershed Vulnerability to Losses of Agricultural Chemicals: Interactions of Chemistry, Hydrology, and Land-Use | Environmental Science & Technology | 2000 | 91 |
16 | Evaporation Research: Review and Interpretation | Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE | 2005 | 87 |
17 | EFFECT OF A POINT SOURCE INPUT ON STREAM NUTRIENT RETENTION | Journal of the American Water Resources Association | 2001 | 84 |
18 | Soil Water Storage in Dryland Cropping Systems: The Significance of Cropping Intensification | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 1998 | 81 |
19 | Kinetic modeling for enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated creeping wild ryegrass | Biotechnology and Bioengineering | 2009 | 77 |
20 | Effect of Ultrasonic Treatment of Brown Rice at Different Temperatures on Cooking Properties and Quality | Cereal Chemistry | 2010 | 76 |
21 | Watershed Vulnerability To Herbicide Transport in Northern Missouri and Southern Iowa Streams | Environmental Science & Technology | 2003 | 72 |
22 | Estimating Soil Moisture Under Low Frequency Surface Irrigation Using Crop Water Stress Index | Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCE | 2003 | 72 |
23 | Grass Barriers for Reduced Concentrated Flow Induced Soil and Nutrient Loss | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 2004 | 71 |
24 | Relationship of Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity to Claypan Soil Properties | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 2005 | 71 |
25 | Review of Methods for the Detection and Determination of Malachite Green and Leuco-Malachite Green in Aquaculture | Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry | 2019 | 71 |
26 | The soil health assessment protocol and evaluation applied to soil organic carbon | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 2021 | 71 |
27 | Thermal Transitions and Extrusion of Glycerol‐Plasticized Whey Protein Mixtures | Journal of Food Science | 2008 | 68 |
28 | Influence of infrared drying on storage characteristics of brown rice | Food Chemistry | 2018 | 64 |
29 | Soybean Root Distribution Related to Claypan Soil Properties and Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity | Crop Science | 2007 | 62 |
30 | FRACTALS AND THE RIVER-LENGTH CATCHMENT-AREA RATIO | Journal of the American Water Resources Association | 1988 | 61 |
31 | Catalytic Infrared Dehydration of Onions | Journal of Food Science | 2006 | 59 |
33 | Numerical Modeling of Bank Instability by Seepage Erosion Undercutting of Layered Streambanks | Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE | 2008 | 58 |
34 | A General Computer Program for Precise Calculation of Dielectric Properties from Short-Circuited Waveguide Measurements | IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement | 1974 | 56 |
35 | Tillage and Crop Influences on Physical Properties for an Epiaqualf | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 2004 | 56 |
36 | Ultraviolet‐B Radiation Induced Cross‐linking Improves Physical Properties of Cold‐ and Warm‐Water Fish Gelatin Gels and Films | Journal of Food Science | 2012 | 56 |
37 | Compositional and Sensory Comparisons between Normal- and High-Oleic Peanuts | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2006 | 55 |
38 | Gelation, Oxygen Permeability, and Mechanical Properties of Mammalian and Fish Gelatin Films | Journal of Food Science | 2011 | 55 |
39 | Effect of pulsed light on activity and structural changes of horseradish peroxidase | Food Chemistry | 2017 | 50 |
40 | Can wildfire serve as an ecohydrologic threshold‐reversal mechanism on juniper‐encroached shrublands | Ecohydrology | 2014 | 49 |
41 | Extracellular fungal polyol lipids: A new class of potential high value lipids | Biotechnology Advances | 2018 | 49 |
42 | Simple Derivation of the Retardation Equation and Application to Preferential Flow and Macrodispersion | Ground Water | 1991 | 48 |
43 | Estimating Plant‐Available Water Capacity for Claypan Landscapes Using Apparent Electrical Conductivity | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 2007 | 48 |
44 | Concentrated flow erodibility for physically based erosion models: Temporal variability in disturbed and undisturbed rangelands | Water Resources Research | 2012 | 47 |
45 | Estimating a Soil Quality Index with VNIR Reflectance Spectroscopy | Soil Science Society of America Journal | 2015 | 47 |
46 | SWATMOD‐Prep: Graphical User Interface for Preparing Coupled SWAT‐MODFLOW Simulations | Journal of the American Water Resources Association | 2017 | 47 |
47 | Formation Conditions, Water-vapor Permeability, and Solubility of Compression-molded Whey Protein Films | Journal of Food Science | 2003 | 45 |
48 | Yield Potential of Soybean Grown under a Subirrigation/Drainage Water Management System | Agronomy Journal | 1991 | 42 |
49 | Changes in Grain Sorghum Stomatal and Photosynthetic Response to Moisture Stress across Growth Stages1 | Crop Science | 1984 | 39 |
50 | Moisture Removal Characteristics of Thin Layer Rough Rice under Sequenced Infrared Radiation Heating and Cooling | Journal of Food Processing and Preservation | 2014 | 37 |