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Top Journals (by citations)

#JournalArticlesCitationsR ARankR CRank
2Journal of Difference Equations and Applications152571315
3Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods6185609153
4Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences11177241182
5Advances in Difference Equations1717478112
6Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society111731.3K1.7K
7Obesity Reviews11691.4K1.1K
8Abstract and Applied Analysis1416610346
9Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering616582187
10Journal of Scientific Computing14162101172
11Computers and Mathematics With Applications415710154
12European Journal of Clinical Nutrition11492.2K988
13Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems1213633
14Numerische Mathematik3134300246
15Journal of the American Statistical Association71335001.6K
16Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations7126109127
17Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications21161135
18Science China Mathematics29937087
19Journal of Biomechanical Engineering1931.5K758
20BMC Bioinformatics2882.6K2.5K
20Applied Mathematics Letters388180126
22International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering385763925
23International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment183471311
24IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics177424473
24International Journal of Neural Systems177450246
26Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations16722325
27Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy165541269
28Statistical Methods in Medical Research1641.1K532
28Biomarker Research164301188
28Annales Polonici Mathematici264925
31Applicable Analysis663212197
32Communications in Computational Physics262128102
33IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis36095130
34Advanced Nonlinear Studies4524842
35IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems1481.8K1.4K
35Canadian Journal of Statistics84896247
37Mathematical Research Letters24614344
38Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics444177347
38IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems4445661.2K
40Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata14333884
40Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society14351764
43Integral Transforms and Special Functions241214111
44PLoS ONE44040.9K64.8K
44Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing340272193
46Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics439154124
47Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena138180108
47PLoS Genetics1388.3K14.1K
49Mathematische Nachrichten436239271
49International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences636199227
49Journal of Mathematical Chemistry136638287
49Boundary Value Problems436220132
53Journal of Inequalities and Applications733282374
53Communications in Mathematical Sciences233225128
55IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science1321.0K674
56Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications1309975
57American Statistician129668778
58Acta Mathematica Hungarica128686239
59Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications3276331.2K
59Communications in Partial Differential Equations227252350
59Advances in Computational Mathematics327164319
62Nutrition Journal1267101.5K
62Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering126297215
64Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications225159179
64Statistics in Medicine1252.9K3.0K
64Lab on A Chip1252.7K4.5K
64Journal of Biological Dynamics125225250
68Applied Mathematics and Computation12482125
68Frontiers in Neurology1244.7K5.6K
68Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications1244011
71Mathematics and Computers in Simulation123184273
72Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics222374462
72Physical Review Applied1221.3K1.3K
72Physiological Genomics1221.4K2.9K
72Mathematica Slovaca222214112
72Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis122296288
77Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics12113159
78Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics120487421
78Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity12093162
80Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation518339890
80International Journal of Computer Mathematics218659796
80Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society118371257
80International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control1181.4K1.6K
80Stochastic Analysis and Applications118486366
85American Mathematical Monthly417274539
85Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation417321843
85Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal117295121
88Biometrical Journal1161.1K899
88Inventiones Mathematicae116323482
88Analysis and PDE216104194
91College Teaching1151527
91ANZIAM Journal31558104
93Philosophical Magazine and Journal114305504
93Demonstratio Mathematica2149460
93Journal of NeuroVirology1148511.5K
93Statistics and Computing214267588
93Journal of Transportation Safety and Security114147172
93International Mathematics Research Notices214353388
99American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse1137431.4K
99Nexus Network Journal1139658
102Environmental Science & Technology2125.9K19.6K
102Computer Physics Communications112215518
102European Physical Journal: Special Topics1127241.1K
102Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization212340572
102Glasgow Mathematical Journal112372275
102Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik112915912
108Microfluidics and Nanofluidics1116731.3K
108Physical Review Fluids111751907
111Mathematische Annalen210441802
111Colloquium Mathematicum31095193
113Functional and Integrative Genomics195671.2K
114Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference2872196
114Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society286061.1K
114International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation18247293
114Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S188543
118Energy & Fuels173.7K6.9K
118International Journal of Control171.6K2.4K
118Experimental Gerontology171.7K5.1K
118Israel Journal of Mathematics27437733
118IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics178471.6K
118BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making171.1K2.9K
118ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis17196389
118Complex Analysis and Operator Theory27224334
118Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems27822
127Mathematical Gazette16391126
127Monatshefte Fur Mathematik36211572
127Canadian Mathematical Bulletin56128611
127Zeitschrift Für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Verwandte Gebiete16201296
127Georgian Mathematical Journal5643215
127Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena16193442
127Arabian Journal of Mathematics167799
127Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations165365
136Communications in Mathematical Physics255911.2K
136Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids15332584
136Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations25186504
136Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications15338420
136Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials15255629
136Environmental Economics and Policy Studies15100243
142Transportation Research Record141.6K2.9K
142Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di Palermo24119298
142Designs, Codes, and Cryptography14575808
142Statistical Papers14517801
142Scandinavian Journal of Statistics24216776
142Analysis (Germany)242874
142Journal of Function Spaces14710754
142Lifetime Data Analysis14301552
142Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems14308322
153Mathematical Problems in Engineering134.2K6.6K
153Communications in Algebra231.1K1.7K
153Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME131.3K2.3K
153Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science131.3K2.5K
153SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing2350109
153Journal of Applied Statistics235292.1K
153Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics23263851
153Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics13303660
153Computational Optimization and Applications13456980
153Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems13248386
153Asymptotic Analysis13204301
153Annals of Combinatorics23150442
153Journal of Function Spaces and Applications1367127
153Computational Particle Mechanics13102288
153Statistics and Its Interface13331436
153Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Mathematics1366103
153Set-Valued and Variational Analysis1361166
153Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics13399869
153Zeitschrift Für Mathematische Logik Und Grundlagen Der Mathematik135778
173Journal of Fluid Mechanics122.9K5.8K
173Journal of the Franklin Institute12102389
173ZAMM Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik323201.8K
173Physics of Fluids123.6K6.1K
173Nonlinear Dynamics122.3K4.2K
173SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis1286120
173Journal of Multivariate Analysis12278647
173Results in Mathematics22342846
173International Journal of Analysis122471
173Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification123666
173Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation1292164
173ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis122758
185Mathematical Notes11156254
185Archiv Der Mathematik117761.2K
185Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry118272.5K
185Journal of Theoretical Probability11386708
185Journal of Nonparametric Statistics31117862
185Sequential Analysis11199408
185Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics11157452
185Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics11253693
185Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing11186443
185Statistics and Risk Modeling112660
185Journal of Insect Science1127221
198IEEE Access109.2K15.7K
198Scientific World Journal, The102.5K9.8K
198Statistics and Probability Letters104041.0K
198SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis10171246
198Journal of Applied Mathematics109222.3K
198Integral Equations and Operator Theory10477891
198Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society10290743
198Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society Series A Pure Mathematics and Statistics10114344
198Journal of Combinatorial Designs10264531
198Advances in Geometry10111327
198Set-Valued and Variational Analysis10158351
198IEEE Transactions on Big Data10181503
198Applied Network Science10111460
198Nano LIFE1073437
198Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology1067222
198Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications103899
198Fractal and Fractional101.1K2.3K
198Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences101018
198Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics10394