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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
1Journal of Fluid Mechanics612,38579133
2Physics of Fluids501,8324933
3Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism56553.9K2.1K
4Journal of Engineering Mathematics204401312
5Lancet, The24325.9K6.8K
6Mathematische Zeitschrift174219244
7Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America441415.8K22.4K
8Random Structures and Algorithms36382547
9Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences173703166
10Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics234545155
11Bulletin of Mathematical Biology1330066115
12PLoS ONE728926.2K23.2K
13Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice12862.7K205
14Sports Medicine12831.0K455
15Archiv Der Mathematik3527838
16ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations22769417
17Journal of Mathematical Biology1124890172
18Inventiones Mathematicae7241107137
19IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics2023629
19Combinatorics Probability and Computing31236832
21Journal of Statistical Physics8227169175
22Physical Review E132118921.6K
23Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience1210563
25Nature Plants1191892693
26Machine Learning2188242171
28Journal of the Royal Society Interface9187155841
30Journal of Theoretical Biology9181168446
30Interface Focus41814556
32Physical Review Letters31803.4K4.1K
33Journal of Global Optimization1017170150
33Geometric and Functional Analysis31718857
35Nature Communications516810.6K20.6K
35Journal of the American Statistical Association41688261.4K
37Royal Society Open Science11166102306
38Journal of Graph Theory141657678
39Acta Mathematica11619856
39Philosophical Transactions Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences3161492449
41Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics121573771
42Reviews of Modern Physics1156311738
43Journal of High Energy Physics6152500459
44Journal of Clinical Periodontology31518271.0K
45Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology1149853163
46Ground Water2141485296
47British Journal of Psychiatry21401.8K2.3K
48Ultrasonics Sonochemistry6138208665
49Geometriae Dedicata161362346
50Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society191332497
53Journal of Experimental Biology21242.3K2.1K
54Physical Review Fluids1211666121
55Waste Management11151.4K1.1K
55Applicable Analysis611521291
57Journal of Geophysical Research11124.1K3.5K
58Resultate Der Mathematik6111136
59Journal of Group Theory1610922
60Combustion Theory and Modelling51073753
64New Phytologist21003.2K4.5K
65Nature Biomedical Engineering1996711.1K
65Fundamenta Mathematicae8993614
67International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology59819361
68PLoS Computational Biology5971.5K4.0K
69Communications in Algebra279675228
69Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications796256480
69Molecular Human Reproduction1961.1K662
72Developmental Cell1902.9K3.8K
73Scientific Reports78817.6K31.4K
74Mathematische Annalen987157256
75Mathematical Intelligencer3867929
76American Journal of Physical Anthropology1842.4K1.7K
77Journal of Materials Chemistry1832.6K2.7K
78Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society9821.5K2.4K
78Journal of the Operational Research Society28211277
78Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering7821641
81International Journal of Computer Mathematics481320159
81European Physical Journal: Special Topics98138206
81Journal of Heuristics18111065
84Communications in Partial Differential Equations280252182
85Israel Journal of Mathematics147976188
86Soft Matter5761.1K2.1K
87LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics975112
88Forum of Mathematics, Sigma974710
89Research Synthesis Methods172351284
90The Lancet Global Health1711.5K1.7K
91Applied Artificial Intelligence17024946
92IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing269831958
92Plant Cell1692.6K4.1K
94Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology2661.1K1.1K
94PLoS Pathogens1665.7K7.0K
96Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis265354379
96Illinois Journal of Mathematics165725
98British Journal of Nutrition1644.2K3.8K
99European Journal of Combinatorics9632013
99Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics263350469
102Physics of Life Reviews261115211
103International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids258603558
104Journal of Clinical Epidemiology1572.5K2.4K
104Graphs and Combinatorics857110128
104Analysis and PDE4575765
107Stochastic Processes and Their Applications3567838
107International Journal of Clinical Practice1562.1K871
110Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems653130194
111Nature Methods2521.3K4.7K
111Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization352302493
113Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms451116
115American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology1502.6K2.7K
115Journal of Geometric Analysis850109146
115Optimization and Engineering15017492
115Npj Biofilms and Microbiomes150256308
119Journal of Bone and Mineral Research1484.9K7.3K
119Discrete Applied Mathematics5486976
119Integrative Biology (United Kingdom)148542758
119IMA Journal of Management Mathematics2482812
123Frontiers in Microbiology1478.6K8.9K
123Mathematische Nachrichten74797188
123Mathematical Programming447237587
126Operations Research246235463
126International Mathematics Research Notices746162151
128Biophysical Journal5452.3K5.4K
128Annals of Operations Research3454971.0K
128Annals of Human Biology245405572
128Naval Research Logistics145396308
128Clinical Otolaryngology145294326
133European Physical Journal E244205269
133European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids14414752
135American Mathematical Monthly542210299
136Communications in Mathematical Physics641301717
136Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME341486589
136Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation1411.4K442
136Experimental Mathematics8411869
140Human Reproduction1404.5K5.2K
140Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society340229
140Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications140366229
140Flow, Turbulence and Combustion14016373
144Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas Y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas239217104
145Journal of Experimental Botany1382.8K3.8K
145Journal of Sports Sciences2387321.5K
147International Journal of Modern Physics A137525267
147Journal of Computational Chemistry1372.2K2.3K
147Experiments in Fluids437296694
147Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society8371467
147Transformation Groups5373982
152American Journal of Cardiology1362.8K3.5K
152International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering1361.7K1.6K
152Results in Mathematics236342128
152Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision33694232
152Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics33658197
157Clinical Endocrinology1354.1K5.5K
157Journal of Oral Microbiology135321318
159Annals of Clinical Biochemistry1341.2K1.1K
159Geophysical Prospecting134426353
159BMC Biology1341.4K2.2K
162Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao132435268
162Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications7321516
162Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology2323814
165Applied Physics Letters2316.9K10.5K
165Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal131810868
167Materials Science and Engineering C1304.5K7.4K
167Statistics in Medicine2301.9K2.7K
169Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations42977
170Mathematical Gazette4028722
170Mathematical Medicine and Biology32835188
172European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery1272.6K2.7K
173Nature Genetics1268.8K17.3K
173Acta Mathematica Hungarica426225262
173Journal of the Operations Research Society of China2266243
173Electronic Journal of Combinatorics12610311
178Astrophysical Journal1252.0K2.4K
178Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series B Applied Mathematics12511489
180Discrete Mathematics424100116
180Pediatrics International1242.0K1.5K
180Statistical Papers124517303
180Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications42494289
185Water Resources Research1232.8K4.2K
185Journal of Affective Disorders1235.4K7.9K
185Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics72311112
185Human Fertility123226212
189Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods4228981.2K
189Algebra and Number Theory122214151
194Journal of Colloid and Interface Science1215.0K8.4K
194Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering221301821
194Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics1212.3K3.9K
194Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering1211.3K1.1K
194Mathematical Biosciences221308976
194Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics72146245
194Dynamic Games and Applications12112487
194Journal of Complex Networks22156110
202Journal of Physical Chemistry B1207.8K13.0K
202Physics of Plasmas1201.9K1.9K
202Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene1201.2K1.7K
202Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces1203.7K6.8K
202Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences4207791.5K
202Optimization Letters220259347
208Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik219587702
209Analyst, The1183.9K6.0K
209Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena21880213
209Mathematical Research Letters218143129
209Electronic Research Archive11833826
213Journal of Chemical Physics3174.4K9.5K
213Physical Review C1171.1K1.2K
213Journal of the London Mathematical Society1173624
213Journal of Cell Science1176.3K11.7K
213Trends in Ecology and Evolution1171.3K2.8K
213International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering2177341.4K
213Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society317392456
213Quaestiones Mathematicae317137142
213Compositio Mathematica217188298
213International Polymer Processing117259197
213Advances in Geometry2174247
213Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis11770136
213Environmental Economics and Policy Studies117100122
226Cell Reports11610.4K20.9K
226Mathematics of Operations Research116455653
226International Journal of Computational Methods216137251
226Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering116281295
226Plant Methods1164641.0K
231Fluid Dynamics Research31530198
231Forum Mathematicum315130198
231Climate of the Past115413724
231Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications1152017
236Frontiers in Immunology11410.6K17.4K
236Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME114602785
236Nagoya Mathematical Journal41497227
236Statistical Modelling114171264
236Sankhya A1149225
236Communications in Mathematical Sciences414121262
242Journal of Biomechanics1132.4K4.4K
242Theoretical Computer Science1132731
242Diabetic Medicine2131.5K5.5K
242Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics113482511
242Biological Rhythm Research113375304
242Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications11377129
242Engineering Education1131935
242Acta Arithmetica213277277
251Fertility and Sterility1124.1K7.3K
251Journal of Physics Condensed Matter1122.0K2.8K
251Probability Theory and Related Fields112342471
251Journal of Motor Behavior112508900
251Journal D'Analyse Mathematique212175303
251Studies in Applied Mathematics31238171
251Optimization Methods and Software51265570
251Algebras and Representation Theory312116216
251Applied Spectroscopy Reviews112197624
251Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics112124122
262Scientific World Journal, The1112.5K5.4K
262International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology1111.6K4.9K
262Journal of Mathematical Chemistry111638660
262Artificial Intelligence in Medicine1113061.5K
262Letters in Mathematical Physics211303458
267Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision1101.4K2.1K
267PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases1105.0K10.0K
267Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata31096366
267Nature Chemical Biology1101.9K4.8K
267Linear and Multilinear Algebra210543667
267Electronics (Switzerland)1104.9K5.1K
267Neural Computation1109151.8K
267Mathematical Logic Quarterly31094227
267Journal of Combinatorial Optimization110543598
267Journal of Hydrodynamics110294419
267Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems110248225
267Georgian Mathematical Journal110299142
267Primary Health Care Research and Development110315526
267Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics110253389
267International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education1105182
267Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations1108190
284Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society5959403
284Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology193.9K7.7K
284European Journal of Sport Science197381.6K
284Revista Matematica Complutense197084
284Journal of Porous Media29277489
289Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics187071.2K
289Computers and Mathematics With Applications18494918
289Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences281.9K8.4K
289European Physical Journal B189121.5K
289Science Advances1810.8K25.8K
289Neural Networks189072.4K
289Advanced Science186.2K12.0K
289Glasgow Mathematical Journal18372391
289Science China Mathematics18566600
289Archive for Mathematical Logic28153230
289Statistics and Computing48134725
289European Journal of Applied Mathematics5847476
289Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management2851290
289Mathematical Finance18158313
289Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics2840129
289Advanced Intelligent Systems186681.1K
308Methods in Molecular Biology276.5K11.6K
308Journal of Mathematical Physics271.4K2.9K
308Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical176481.0K
308Pest Management Science171.3K3.0K
308Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology171.8K4.7K
308Soft Computing172.0K3.3K
308Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation276631.4K
308Nano Research172.2K4.1K
308Journal of Scientific Computing374221.1K
308Integral Transforms and Special Functions17350411
308Applied Mathematics17255155
308Ethnicity and Health173881.3K
308Collectanea Mathematica1771117
308Sankhya B177588
324Chemical Engineering and Technology161.1K2.1K
324Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik26204432
324Journal of Geometry16258243
324Annals of Applied Probability26103123
324Constructive Approximation16250390
324Annales De L'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics168342
324Zeitschrift Fuer Operations-Research, Serie B: Praxis1673113
324Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery16210509
324Selecta Mathematica, New Series26156268
324ANZIAM Journal5628219
324IET Electrical Systems in Transportation1697223
324Analytical Science Advances1641126
337Journal of the Acoustical Society of America153.6K6.2K
337QJM - Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians151.2K3.0K
337American Statistician156681.6K
337Doklady Physics159397
337Microfluidics and Nanofluidics156731.6K
337Journal of Elasticity25185523
337Annales Henri Poincare15261385
337Annals of Applied Statistics15310400
337Colloquium Mathematicum15307314
337Journal of Integrable Systems151229
349IFAC Postprint Volumes IPPV / International Federation of Automatic Control14869597
349Journal of the Electrochemical Society143.1K5.6K
349Journal Physics D: Applied Physics141.9K4.0K
349Journal of Symbolic Logic24287688
349Annals of Mathematics14164353
349Journal of Central South University148941.7K
349European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology145221.2K
349Molecular BioSystems141.4K3.8K
349Statistical Methods in Medical Research141.1K2.2K
349IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis14262515
349Cambridge Journal of Education14134371
349Journal of Computational Neuroscience144171.1K
349Computational Methods and Function Theory14203276
349Zentralblatt Für Didaktik Der Mathematik143393
349Big Data1460327
349MSOR Connections1431
349PNAS Nexus144951.4K
368AICHE Journal231.2K4.2K
368Solar Physics13530793
368Age and Ageing132.0K4.5K
368Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society133177
368Quarterly Journal of Mathematics13176288
368Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics131.3K3.5K
368Computational Optimization and Applications13456980
368Applied Mathematics and Optimization23263731
368Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics13226527
368Information Services and Use131057
368Journal of Museum Education13368609
368Cogent Engineering232441.1K
368Electronic Journal of Probability2358116
368Journal of Evolution Equations13253427
368Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems1399326
368Dynamical Systems13133275
368Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry132.7K5.1K
385AIP Conference Proceedings229.0K9.6K
385Journal of the Physical Society of Japan121.1K2.0K
385Acta Mechanica121.1K2.1K
385General Relativity and Gravitation12495821
385SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing2250143
385Zeitschrift Für Physik C-Particles and Fields12121185
385Numerische Mathematik126031.1K
385Journal of Applied Statistics129882.3K
385Microvascular Research127062.5K
385Discrete and Computational Geometry12452743
385Journal of Algebra and Its Applications12612843
385Abhandlungen Aus Dem Mathematischen Seminar Der Universitat Hamburg1267154
385Indagationes Mathematicae1264183
385Computational Statistics12447997
385Journal of Nonparametric Statistics12383761
385Mathematical Structures in Computer Science12159327
385Archive for History of Exact Sciences12107262
385Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology12139408
385Journal of Mathematical Sociology1296317
385Journal of Derivatives1264244
385Arabian Journal of Mathematics1277222
385Studia Mathematica12404664
385Fixed Point Theory and Applications12367545
385Albanian Journal of Mathematics122631
412Nuovo Cimento1167113
412Microbiology (United Kingdom)113.1K7.3K
412Macromolecular Rapid Communications112.0K4.8K
412Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics111.2K2.3K
412Biometrical Journal111.1K2.4K
412Manuscripta Mathematica11414776
412Canadian Mathematical Bulletin115781.0K
412Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology111.4K4.2K
412Water Science and Technology: Water Supply117892.3K
412International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence114071.4K
412SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics312196
412Journal of Biophotonics111.5K4.9K
412International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics11422857
412Journal of Theoretical Probability11386708
412Bulletin of Symbolic Logic11135221
412Bayesian Analysis11120262
412International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management11111315
412Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems1129114
412ESAIM - Probability and Statistics1149174
412European Journal of Mathematics11138264
412Research in Mathematical Sciences11134267
412RSC Medicinal Chemistry114761.4K
412Dynamical Systems1145133
412Tambov University Reports Series Natural and Technical Sciences1133
412Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S1185168
412International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering115141.8K
412SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization1187161
412International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification2148233
412European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications211322
442Journal of Biological Chemistry1018.0K32.4K
442Lecture Notes in Computer Science104.1K7.6K
442Optics Express104.9K8.9K
442Clinical Infectious Diseases204.1K16.1K
442Dalton Transactions105.2K10.0K
442International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology103.1K5.8K
442BMC Public Health107.4K16.6K
442Physics in Medicine and Biology102.3K5.3K
442European Respiratory Journal801.3K9.7K
442Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition102.8K4.5K
442Journal of Visualized Experiments1010.9K15.3K
442Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society106951.6K
442BMC Health Services Research104.2K9.9K
442Genome Biology102.5K6.2K
442Clinical Science30228624
442International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences101.0K1.8K
442Philosophical Magazine and Journal10305672
442Journal of Plasma Physics105191.2K
442Demonstratio Mathematica10230502
442IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics108472.5K
442Interdisciplinary Science Reviews1096360
442Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics105941.2K
442Theory of Computing Systems10283608
442Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology1085203
442Pacific Journal of Mathematics10317613
442Journal of Nonlinear Science10377817
442Singapore Economic Review10160557
442Geometry and Topology10212366
442Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research10203675
442Ecological Complexity1023134
442Springer Optimization and Its Applications103392
442Journal of Probability and Statistics10112447
442Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica10122269
442SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science1046114
442Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly10117212
442Electronic Journal of Combinatorics10122200
442Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering20113221
442Boundary Value Problems106341.1K
442World Scientific Series in 20th Century Physics10118
442SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences2024179
442IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging10192551
442Proceedings of the Design Society102970
442Zeitschrift Für Physik A, Atomic Nuclei103663
442Theoretical and Natural Science10183
442Public Health Challenges1087212